✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
4:02 – 4:47 (45m) Adoration
It feels like Heaven is having a happy party today.
Belovéd Children, you are My Joys and My Delights. Come to Me, your Lord God and Father, that I may enjoy thee/you further. The hungry of this World perish for their lack of Love and devotion to the Christ Jesus, My Most Belovéd Son. Do not turn away from His Love, My Children, but fall joyfully into His Love and know true bliss.
Belovéd Children, go forth as Lights of God and share the boon of My Love with your Brothers and Sisters. I welcome your prayers, Dearest Children, and long for the day all Children are with Me. Children, hear My Heavenly sighs and tend most tenderly and graciously to My Heart.
Belovéd Children, you can know no peace until you are joined to Me of your own will. Belovéds, I am not an intrusive parent. I long for your Love and attention and thus, do many things to garner it. Open your eyes to My Loving Gestures and ready Mercy, Children. What must I do to fill the feasting of Love in your eyes and Hearts?
Oh, degraded and shunned, My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus weeps in sadness and great pain. He who adores you, He who accepted the scorn of men and a terrible death that you might be saved, is abandoned. He weeps at the lukewarm Children who do not know the extent of His Love.
Children, My Rules are clear, and I am not a burden, and My laws are not difficult for those who know and Love Me most intimately. Thus, I say, drink the cup of My Love and enjoy new Life with My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.
Children, so many deride and scoff at Me, the Lord Almighty. They feel no fear for the ramifications, and indeed, laugh over the Great Sacrifice of the Christ Jesus.
[I felt so sick over this and how He hurts because of this.]
I am denied, denigrated, and eclipsed in the Hearts of Man by the temporal. This desire for the Worldly and temporal that drives you away from Me causes your Belovéd Souls such pain.
Children, when you place so much value on the trappings of Worldliness, you cannot know Me intimately. When your death comes, these riches and things will not provideor buy you the mercy you need for your sins.
Belovéd Children, recognize the truth of My Words. My Great Mercy is a gift to Mankind. It is not to be taken so lightly. I long for each of you to come to Me and My Loving and Most Merciful Heart.
Mercy, My Children, is a comfort at judgement, for what will you say to soften a judge that is cold and objective to your iniquities? Those who ask for and accept My Love and Mercy shall have great consolation during their tribulation. Those who have shown nothing but repellence for My Love will suffer for this decision they have made so freely and so easily.
Children, return to Me. Return to the warmth of the flock that follows the great guardian that is Christ Jesus. He has laid a Loving path for each of you. Trust in Him, and He shall guide you to Me, for it is only through My Belovéd Son that you are saved. It is through the Christ Jesus that you are given New Life. Praise His Name and sing to Him your oblations daily. Love Him with gentleness and affection. Approach His Sacred and hurting Heart with reverence and awe. Approach Him with Love in your Hearts and praise on your tongues. It is only through Him that you are saved.
Malicious and maligning Children, change your Hearts. Give them to Me, and I shall warm and soften them with My Immense Love. Do not be afraid of coming to Me in your fears and sorrows. I am your good Father, the Eternal Parent, and I turn no Child of Mine away. The Creator does not destroy the beauty He has created with such Love. Belovéd Children, seek out the Mystery of the Risen Christ. Bring yourselves to Him with open Hearts, and His Love for you will open your eyes and let you see.
Belovéd Children, I say to you, tribulation comes, but when your Heart is secure in Me, you do not fear, and you do not doubt that your Lord God and Father lightens the burdens and weight you bear.
Come to Me, Children, during the most difficult hours. Let nothing in this World stand between your Love for Me. The temporal things of this World are waste, and they do not bring you the comfort and sheer joy that My Love provides. Do not allow the Worldly values (to) come between your Love and My Own for you.
It is all that is temporal that takes you further from Me. Your avarice and pride lead you to deeper sins and darknesses that are unbearable. Come to Me, My Children.[He finds the situation you place yourself in unbearable. It hurts Him.]
Belovéds, you have heard many times that this generation is one of sin and death and deserving of My Anger. You are told that I shall act and rain fury on the heads of My Children. Those who fear these things are not secure in Me. Remember, in all things, I want you with Me in My Loving Arms that do not fail you. Your difficulties, even the worst of them, you will find bearable by My Loving Graces. Thus, do not fear but grow closer to Me with Ardent and feverous prayer.
Belovéd Children, I am the Mystery of Life. I give to you My Light, the Light of the Holy Spirit and place it within the confines of your Hearts and Souls. Trust in your Creator’s Love for you and let the Light of Love burn within you and without.
Belovéd Children, know you shall face great difficulties in the spring. You will face tribulations so intense or astonishing in their difficulty. You will be tempted by Men to abandon your Love of Me. You will be turned against Me if your trust in Christ is weak. You shall be misled by the many sophists who purport to be of Me and know Me but do not. Pray and become more intimate of My Will and Love for you. I give to you discernment by the Spirit, and He shall guide you away from those who would lie about My Love and Mercy.
Children, you will be tested. Your faith in Me will be challenged excessively, and if you are not prayerful now, how easily will you be swayed to abandon your Love and understanding of Me.
Pray, My Children. Pray always, every day, and at every moment of each hour. Pray like breathing, so it becomes natural and constant, because, like breathing, it sustains you or your Life.
Children of God, it manifests itself like a friend of Love. It masks itself in the guise of joy and gentleness. It is an ungiving and selfish thing that cannot share the generosity of (the) Heart. It is darknesses that seeks to ruin My Children. The disguise will be so blatant that the Children of My Most Holy Love will recognize the lie for what it is.
Thus, My Children, I say to you, pray. With prayer you come closer to Me. Your Love of Me grows and your understanding of My Will also grows. When you are prayerful…I give to you the gift of discernment, of healing, and of peace. Children, do not fear your troubles, but embrace My Love and lay your burdens at My Feet. I shall give you fortitude and peace. Peace, My Children. Peace.
[Please take advantage of His Gift of Divine Mercy - the weekend after Easter. It is such an amazing, and necessary, blessing.]