✞ Jesus confounds the soul with Love.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 3:34 – 4:43 pm
Belovéd Children, I am for you as you are for Me Daily I embrace you with My Ever filling Well of Love. My Loving touch is light, and I shall shadow you until you have called out to Me. Thus, when you have said My Name with Love and sorrow and repentance in your Heart, know I am embracing you in constant Love always, and your pleas to Me bring Me such joy and relief. I express My Love for you so endlessly. I long for your eyes to be opened to the Holy Gifts I give to you daily. I yearn for you to hear My Calls of Love for you, that you may receive the fullness of My Love and the entirety of My Mercy.
Each of you are My Belovéd Children, and you are each so very Loved by your unique and endless Love. Belovéd Children, there is no condition upon My Love for you. Believe in this Grace I give to you, for My Love is unlike any you know from this faltering World. The Love within this World is so weak and fleeting when compared to the quantity of Love I give to you and the very flavor of it is sweeter than you can know.
Belovéd Children, I am the ultimate Forgiver. I am so bound by My Love for you, I cannot turn even one single Child away when you seek out My Love and Mercy and refuge. I am your Most Loving and Eternal Father. I give good gifts to My Belovéd Children, just as a good father tends to his son or children.
Belovéd Children, it brings Me such pain to see the sins within this World. My Children are often tricked by darkness and believe what is white is black and what is black, white. Pray, My Belovéd Children, and I shall open your eyes to My Graces. Pray, and I shall take your hand to guide you to Me. Pray, My Belovéd Children, as your prayer to Me (are) such beautiful songs to Me in Heaven. Rejoice in Me as you pray. I am a Father of Love and so easily charmed by your Loving intentions.
Belovéd Children, I am a stern parent and just judge. I give each of My Belovéd Children all of Time to come to Me. Do you not hear My Calls of Love? Can you not see the Graces I give to you with such doting affection. Belovéd Children, you are for Me as I am for you. You cannot live without the Life of God filling you up. I am the Maker of all Love and Life. Come to Me and flourish. Come to Me and know the peace My Love and Mercy bring. [So loving!!]
Belovéd Children, do not delay your journey to Me. Your Loving Father is anxious to have all of you within the firm embrace of My Love.
Belovéd Children, know that My Love for you is so singular and BIG, you cannot fathom. I shall move mountains by your Love and faith in Me, just as a father will move earth and sea for his children. Belovéd Children, lay your doubts aside. I am the Belovéd Father and the Most Belovéd Christ Jesus is My Beatific Son. Do not doubt the absoluteness of the Love of God.
Why do you turn away from Love and compassion? Why do you fear your Lord God will not accept you? Oh, Children, know that I want your Hearts to be filled with Love, and no matter how grave the sin, come to Me, your Lord God and Father with repentant and sorrowful Hearts, and with such joy and affection, I will lift you up from darkness and place you in the center of Love. Know that My Gift of Mercy is incalculable in its worth and so necessary for all of My Children. Do you not believe My Love or My Degree of Love is not possible only because you do not fathom it?
Know, My Children, that My Love for you is so complete, I will never turn you away. I want to comfort those of My Children who are in fear of Life and who are steeped in pain and those of My Children who are weary. I seek those who have dismissed their Life as unnecessary or unloved. Belovéd Children, hear Me when I say to you, You are My Very Precious and Most Valued Loves! You are all that I want and I am so happy when your eyes are cast to Heaven. Belovéd Children, My Love is never made scarce for you. My Love does not hide, for I Long to bring light and Love and mercy into your saddened eyes that wound Me. Belovéd Children, know that Love is Love and it is yours that you may fully steep yourself in it, and in Me.
Belovéd Children, do not allow your transgressions that I have, in My Great Love and Mercy for you, forgiven haunt you in your days and nights. I am Love and Mercy, and I give My Mercy to My Belovéd and Repentant Children with a most willing and joyful Heart. So I say, Bewildered Ones, come to Me and fear rejection no longer!
Belovéd Children, I ask you again to pray for this World whose sins are egregious to My Eyes. When you sin, the whole of Heaven sighs in dismay and the Heart of My Most Belovéd and Beatific Son, the Christ Jesus, bleeds for you. Oh, Belovéd Children, the sins of this World are terrible and the Most Belovéd Son of Man is made sorrowful for the ways in which Man has come to see sin. It is a detriment to your Souls when you are so familiar with sin, you no longer see it for the transgression it is.
Belovéd Children, do not close your eyes to sin and its nature. When My Belovéd Children become so accepting of sin, thus shall I close My Own Holy Eyes to Man. Belovéd Children, the Most Holy of All Holies becomes scarce even today. Open your eyes to sin and dispel it or push it from you! Approach My Belovéd Son with gentle reverence and affectionate Hearts. His Sacrifice for you is entirely Holy and the natural continuation or result of Love or His/Our Love for you.
Belovéd Children, do not dismiss the Love of Christ. Do not stand by to witness His abandonment or disregard by your brothers and sisters. Do not stand idly by and listen to those who would denigrate the very Name and Presence of the Most Belovéd Son of God. When you do not know My Belovéd Son, when you deny His Love for you, so do you do these things to your Lord God, and these things repulse Me and bring despair to My Belovéd Son and thus, the Father.
Do not stand by to witness the denigration of My Belovéd Son, but speak and lead those who would wound the Christ Jesus endlessly. When you draw even one of My Belovéd and lost Children back to Me, there is great joy in the Heavens and you give a deeply wanted gift to Me.
Belovéd Children, when this World becomes most tumultuous, do not fear but turn to Me. When you walk with Light, darknesses are kept at bay. When you share your Light with others in this detest-ful darkness, you Light their path to Love. Thus, I say, share the Light of Love and Mercy I give to you with your Brothers and Sisters, Fathers and Mothers, and your friends and enemies alike.
Pray for those Souls who are in such peril of death. Pray for these people who die with darkness in their Hearts and a lack of Love for the Eternal One. Belovéd Children, believe that your prayers are powerful and by your earnest and Loving prayers, I shall heal men and bring mountains to dust and fling fire from the sky and recourse the oceans to land. Such is the power of your prayer when all of your trust is given over to Me. And how much more powerful your prayer when you demand no sign of its use.
Belovéd Children, My Prayerful Ones, place great trust in Me and My Love for you. My Love for you is real and justly served. I long for your Love and urge you to spend your Time with Me. I delight in your constant company and I am charmed by the joys you share with Me.
Pray, My Belovéds. Pray and know the Eucharist, the Most Holy of Holies, is the Light of New Life. My Belovéd Son is sacrificed by the hands of Man that My Belovéd may be saved from perdition. Pray and adore the Christ Jesus with fervent and affectionate Hearts. Revere the Sacrifice His Love for you made possible and share this with others you seeor meet.
Belovéd Children, insist that your Brothers and Sisters will find Love in Me. Guide them to Me, and say, your Time is near and you cannot prepare your Hearts during a storm, but must do so before even one wind begins to blow. Belovéd Children, you prepare for the storm by your constant and Most Belovéd Prayer. You bring others to Me with Love and joy. You come to Me daily to confess your transgressions and receive My Unconditional Forgiveness and Love.
Children, you prepare when you are One with the Christ Jesus, and that is within the Holiest of All Holies. Seek My Redemption through the Christ Jesus, for those who He will forgive, I will forgive. And those My Son Loves, so I will Love. And those who bring My Belovéd Son their adoration and worship, so does the Father enjoy your adoration and worship. Your Love or your unabating Love for My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, fills Me with such gladness and Love. Belovéd Children, do these things and repent of your sins daily. It is better to eat with clean hands, as this honors the Lord (in) His Home.
Belovéd Children, refrain from judgment! I am the Loving and perfect Lord and Judge. You cannot deem yourselves above or below another. You see with human eyes and hear with human ears, but you can neither see nor hear the Hearts of others. Thus, I say, do not judge. Belovéd Children, be gentle with your Brothers and Sisters. Forgive where it is most difficult. Forgive when forgiveness is no sought. Have Mercy for the least of Men and know your Mercy is seen by the Lord God, and I am made joyous by your Love for My Children.
Belovéd Children, use all of your Time to pray. Tell others the importance of their Time and (the) need to pray. Urge your brothers and sisters, My Belovéd Children, to turn to Me, the Lord God. Do not allow them to wait. By your prayers, My Belovéd Children, you are saving many, so I say, continue to pray.