✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
5:31 pm – 6:14 pm Adoration
I am the I AM. All that I do is from Love and by Love and for Love. Know, My Child, that I am ever with you. Do not doubt, for My Love for you is enormous and I give to you good gifts. Child, do not let the nature of this doubting World take over your Heart and turn you against Me. You do not see what I can see and you do not know what I can know. Thus, when I see what the World is and how it would like to distract you, I say this to you. Do not let it take you away from your Loving Father and Merciful God.
Child(ren), it is good that you consume yourself in the Adoration of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. You bring Him such joy in your praise of Him. You cannot know the good you do when you submit yourself to Me in prayer and Love. Child(ren), know that the Spirit leads you. Hold tight to His guidance, and your Heart will discern that which is necessary for you to discern. Do not trouble yourself with those things that do not concern you. Instead, focus on the tasks you are given and bring Me the joy of your obedience.
Belovéd Child(ren), you cannot fathom the very Nature of Love, for I am so BIG in my Love of you! What you know is only a minute grain of sand in this entire World. Imagine what it is to be with Me and know entirely the state or calibre or fullness of Love.
It will take my breath away?
Child(ren), your very Soul shall soar within Love. It is all-encompassing and there is no sin to cause grief or pain or destitution. Belovéd Child, it is time now for you to act. It is Time for you to express your Love and faith in Me more openly. I want you to actively draw My Children to Me by the Love I give to you and the Light I have placed in your heart.
Child(ren), this will submit you to much ridicule, but My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, was also ridiculed. Keep your faith and Love for Me strong. Do not deny Me when you are faced with ridicule, pain, and tribulations. My Love for you is GREAT and My joy in your persistence swells within My Heart. Do not deny Me when this World tramples upon your words. Do not deny Me when the darkness tries to beat you down. You are My Belovéd Child(ren),
Child(ren) of God, and what darkness wishes, he cannot do, because I am the One True God and the Christ Jesus reigns in Heaven and on earth. Not one minion of the dark can touch a hair on your head, My Love. Thus, I say, do not let yourself be frightened by them. I am with you always, gently guiding you to Me and answering each of your prayers most readily. Belovéd Child(ren), make your preparations. Increase your devotion and prayer. You can never spend too much time in prayer and Adoration.
Belovéd Children, know this to be true. This World sins gravely and My Belovéd Angels tremble at the sight of this World. Your sins are terrible and so many of My Children ignore their blasphemies and sinful behavior. My Belovéd Children have become so familiar with such horrific sins, nothing more will they know as a sin. They no longer recognize that which is Holy and Godly. Their Hearts are stained by sin and their Souls crumble from its darkness.
Children, you must not succumb to sin! You must not compromise with it. These Times now beckon My Children to ignore sin or make compromises with it. Children, I do not abide by sin, and My Children who are judged know this now. Why do you create a life of chaos with sin? Why do you desire the darknesses of death, decay, debauchery, and hedonism? I say to you, Belovéd Children, I am a Loving Father and all that I do for each of My Children is from Love. Even as My Heart is broken by you, I do every thing to take your notice. I smash the cymbals of Heaven and call out with whispers. I send each of you Light in darkness and miracles to savor and that you would know My Glory and come to Me. My Children do not hear and they close their eyes as I beckon to them. If it is My Calls that are too quiet, what more must I do to make you take notice of Love?
The Time for tribulation draws near and each of My Children will be submitted to much pain, agonies, and confusion. Father will turn on Son and Mother will turn against daughter. There will be an unrecognition of familial Love. My Children will enter into a time of chaos and tribulation. The World will be caustic and dark. Many of My Belovéd Children will finally see that I AM and My Heavenly Hand is everywhere. Belovéd Children, know that I thirst for you. I crave your Love. When one child wanders and returns, the whole of Heaven rejoices!
Children, increase your prayers. I say to you, My Prayerful Ones, increase your prayers. Those who ignore My Calls need much prayer. Those who dismiss Me or disbelieve will need more prayers by each of you. Your prayers salve the wounds of the Christ that this World re-inflicts upon Him.
Belovéd Child(ren), hold fast to your faith in Me. It is not misplaced and I do not mislead My Belovéd Child(ren). Shy away from the tricks and entertainments of this World. Walk away from those who would draw you away from Me, your Lord God and Father. The dark one in this World seeks to gather Belovéd Children to him that he can increase the pains of perdition and increase the pain of Love. Do not allow him a foothold into your Heart. This World provides so many. Foremost of these is what is passed as fanciful entertainment. Do not be fooled by these idols now about in the World. These are false idols and are a detriment to your hearts and Souls.
Believe this to be true. Your idols shall be struck down by the force of My Indignance. I shall show this World that in this warped form of worship, you have sinned most grievously. Children, turn to Me for all things. You are My Belovéd Children and I give to you always good gifts. Let the concerns and loves of this World fall away and be concerned only for your Love of Me, seeking My Compassion and Mercy, and keeping your Souls away from the detriment of sin.
Children, I say again with much urgency, pray. Increase your faith and trust in Me and pray. Reconcile yourself to the Christ Jesus, My Most Belovéd Son, and know the GLORY of His Presence and the GREAT blessings you receive by your communion with Him.
Belovéd Children, you shall be tested. Your faith will be tested. Will this World turn you away from Me because you are weak in your prayers and thirsty for Christ? Pray and partake of the Most Holy Eucharist. How will you be strong without it to sustain you? Belovéd Children, you know what must be done for this World. Often have I mitigated disasters for My Love of you and by your faithful prayers. Still, you must continue to pray and increase your prayers. Each disaster is destined to be the worst this World has known. Surely they will be great, but they are truly mitigated by your faithful and strong prayerfulness. Dear Children, I abhor losing any Child to darkness. Thus, pray and entangle yourself with My Love. I embrace you readily, My Children. Peace, My Belovéds.