✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Bask in the Light of My Love, Oh Children. You are My Belovéds and I watch over you with great anxiety and concern. Belovéds, your Souls are at risk in this World and the darkness of sin is so detrimental to you.
Belovéds, come to Me in your joys and sorrows. I wish to be a part or take part in your lives. Invite Me into your Hearts and I shall make a nesting place of peace and Love there. Children, do not go astray. Do not stray. Like a child who is lost, there are so many dangers in this World. I seek to protect each of you and long to provide you My Compassion and Forgiveness for all sin.
Belovéd Children, My Mercy is so great and I long to bless your Hearts and Souls with the gracious gift. I give this to you, because My Love is so great BIG and I cannot resist My Children. I cannot keep Myself from providing all opportunities for My Children to come to Me.
You have been absolved from mortal sins by My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. Fathom the depths of His Love. A Love so deep and generous (of Love), for He gave His Life that you may have yours. Belovéd Children, those who detract from My Belovéd Son, the Christ Risen, live or are living outside the Light of My Divine Will. When one child pangs the Son, so he pangs the Father, and when a child, no matter how Belovéd, insults the Blesséd Divinity of My Most Beatific (PERFECTION of LOVE – [His Son]), for My Son, surely he lives outside My Will and is thus anti-Christ.
Little Children, you cannot know the detriments of falling away from your Lord God and Father. Why do you doubt Love? My Light is not a burden but a joy and comfort that bursts forth from you with the Holiest Spirit’s breath breathed through you. Belovéd Children, do not doubt. The Spirit of Love exists and works through My Belovéd Children, daily, minutely. The fullness of joy you experience is His Loving gift, and understand to your Souls that you are so Loved.
Belovéd Children, do not wander from your Lord God and Father, for when you wander out of the Light, you are in darkness and you cannot see what is before you. Come to the Light of My Love and know all that is good and Loving and Holy. I am your Lord God and Father and I seek your Love. Come to Me for My Endless Mercy and Love, for now is the Time that this miraculous IMMENSE gift is yours to have. Come to Me in repentance and reconciliation. I forgive and cleanse you of your sins. I absolve your Hearts and rejoice in your trust and Love for Me.
Belovéd Children, Love the Lord Christ, for He is Jesus and He has redeemed each of you by His Love and death. Do not make folly of His GREAT Sacrifice, My Children. Do not reject Him/His Love. To do so pierces His Heart and Mine, and the whole of Heaven shudders with sadness.
Belovéd Children, know I am perpetually here with you and My Love for you is also perpetual. I send no Child away. Thus, trust always in My GREAT Love for you and Mankind. Know that I am present when you are angry and when you are sad. Know that your tribulations are Mine as well. Such is the GREATNESS of My Love for you. I want no Child of Mine to starve for Love or Forgiveness. Come to Me, Children, in this BRILLIANTLY Lit Time of Mercy. The results of this gift are powerful and most joyous. Belovéd Children, accept this gift of Divine Mercy, for there is no other gift that can equate to the gift of Eternal Life with Me, your Lord God who Loves each of you so well.
Come to Me, My Children, and you shall have discernment in confusion and Love amongst the hated and strength when others are weak. I long for each of you, My Children, and for your “little” Love. You are meant for Love, and I created you by Love and for Love and to be Loved. Come to Me in your tribulations and trust in My Love. Trust that I will answer your prayers justly and always to your Eternal benefit. I am Love and Love does not hurt what it Loves.
Know this to be true, My Children. I am the Lord God and My Patience is long. I see what is good in this World and I see the evidence of great evils. Come to Me, Children. I call out to each of you loudly and with great fervency. You are My Children. Do not reject My GREAT Love and Compassion in this Time of such darkness. I heal what no man can. I give what no man can give. And My Love is BIGGER. It is unlike anything you can know in your Belovéd smallness.
Children, I urge you without giving you fear, come to Me now. Your Time is short and the days I see pass grow no better in this World. My Heart is aching for all your sins. My Heart shudders to see My Children so far from the Divine Path that was meant for each of you. There can be only one path with One Light and One Love, and that is your Lord God.
When you are not with Me, you are against Me. Thus, come to your Father whose Love for you is unfathomable. Come to Me, Children, for all that you need. Your faith is a Loving gift to Me and I am made so joyous by your Trust and Love. Trust in Me. Trust in the Word made Man for your sake and from such BIG AMAZING LOVE. Do not forsake My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.
Pray and follow His Path for you. Pray for your Brothers and Sisters whose Souls are in such danger. Pray for My Mercy and Love and I hear you and embrace you readily. Pray, My Children, for My Belovéd Servants, for so many are weak, and pray for those who are strong that I may fortify their Hearts with the Spirit. Pray, My Children, and do not doubt and do not hate.