✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Monday, 22 May 2017 3:29 - 4:29 pm Adoration
Father, You point out my shortcomings with such Love. Help me to be better. You know how I don’t take directions very easily. Everything in my life has been motivated by fear, curiosity, vanity, hatred, more vanity, pride, and more fear. When I was a child, I was moved by Love and only Love. Why am I so different than what I was, especially knowing You? I don’t want to be motivated by guilt or fear or pride. I want to Love You like that child who would sing on the swing-sets just waiting….
Belovéd Children, I am with you always. Do not doubt the fullness of My Love for you. I do not ever overlook any Child, but take each of you into My Most Loving Embrace and gently guide you by My Love.
Belovéd Children, I Am Love! I am that which moves your Hearts to pity others and who calls on you to Love your Brothers and Sisters, even those you would not. Belovéd Children, why do you struggle so with Love? I am for you as you are for Me. I am Love and I call out to each of you that you will take advantage and tie yourselves to Me, your God who is Eternal and Most Loving.
Pray, My Children, for the sins in this World are terrible. The whole of Heaven is mortified by your sins or vast sins. Every day My Belovéd Children move further away from Me, and My Heart which is Love breaks at the chance of losing you. Thus, I shall not stop calling to you, My Belovéd Children, to come to the Light of My Love and away from the evil darknesses that craves you so violently for death.
Worship My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, for His Love for you is gentle, deep, affectionate, moving. He is the “everything” of Heaven and earth. He is your abundant Mercy, yet you do not bow down to Him in all His Glory.
Belovéd Children, how do you place more worth and have more awe for those things that are so cheaply made and cheaply given and all temporal? Why do you, My Most Belovéd Children, reject the Mercy and Love of the One who Saves? Do not make light of the Son of Man. Do not reject His Graces. Do not speak unkindly of Him and do not swear upon His Holy Name. M y Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus knows each of you so well. He Loves each of you so deeply, and that He has shed His Own Precious Blood in order to save you from perdition, (but) still you ignore His Calls and make light of His Loving Sacrifice.
Do not sin against Me, My Children. You do not see the detriment it causes your Souls nor the misery it brings to My Belovéd Son, and His Most Sacred Heart which still bleeds for your sins. You cannot have the Mercy of the Father without the Mercy of the Son. When you strike the Son, so do you strike the Father. And when you throw the Son out of your home without charity or Love, you will perish by it or your actions or sins.
Belovéd Children, do not make folly of your Time. Do not be frivolous of Judgment, and in what state shall the Lord God find your Souls. Belovéd Children, believe that your Souls are precious and so fragile. Let your Loving Father heal the woes of your Heart.
Belovéd Children, do not be so prideful as to reject the One who Created you. Do not reject the bounty of Forgiveness oryour Lord God’s forgiveness. I give you My Holy Love and Mercy so willingly, and yet so few of My Belovéd Children come to Me with joyous and Loving and repentant Hearts. Be rid of the pride that keeps you bound to the fruitlessness of sin. You know not the detriments sin causes your Souls. It is to beat and tear at the Heart of Love.
And when you reject My Forgiveness and do not wish to atone from (for) your sins, so shall you perish despite My Great and enduring Love for you, My Children. Just as you know the kingdom of Heaven is Mine, and I fill it with those who I Love so dearly and those who humbled themselves in My Name while on earth, (therefore) they reap the treasure of Everlasting Life and Love.
Belovéd Children, know that there is a kingdom of hell granted to the most unholy one who separated himself from Love for all Time. He longs to corrupt each of My Belovéd Children. Thus, I call out to each of you to walk away from sin and to the Light of Life and Love. The perdition for Souls is terrible and pain-filled because I will not be there. Your Hearts will long in misery for the opportunity to have sought My Loving and abundant Mercy.
Without the Love of your Blesséd Lord God, there is no Life. And where there is Love, there am I. Belovéd Children, I do not rescind My Love and Mercy from you. Mine is a perfect and Eternal Love. Belovéd Children, pray. Do not think your prayers go unheard. Pray. Do not cease in your prayers, for to do so pains Me and weakens your fragile Souls.
Belovéd Children, there comes a time soon when the chaos of this World will overpower those who are righteous and Holy. Great wars will continue and a host of terror will skip throughout the World. Pray, Belovéd Children, and when that Time befalls you, you shall have the strength and power of My Protective Love and the Most Holy Spirit to guide you.
Children, pray often for My Servants who are so very Belovéd to Me. My Disciples of Love are My Treasures and I long for their Souls to be strengthened with Love and attentiveness to the Christ Jesus for whom they serve. Pray for My Servants, for so many will fall ill by disease. Then there shall come a time when their numbers will dwindle before you and the Most Holy of Holies will be made scarce. Pray for My Most Righteous Servants, for there are many who will need your prayers. My Belovéd and chaste Servants will suffer well by this World, even as their Brothers make a mockery of faith and the Love I offer to you. Their reign will be short and damaging, but the Church is My Own and by My Great Love, no man shall bring her to her knees, lest he be struck down for his infidelity or lack of fealty.
Do not delay in your prayers for those who lead you rightly and Righteously to Me. I am your Loving and Eternal God. Those who honor My Most Belovéd Son are more tightly bound to My Heart. Those who Treasure the Love and Mercy of My Belovéd Son who shed His Blood for each of you, I shall look upon you and grant you My Mercy for His Love of you.
Belovéd Children, do not live as Hellions. You cannot serve Me Lovingly and serve the temporal temptations of this World as well. Just as I Love you, Love Me with all of your Hearts and Souls and “beings” or “essence” (total and complete love).
You are My Children and you are Loved. I Created you for Love by Love and with Love. Thus, I say, Belovéd Children, do not give yourself over to the wolves. Those who wear red shall perish. Do not lay waste to your Souls by ignoring the guidance of the Spirit and embracing infidelity instead. You cannot serve the Righteous One when you hide from all that is right. Belovéd Children, the disease amongst My Servants festers. Pray, My Belovéd and faithful Children. You give Me Glory in your prayers, and by your persevering prayers, many are saved.
Pray, My Belovéds. I give you such good gifts. I am your Loving Parent. Know that no Loving Father would place His Children in the hands of murderers and marauders. A Loving Father gives His Belovéd Children only the best of gifts and wisdom for their own well-being or spiritual wealth. Know, My Children, that the best of you will be tested. You shall be tested for your Love of Me, and I say to you, your constant prayer strengthens your faith, and when (you) call out to Me for My Love and Protection, I shall look at you most Lovingly and no harms shall befall you.
Trust in Me. I am your Loving Lord and Patient Father. I know each of you so well and thirst for your Love. Call out to Me, your Loving Parent, and I shall embrace you and bring you to your Home with Me.
Belovéd Children, pray. The sins of this World are terrible and many in number. Pray, as with each sin, the earth grows weary. Great tumult follows and the earth will regurgitate from the sins of Man. Pray, My Belovéd Children. Dismiss your anger and hatred. Seek only what is Love. Forgive with Love and you are so bright in My Eyes.
Children, go and partake of the Lamb. It is this one overwhelming BIG blessing that surely purifies you, because you are in total communion with the Son of God, and upon you He gives you blessing upon blessing. His Sacred Blood spilt for you gives to you new Life. Thus, I say to you, partake of His Body and Blood, for when My Servants are pared, so shall the Most Holy of Holies be scarce.
Belovéd Children, pray and I shall guide you to Love. Speak My Son’s Name with Love and reverence. Do not defile your Blesséd King and Savior with vanities, inebriation, that which is profane in My Eyes, and do not reject His Love. Speak His name only with great Love and Reverence. When My Children do otherwise, so they widen their path to perdition. Thus, show all of your Love and gentle affection to My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.
Pray, My Belovéds. Your prayers mitigate what are or what will be the agonies of Man. Pray, and I hear your calls. Trust in your Most Loving and Eternal God. I give you peace within your Hearts.