✞ The more things of which the soul deprives herself down here, the more she will have up there in Heaven.
2:10 – 2:50 pm @ Adoration
I was sad not to see the Monstrance of You in the chapel but an old man said You would be here in the Church! I heard You calling Me all day! Xoxo
Belovéd Children, come to Me with all of your Love and confidence, for I long and thirst for you, My Children. Do not wander away from My Heart, for it is very much yours and My Love and Boundless Mercy are for you. Trust in Me, your Loving Lord God and Father. I have good gifts for My Belovéd Children and wait with great anticipation and joy your wonder at them when you have finally come to Me.
Impatient Children, calm your Hearts and wait for My Hands to be placed upon your brows. Thus, you shall know the Time is for you. Belovéd Children, take solace in My Love and know that I know your pains and sufferings. I see into your Hearts and salve your wounds with Love. Believe this My Children, for you are each so very precious to Me.
Give your Love or Hearts over to My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus who longs to fill you with His Powerful Graces and immense Love. Children, were you to understand the very nature or calibre of the Christ’s Love for you, how you would weep for joy and regret for not (having) joined in His vast Love far sooner. You shall know the nature of Time and how you have mistaken its littleness or shortness.
Oh, Belovéd Children, do not be short-sighted within your Life. Your Time is precious and limited and this World is fraught with sin. Spend your Time with Me, My Children. Turn your heads away from sin and those who commit sins so gladly or easily. Surely those who have dismissed the Christ and who have made that which is black, white and have misled many of My Children to accept sin, walk the road of perdition and shall know the miseries of hell.
Children, I do not want to lose even one Child to darkness. My Heart is in agony knowing so many of My Belovéd Children fall straight into the fires because they will not hear My Calls and do not recognize My Gifts and do not respond to My Love with Love. No, My Children, these Souls are doomed, because they denied the Christ Jesus and denigrated His Loving Sacrifice for humanity and spit upon His Holy Face and ridiculed His righteousness and power.
People, My Belovéd Children, have sought temporal indulgences and have refused to see the value of those I give to each of you so freely. The whole of Heaven is aghast by your rejection of the Christ Jesus, whose Love for you is limitless, unbounding, and full. His is the Love that saves Man, and yet so many of you pass it by and move towards the fallacies of this World that lead you astray.
Children, it is far easier to fall into perdition than it is to come to the Kingdom of Heaven. I recognize those who have filled their Hearts with Love for Me. I open My doors to those who have followed My Laws and when erring, come to Me for My Mercy, believing with all confidence in My Love. I open My door to those Belovéd Children who have shunned the temptations of this World and humbled themselves as servants to Man. I open My door to those who have been taunted and ridiculed for their Love and faith in Me. I open My doors to those who are generous, forgiving, and kind.
Know, Belovéd Children, that these things are not seen often in My Belovéd Children’s Souls. I have seen Love in many and this Love or their Love for Me assuages the pain incurred upon Me by the sins and rejection of this World. Belovéd Children, I reject much of what I see, because the sins of this World are terrible and there is little sorrow and repentance for their commission. My Children are gleeful in their sins and reject My Love absolutely. The sins of this World are appalling and I do not condone the least of sins.
Children, perdition is near and still you do not heed My Calls of Love. Do you not believe that your active rejection of Me and My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, your very Redeemer shall lead you to hell? You neither believe in Me nor do you believe in judgement. Thus, how surprised and horrified will you be when your day of judgement comes and your Heart has been emptied of faith, Love, and Mercy. Children, hell is a furious and painful place or situation. You do not know the intensity of its horror and pain. It is a thing so horrific that few Hearts can endure even one small taste of it without running from it.
Belovéd Children, I shall look for your attention. I am not an intrusive God and My Children see only that which is intrusive. That is the trickery of darkness, that which will bring you such great harm. Thus, I will show you as a whole the state of your Souls that your choice shall be made and made with the full knowledge of Hell and Heaven and the qualities of each. Children I am a merciful Lord and a Most Just Judge. Come to Me for My Mercy and compassion that your judge will be softened by your Love of Me and your trust in Me.
Belovéd Children, so many of you are such curious Children. Do not long for knowledge of this enlightenment. Do not wish to be present, for this will be most painful to both your Hearts and bodies. Do not seek to know the nature of this correction. Do not be curious. Just as the fruit from the tree of knowledge brought great detriment to those who chose to eat of it, so too will your desire to know this (will) turn and bite you like a snake. Thus, I say, pray and do not wish to be present.
Children, My plans for you are Loving and good. I ask that My Belovéd Children be obedient to My Love. Love and forgive your brothers unconditionally. Love those you would destroy or have destroyed and embrace them with great affection and forgiveness. Give yourself for the charity of the poor and ignored. My Children are so lonely and long for Love.
Partake of the Eucharist. My Children, I say this so often that you will believe this to be true. It will be here for you one day, and the next it shall be whisked away from those Children who would have it or finally want it now. Its HUGE blessings will be scarce and only the prayerful and strong shall know where My Son will be found. Thus, partake of the Blesséd Eucharist every day, lest you are forced to long for it when it disappears before you.
Pray, My Children. I answer each of your prayers and know the Love you place into them for Me. At turns, I feel the turbulence and joys and the largeness and smallness of your prayers. And I say to you, every time you whisper or utter My Name, I am glorified. Call to Me and I am there with you. Peace, My Children. Peace.