✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
Thursday, January 17, 2019 Adoration 3:43 – 4:34 (51m)
Sitting alone with You, Jesus, makes me feel so small, but so loved in my smallness.
I told you once with urgency, My Dear Children, and I say to you again with even more fervency, come to Me for My Great Love and Forgiveness! You must not delay for those temporal things that consume your attention and Time.
You are casting aside spiritual wealth in favor of what is cheap and temporary. Children, grasp this. Your Souls are precious and weak and easily subjected to sin. Without My Love and pardon, where will you be when death is at your door? Those who live in fear of death are those who are far from Me, your Lord God and Father. You live without protection from the consequences of your sins. I am the Loving and Eternal Father, and I look to My Children for their Love and attention, yet even as you fear the hour of your death, you do not run to Me or call My Name.
Belovéd Children, there is no more Time to delay. I call to each of My Children in ways you should hear Me, but so few are listening. Too many are inattentive to My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, who should reign in the Hearts of Man.
He has saved you from Eternal death, and you fear the death you face today? Children, look further for the Spiritual health and joy of your Hearts. You should not fear your death in this life when you are with Me. It is when you are far from Me that you should fear, for the Eternal fires are dreadful and cursed. You will long for Me and My Love but will not see the Face of God and My Love will be lost to you.
Children, listen when I say, the sins of this World are so grave and the prayerful so few and the lukewarm so plentiful and distracted. Children, it is only the noise of destruction or sudden surprise that will grab your ears to hear Me, and it is only the sounds of thunder and destruction that stay your hand in order that you may see. [Shock gets our attention.]
Children, daily, I try to attain your attention, and My Heart Weeps for your inattentiveness.
Children, do not play folly with your Time. Do not behave as if your opportunity for such a GREAT blessing shall last forever. Take this GREAT gift that is offered to you and let Me bestow upon you My Love and Forgiveness.
You must come to Me, Children. You must come to Me. How can I forgive when you have not uttered the words in your Heart that say your Souls is sorrowful and desires My Love and Mercy. Call out to Me, Children, and know the absolute peace of My Forgiveness.
Children, dark days come. I have set My Time for you and have held back and held back again, because, like a good parent, I do not desire to punish or chastise My Belovéd Children. However, I do not want to lose you to sins and hell. Just as My Love is real and the Love and Redemption of the Christ Jesus is real, so is the darkness and dreadful pains of hell. Do not disbelieve, My Children. You are meant to be with Me, your Heavenly Father and Loving Creator. I do not destroy what I have created with such Love, yet My Belovéd Children or Creations do all that is possible to break apart their Souls.
Children, do not delay. I wait with a hopeful and Loving Heart. Come to your Loving and fretful Father who wants you safe and at Peace under the mantle of His Glory. [Please, know that “fretful” is too weak a word to describe His worry over us. Such Love!]
Belovéd Children, much is at hand or much is near. This generation has not long to wait, for you have turned your eyes away from Me and lay claim to the denigration of My Son’s Sacred Heart. Your very Redeemer, He who lowered Himself to become one with Man that each of you might live, is denigrated, insulted, hated, and made insignificant to the eyes of this World. You cannot come to Me unless you come through My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.
Thus, when you Love and Adore My Son, you Love and adore the Father. When you insult the Son, so do you insult the Father, and why must I endure such pain when My Children have no room in their Hearts for Me? I AM Love. I am the essence of all that is and all that has been and all that will be. I am God, the One True God of all that is Eternal. Yet, you ignore Me.
You do not ignore the powers of an avalanche or hurricane. You do not ignore the power of earthquakes and fire. I am More Powerful and Almighty still and by so much, you cannot fathom Me. Why, then, do you ignore the ultimate Power, that is your Lord God and Father. I am Love, and My Love is not a burden to those who Love and know Me intimately. It is a joyful and willing Love. My Belovéd and Prayerful Children are no longer oppressed, confused, fearful, treacherous, or angry. My Belovéds are patient, Loving, giving, and joyful as Servants of the Lord God. There is no resentment in their Hearts as they obey My Will, as those who know and Love Me, trust in My Will which is Holy, Righteous, and above all, base on My Great Love for My Belovéd Children.
Little Ones, a child does not know more than his parent. The child is small and cannot know the BIGNESS of this World. He is small, unchallenged, weak, and utterly dependent upon the Love of his parent, and it is as it should be. Thus are you, My Belovéd Children, too small to understand the BIGNESS of Love. You are too small and untried. Why do you seek to understand that which you cannot and yet turn away from the guiding hand of your Eternal Father? [For discernment – it’s His gift to give – or not.]
Children, give up your prideful ways. Let go of the Worldly things in which you are entrapped. Of what good is gold when it cannot be spent? What good is the respect of Man when you stand alone? What good is your Worldly strength when you face what is not of this World but is of the Eternal? Without My Mercy and Love, where are you? And of what good is Life without Me? Do not delay in coming to Me, Children.
You are small and cannot understand the importance or necessity or the extreme necessity of coming to Me with Loving and contrite Hearts. Do not delay. Do not delay. When the storm comes, you will have not time to shutter your windows and lock your doors. When the storm comes, you cannot keep the water from flooding your home, nor can you make yourself safe from harm. Yet, when you are given warning of the storm, you do not delay in your preparation. You shutter your windows and secure your doors.
I say to you now, My Children, a storm comes. I say this to you that you will hear My Pleas and prepare by coming to the Lord God and Father who Loves you unceasingly.
Prayerful, teach others how to pray. Show your brothers the necessity of prayer. Do not delay, My Prayerful Ones. Your strength is in your prayer and you shall help those who are far from Me become the Loving and prayerful Children they were meant to be.
Pray constantly, My Children. It is through constant prayer that I give to you fortitude, constancy, and discernment. You must be consistent and dedicated to your devotions to Me and my Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. Shower Him with all your Love. Hold Him in great affection and awe. Submit yourselves to His Loving and Divine Will and worship Him reverently and perpetually. Soothe His Weeping Heart with your gentle and Loving attention. [There was an image of a woman wiping His feet with her hair – from the Bible.]
Children, when you are with Me, you are with the One who Loves and protects you. When you are against Me, you reside with the one who deceives and lies.
Know Me intimately. Know what I accept and what I do not accept. I do not abide by sin, and I do not accept the unrepentant Heart, nor those who have denied the Love of God.
Belovéd Children, pray, and I am with you. Pray, and know that My Great Love for you sustains you. Trust in My Great Love for you and know peace and wisdom within My Loving Will for you. My Belovéd Children, be prayerful and Loving. Forgive those you do not want to forgive without condition. It is My Love for you that should bring you joy and make your Hearts willing. Peace, My Belovéds. Peace.