✞ What victim means.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Adoration 2:35 pm – 3:14 pm (39)
Belovéd Children, the Time is short now, and I weep. Children, you are to come to Me in adoration. Seek out the Son of God, the Christ Jesus. Go to Him daily with reverence, Love, and adoration. The Christ Jesus has waited for you to turn to Him. In His Glory, He has waited and Loved.
Oh Children, a lesser day comes and this World as you know it will have changed from day to night. Already, the sun has begun to dim, as the sight of Man wanes. Man no longer sees with His Heart or Spirit and thus goes blind to his sins. Children, open your eyes and see what comes. Hold to your Love of Me and this World cannot fetter you. Even if you find yourself in the clutches of those who would harm you, do not fear. I am with you and My Peace fills your Hearts.
Belovéd Children, pray, for Time is short. The doors of Mercy close faster each day. Share your faith with others and draw them close to Me, the Almighty God and your Heavenly Father. I am in all things and have been and will forever be. I am immutable and Loving. My Love and Mercy for you are greater than you can know, My children. Thus, I ask you to increase your faith in My Will for you. Pray and trust. It will require you to have exceedingly strong trust in Me, your Lord God who reigns above and shall again on Earth. In every moment, you will be tested. My faithful will grow weary, but do not be afraid and do not crumble in the face of attacks. I am your Lord God. Know that My rewards for your Love and trust of Me are glorious things. Your Hearts are underwhelmed or incapable of grasping the BIGNESS of My Gifts.
Children, you will be called upon to make difficult choices. You will be set upon like wolves to a lamb and you shall be tested. Do not fear but attest your Love for Me, your Lord God and Heavenly Father. I am the Eternal One and all that I say will come to pass.
Little Ones, take refuge in the mantle of the Belovéd and Blesséd Mother. Allow her to protect you. Her Sacred Heart is a powerful anathema to sin and the dark one who fears her with vengeance.
Children, do not long to know what I have foretold comes, for it is a terrible thing and you should not wish its knowledge or time upon yourself or those whom you purport to Love. It is a time of darkness when the Mother Church will see her followers dwindle to a mere few. The faithful shall find it difficult to obtain the GREAT Blessings of the Most Holy Eucharist, and your Souls will languish for this. Children, these dark times are an upheaval. I reset what Man has made chaotic. Man is in need of a correction – a massive correction from His current path. Know that everything I do and all that I permit is from the Loving and worrisome Heart of a Loving Father.
Children, these are dark times and the liar that is satan is frantic to collect your Souls. Do not give him a foothold. Bring him to heel by praying the rosary, for it is a powerful prayer. It destroys the liar’s plans and thwarts him at every turn. Do not become prideful, though. It is by My Glory that he is driven from you. You are My Little Children, and I swat away what is dangerous.
Belovéd Children, I Love you. I am in Love with you and desire that each of My Children live with Me in Eternal Life. Yet, Man ignores My Love for him and leaves My Loving calls unanswered. Doomed Children! Do you not see the detriments of sin on this World? Do you not witness how the earth rebels against sin. Yet, Man continues to sin and finds or invents greater ways to do so. Children, I do not permit hellions into the Kingdom of Heaven. You must be cleansed of sin.
I am a Lord of Mercy and compassion. I am also a just and immovable judge. My desire to have all of My Belovéd Children with Me in Eternity is no longer being realized. Children, the joy of this World is being drawn out by sin. Brother is pitted against brother, and son is set upon by father(s). Mothers deny their children, and children annihilate their mothers. More division comes and will result in one complete mass of power. Children, the freedom to Love and adore your Lord God openly and joyfully no longer exists and the shackles will grow tighter still. This is why I say to you, your faith and trust in My Will, in My Love and Mercy, must be firmly ensconced. Pray, My Children. Do not be afraid to speak out against what is black disguised as white. Black is always deceitful and sinful. Do not allow what is white, pure, and sinless to exist under the veil of darkness. Bring My Truth into the Light of this World with emphasis orforce or loudly.
As you begin to evangelize, you will be persecuted. Anticipate this. It will not be an easy time for My Disciples, yet it must take place. Even as you are wantonly persecuted, look to Me for Love and let My Mercy enter into your Hearts to extend to those who would see you wasted and dejected. Recall how Saul was saved from damnation, because His eyes were opened to My Love and Mercy.
Children, too many of you are blind, yet you do not obey Me that you may recover from your blindness. Thus, by the prayers of My Most Faithful Children, I shall open the eyes of those whom you Love dearly. Those who are prayed for in time will too see.
It is the ones who will not see and who do not hear who will be in Most Misery.
Children, you hear the testimony of many of My Children and in their Love of Me, they endure the doubt and scorn of this World. You who have yet to set out into this World to share the Word of God will soon be moved to do so. Soon, by the power of the Spirit moving your Souls, you will evangelize and be put to the test. Soon, you will have your own persecutors to stone you.
Remember what I have said to you. Trust in the Lord God. Trust in Me and believe that the Love of the Christ Jesus does not falter, wane, or abandon.
Belovéd Children, I am the One True God, and only he who goes through My Most Belovéd Son can come to Me. Therefore, I say to you again, treat My Belovéd Son with great reverence, Love, and adoration. Show Him the affection in your Heart and be blessed by His Adoring Heart. Love the Lord God with the entirety of your Heart. Love Me and I do all things for My Ever Belovéd Children. Peace, My Children. Peace.