✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Adoration 3:45 pm – 4:18 pm
It seems to me, Papa, that we have reached the cliff. It seems that You are moving with Your plans to get our attention. Please, God, I know this is wildly presumptuous, but please allow me to die for you as a martyr. Let me be like St. Tomas and make up for my initial disbelief. You already knew this was in my heart, so I figure it’s best to just come out and ask.
Surely, My Children please Me with their ardent prayers. Your Love and prayersor Loving prayers give Me solace, even as Man wounds My Loving Heart by destroying his own through sin.
Children, do you not hear Me call out to you? Do you not see the gifts I place before you? Do you refuse to acknowledge with Love and adoration and reverence the One True God? I am the Lord God and Eternal One. I am Mighty as is My Love for you. All that I am is and you are My Delights. You are My Utmost Passion. My attention is perpetually upon you. I dote on you and constantly put Myself forward to garner your attention. Thus, I say to those Children who have heard and who have answered My Call and who, even within the heights of despair, cleave to Me, you are My Belovéd and Prayerful Ones. Your glorification of My Belovéd son, the Christ Jesus, gives Me such joy and satisfaction. Your constant prayers are My Joy. I see to My Prayerful Children and promise you My Constant Solace and guidance by the Holy Spirit.
Come to Me, My Children. My Heart is an open sanctuary, and I invite you into it always. Even when you do not believe you are worthy of forgiveness, know that My Love for you is ineffable. I am strong as you are weak. I am the Lord God and My Compassion and Mercy for My Children is willingly granted. You must only come to Me.
Belovéds, My Children are scattered in their devotion to Me. You live in every corner of the World and pray with such Love and fervor. Your numbers do indeed dwindle. Sinfulness marches upon this World like an army devours the land before it. Children, do not sin. Work and pray for the strength to resist the smallest and greatest of your temptations. If you are weak when the World is quiet, how much weaker will you be in turbulence?
My Children, I know that you are not strong. And in knowing this, I ask you not to fear in the face of danger. I say to you, even if you face the darkest of henchmen, do not fear. Trust. Trust in Me, your Lord God and Father whose Love for you surpasses all things. Trust that I shall give you the strength to face your enemies. I shall be your sword and shield. You, by yourself, cannot be effective in this. It is through My Love and grace that you are made strong. Thus, I say, do not trust in yourselves, but trust in your Lord God. I do not betray My Belovéd Children.
The joy of this World is becoming spoiled by the nature or calibre of Man’s sins. Every sin committed by My Children wounds Me and pulls you away from Me. Prayer attaches your Hearts to My Own. In your Loving prayerfulness, I heal you with My Endless Love and compassion.
Belovéd Children, your wills will be lorded over you. What is white will be attacked as something that is black. The good shall bed called a darkness. Humanity accepts that which is black concealed as white and what is pure and good. The Hearts of Man refuse the truth that I place before them. They no longer believe in sin. They no longer come to Me in Adoration. They have crowned themselves kings of their eternal dominions, not knowing the danger or the true frailty of their Souls. These sins that rage across this World so openly – so accepted – are darkness. You cannot compromise with sin. To do so is to wound your Souls and open them up to the source of all evil. He is a liar and a trickster and takes great delight in misleading the Ones I Love so dearly.
Belovéd Children, you must not consider that which is immediately before (you) but hold to the vision of Christ Jesus on the Cross, and know the rewards you receive in Heaven are far richer than those you crave on earth.
Children, the Time comes when your faith and Love for Me shall be sorely tested. These tests shall not be easy and many will acquiesce in their weakness of faith. Many will fall into the traps laid by the evil liar. You can only know you are firmly ensconced in My Love when you are prayerful. You must be constant in your devotion. You must partake of My Son’s Gift of Life. In order that your Hearts be nourished when the Holiest of All Holies is made scarce, you must partake of the Most Holy Eucharist now while it is possible.
Children of My Heart, I am ever with you. Know that the tribulation that comes, comes from the very center of Love. It is not meant to make My Belovéd Children suffer but to keep you from suffering an Eternal Life that is absent of Me.
Children, remain steadfast in your Love and faith in Me. Now you are being tested. The West shall finally see what the East has known for many years. Your eyes will be opened, and this is another opportunity for My Children to turn to Me. Each of your Souls are treasures to Me and in My Heart. Do not fail them.
Hear My Calls and come to Me. Do not dwell within doubt but believe. I am just as I have always been and will always be. You are too small to understand this, so I say, trust in your Lord God, for My Love and Mercy are yours. Peace, My Children. Peace.