✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Oh, Belovéd Child, your Heart is like honey to Me, and My Love for you is Eternal and infinite. I am the breeze that cools you and the laughter that bubbles up from you. Silly Child, you need only call Me, and I am with you like a Loving Parent dotes over His Belovéd Child.
Belovéd Children, it is at My Holy Behest that the M Ost Blesséd and Most Loving Mother goes to you and with pleas upon Her Tongue. Her Great Love for Her Beatific Son is solid and unyielding. Her Heart is such that she Loves all things and all of My Children, even though so many continue to wound the Heart of the Living Christ. You cannot continue to scoff at and dismiss or deride the Christ Jesus whose blood is spilt for you. How the whole of Heaven is wounded by your piercings.
I Am for you as each of you is for Me. I call out to you every moment that you might turn to Me with Great Love and Fealty. Belovéd Children, you cannot live or Love without the Holy and Sanctified breath blown into your mouths. My Holy breath is sweet and filled with My Love and Great Desire to give to you My Mercy.
Oh, Belovéd Children, trust in Me. How can you have such confidence in this temporal and most violent World and yet question All that I AM and all that I give to you? How is it that the World I have placed you in from your first human breath until your very last replace the One who Created You? How can My Beauteous Children replace the Heart of Love? And with what means will you live, when you dismiss the Love of God?
Oh, Children, Love the Christ Jesus who is My Most Belovéd Treasure and the King of Heaven and Earth. Worship Him with all that you are, for the Son of Man has beaten down sin for your sake and saves each of you by redemption and Mercy. How can you turn away the One who gives you new Life? He is My Most Belovéd Son, and when you deride orinsult the Son, so does the Father deride you. When you dismiss or ignore he Christ Jesus, so you will be ignored by His Most Devoted and Loving Father. When you do not know Him, My Belovéd and Treasure Son, how shall I know you? There is no admittance into the Kingdom of God for those who do not know My Son or *especially* for those who have turned away Time and time again, despite His Loving Cries for notice and Love.
Oh, Belovéd and Wounded Children, I see each of you and place My Hands upon your wounds and salve the agonies of your Heart. Know this to be true, My Children, you cannot live without My Grace and enduring Love. You cannot move without having fragrant breath blown into you. Oh, Belovéd Children, I Long for you so deeply, yet I am ignored in every way. How can you ignore Love? Why do you seek calamity when you can have joy and safety within My Merciful and Loving Heart?
Oh, Belovéd Children, you must not wait to befriend My Belovéd Son. You must not waste one more minute of your life being consumed by all the temptations of this sinful World. You must not wait until Darknesses come to gird your belt and prepare for the coming storm.
Oh, Belovéd Children, I am your Loving and Merciful Lord God and Father. I say to you, you shall be swept up in the winds that shall pummel this World. You shall be lost with the clouds that descend upon this World in castigation of your sins. You cannot know Me when you do not know My Most Belovéd Son. I look for Love through the Beauty and Holiness of His beckoning Eyes. When He Loves, I Love. Where He forgives, I forgive. When He is wounded, so am I wounded. How do My Little Children, so infinitely small, strike at the Heart of Father and Son and Most Loving Spirit? Children, do not treat My Son thus. Instead, seek Mercy in His Forgiving Heart. Beg to Love Him More affectionately and thoroughly despite your smallness.
Do not believe that in your smallness your prayers are not heard. The whole of Heaven responds with the Love you give to My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, and your gentle affection for Him touches Me to My Passionate Heart. Pray diligently and with utter reverence. I am ever present and My Love for you does not and shall not wane.
Belovéd Children, there is no longer enough prayer in this World to save the east from its own self. Surely, people shall die in a terrible state of sinfulness. Thus, I say to each of you, pray for those you most despise. Pray for the Redemption of this sinful World. Indulge in the invaluable and BIGNESS Communion with Christ Jesus in (the) Preciousness of the Holy Eucharist which is Love and Mercy itself.
Chastise those who deride and insult the Christ. Oh, how the filth and curse of these words betray Him as surely as a traitor betrays His Army. Do not concern yourself over the response of those you chastise. You do so for Love of their Souls. By your rebuke, you save each one (from) the perdition reserved for those who would treat My Belovéd Son so hardly. So I say to you, My Loves, look to those who I insult My Son and chastise them with Love and concern in your Hearts.
Belovéd Children, do not denounce or ignore or treat badly the Christ Jesus who is present and amongst you every day. I say to you, when you ignore one person or treat one without Love, thus is this how you have treated the Son of Man.
Belovéd Children, I am a Loving Father and Righteous Judge. When you are unrepentant of your sins, I do not or cannot forgive you, even though I long most certainly to pull you from such stubbornness and from that which perishes on the path to perdition.
Father, can You forgive even if a person doesn’t ask for Your forgiveness? Are You willing to?
So willing am I to forgive each of My Children that I call to you every moment of every day. I seek to grant My Forgiveness and Love to everyone, and yet so few come to Me. I cannot forgive that which is not proffered to My Heart for Mercy. Again, Belovéd Child, I give to My Children choice. It is a choice that will bring you to Love or ban you to everlasting darkness. How I long to give My Mercy and pour it upon this entire World. I most longingly wish to do this and all of My GREAT Love is surely extended to My Children. So few respond or rejoice.
Is it possible they don’t understand You or the gift You offer?
The Heart is lucid and recognizes the Light of Love even when so far remote. Light will attract Light and all wonder is brought forth to your eyes. Do not believe My Light is dim or My Calls quiet. I long for every child to come be with Me. Still, so many turn their backs to Me and inflict most painful wounds.
Oh, Children, you must pray, for such warning or judgement or things come before you and how will you be safe without the power of Loving and constant prayer? My Calls and Warnings to prepare go unnoticed or ignored. Thus, I say to Man, do not roll your eyes to Heaven in derision of My Love today only to plead for My Protection tomorrow. Do not make folly of your Time, but Love. Love Me, your Lord God and Father. Love your Brothers and Sisters, family, friends, and enemies alike. Make reparations for the injuries you cause, and embrace your enemies with Love and complete Forgiveness.
Come to Me in My Holy abode where I hear the songs of those who pray. Seek out the Mercies and GREAT blessings of His Body. Pray, and partake of this healing gift daily that when it is scarce and hidden, you will be glad to have had it so worthily in your Love.
Do not wait for the storm, Dear Children. It is not an easy or simple thing. It shall scar those who are not prepared and blind those who have reveled in their sins. Pray for My Belovéd Servants, for they shall be sorely tested, and so many will turn away from their Lord God and Infinite Redeemer, sometimes in shame. Sometimes in anger. Pray for My Most Belovéd Servants that their Hearts stay ever bound to My Love. Pray, My Children. Always pray and live a Life that honors Me, your Loving Father and Lord God. Peace, My Children. Peace, My Child. Peace.