✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Adoration 12:14 – 12:59 pm
I am trying to totally understand Your Sacrifice, Jesus. I have thought, would I be able (or agree to) having my two legs chopped off with a rusty knife slowly, at the thigh, without painkillers or anesthesia if it was someone I didn’t know whose life was in mortal danger? Could I do it to save a stranger? Could I do it to save a thousand people or a million? If I had a choice?
I don’t know. I don’t like knives and I really don’t like pain. You must’ve been scared of what was to come if You knew even a little bit beforehand, and my understanding is that You did. You became a man so we’d be saved, but also so we could relate to You. That when we suffered, we would know that You did too, and if we turn to You for comfort – and commiseration - we’d be okay. I knew You were absolutely perfect when You were a man here on earth, but You cried, right? You laughed or got hungry. Were You ever impatient with people? Did Your feet ever hurt from walking around? When You knew what was to happen during the Last Supper, did it make You sad that Peter would deny You 3 times? Was that a sort of slap on his nose, so he wouldn’t be prideful as Your Rock? And did You feel better when he recognized You?
I like Peter. He made a lot of mistakes, but You stuck by him every time, despite that. And I guess he was pretty dogged and humble too if he accepted his wrong actions but knew You’d forgive him. Plus, he really was sorry when he did stupid things. Maybe he’s yet another example for us that You will forgive a Heart that is honestly sorry every time.
It seems that Your point has been that we have to ask You for Your Mercy. Judas betrayed You, well, BIG TIME. Maybe if he’d had faith in You, he might’ve asked Your forgiveness instead of killing himself. That is all very terrible. Suicide. I know that people who kill themselves aren’t allowed in Heaven, but do You cast them into hell, no matter what?? Or do You give children like Alex or Martin enough Love to put them in the higher levels of Purgatory?? [Alex was abused and hanged himself when he was 12; Martin was 24]. They wouldn’t see You, but there is joy somewhere being as near as possible to You…and it is not hell. Is that possible? Alex was so young and lived such a horrible life, so he took his. Your Heart is big and Your Mercy unfathomable, but these thoughts are too big for my head. XO
12:14 pm
Belovéds, I am your Most Merciful and Loving God. I am Love and give to you, each of you, the Light of My Great Love for you into your Hearts. You are born with this grace as evidence of My Love for you. Let it grow and brighten in your Hearts, as it gives Me great joy to see My Love shared.
Belovéd Children, now is the Time to come to Me for Mercy. Do not delay, My Children, but embrace this Heavenly and Divine gift I offer to you.
Not everyone comes, for they have grown doubtful and lukewarm in their trust and faith in Me. Pray for these Souls. They will find peace, joy, forgiveness, and Love when they bring Me sincerely into their Hearts. They need much prayer, My Children. Pray for them.
Belovéd Children, do not become bewildered or confounded by My Words. I am not a God of confusion or chaos but a God of peace and joy. Do not let the chaos of this World drive you away from Me. Do not become doubtful, because the noise and misgivings of this World are so loud in your ears. I am your Almighty God and Father. Let Me embrace you that you will be protected from the evils of this World and unfooled by the treacherous.
Belovéd Children, be prayerful and partake of the Body of Christ Jesus, My Most Belovéd Son, daily. This is such a crucial thing. Partake of His Love and Sacrifice. It is an ineffable blessing. It is so BIG as to be unfathomable. Thus, I say to you, partake of this blessing that is My Son, the Savior of this World, and know constancy, fortitude, and discernment.
My Children, trust in Me as a child trusts in his Loving parents. Do not question whether I will help you or soothe your pains or nourish you and give you shelter. A child does not worry about such matters, as he trusts in his parents for these things without any doubt in his Heart. Trust in Me, I say, just as a child trusts in his parents.
Belovéd Children, do not allow the deceptions and sins, the grave sins, of this World to permeate your Hearts. You are surrounded by those evil spirits that encourage the denigration of My Love and the Sacrifice of My Son. You are within talking distance, within listening and touching distance, from sin every day. Come to Me for the grace of fortitude, and in your weaknesses, forgiveness. For when you come to Me with sorrowful and dejected Hearts, I readily offer to you My Perfect Love and Mercy. My Forgiveness is available to each of My Belovéd Children. I say to you, Children, come to Me. I will not reject you as the World has rejected you. My Love is a promise and My Forgiveness a gift. I long for you to know Me intimately. I long for your Eternal Joy and salvation. Thus, I say again, come to Me in all your sinfulness, and let Me place My Peace within your Heart.
Belovéd Children, you are for Me as I am for you. Do not doubt this ever-present relation or connection. I am your Loving Father, and you are My Belovéd Children. Come to Me in all things.
Belovéd Children, there comes a Time, a Time that is soon, when you will be heavily or verily tested. Your Love of Me shall be challenged, and you will be vilified for your Love and trust and faith in Me. You will face trials for your constant Love of Me, but do not despair. Remain confident in My Love.
Belovéd Children, do not submit yourselves or fall into the traps laid before you by the sophists with golden tongues and blackened Hearts. Do not be deceived by their lies. Instead, pray! Know Me intimately, and stay close to the Christ Jesus. He is My Belovéd Son and the Word made flesh. When you are with Him, no one will be against you. You will not be deceived, because of your devotion to prayer. Your eyes will see and your ears will hear the deceptions of Man. You will be plagued by constant lies and stories that will sound nearly true, but are not. Pray and I give to you discernment by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray, and deception will strike you without success.
Belovéd Children, pray, for so many will be deceived. Even the Servants who I Love so dearly will be deceived, for their lukewarm Love has made their discernment wane. Those who have grown lax and inattentive in their prayer will be guided wrongly and away from My Will, and they shall lead My Children to their detriment, instead of to Me, the Lord God. Thus, be prayerful that though others may be fooled and follow blindly, you will see and hear whatever deceit is put before you.
Trust in Me, My Children. I am not the betrayer. I am Love, and I created you for Love, with Love, and from Love. I Love what I have created and take delight in your reciprocated Love. Children, do not become lazy or inattentive of your prayers to Me. I long for your notice and take pleasure in your unsolicitedattention. [spontaneous or unexpected].
Belovéd Children, let your Hearts be at ease. I do not send you to live amongst vipers nor do I allow you to eat what is rotten. I protect My Prayerful Ones with ineffable Love and Almighty Power. I am Eternal, and what I place high will not fall.
Children, look to the west, for the lands must crumble away. The wars of the East must grow. The earth rumbles in protest. Man’s sins are so astonishing that even the land and waters express their dismay. Children, you have entered into a Time of death. The sin (abortion) has spread far beyond your lands and is detrimental to the Souls who involve themselves in the murders and those who acquiesce to these deaths. Sophists have reordered what is good and right and just in this World and has replaced these things with that which is foul and evil and deadly. Do not lay claim to what is called a choice when it is Man who murders My Belovéd Little Flowers in scores unheard of before.
Children, this World of death has hardened many Hearts and closed the eyes of too many of My Belovéd Children to sin and evil. What was once considered black is redefined by sophists as black, and all that is black has become cloaked in white. Many Children are deceived and sin so freely, the Heart of My Belovéd Son continues to weep tears of blood, the very blood He shed so that your sins would be forgiven. Children, do not be hellions, but in your sinful states, call out to Me for My Love and Forgiveness. They are yours, and I celebrate with great joy, the redemption of My Children.
Be wary, My Children. Be on guard every moment and pray every minute of every day. You cannot prevent what comes now, but your prayers mitigate the trials that come. The Time of tribulations is shortened by your faithful devotions.
Belovéd Children, I say to you most ardently and with great fervor, stay close to Me and do not stray. Know within your Hearts and minds what I accept and what I do not accept. Know what My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, Loves and abhors. Know your Lord God intimately, and do not delay in your prayers. Time is short. The Time for Mercy is ending and the doors of Divine Mercy close.
Belovéd Children, you are My Greatest Loves. You are precious and singular and irreplaceable. Do not abandon your Precious Souls to this World, but come to Me, and I shall give you My Peace.
Peace, My Belovéd Children, is My gift to you in Times of chaos and tribulation. Turn to Me in all your difficulties and trust in My Holy Will for you with confidence and certainty. Peace, My Belovéds. Peace.