✞ What victim means.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019 Adoration 4:25 pm – 5:03 pm
Papa, I feel empty and so unworthy of Your Love and attention. I see my errors and I’m sure there are countless others. And I wonder, am I being self-righteous when I think, okay, I’m an okay person. I’ll be alright when it comes to this chastisement. Then, I feel so distant or detached from the prospect simply because “nothing” has happened. And yet, wanting “something” to happen smacks of spoiled-ness or nosiness. Like getting my beeswax where it doesn’t belong....
Belovéd Children, you are Loved and adored more than you can fathom. My Heart longs for your affection even as it cringes from your sins. Children, you cannot live in two paradigms. You cannot serve this World, worshipping that which shows success, comfort, position, and stability and serve your Lord God too. Those who place the temporal above the spiritual do not see and cannot hear. Their eyes are filled with the false glory they perceive for themselves and they hear only the adulation and envy of the World. Yet, they should see the way in which their sins and inaction pierce My Heart and choke their Souls. They should hear the calls of their Lord God and Father. So few do. Belovéd Children, when Man is deaf and blind to My Love, he walks in and with darkness. Come to Me, Belovéd Children, and be My Loving Bearers of Light.
The World is in darkness and requires My Belovéd and Prayerful Ones to shine points of Light before Men. You show those who are lost the path to Me. Show to them the ineffable Love of the Christ Jesus. Let them be aware of the entirety and Love of His Great Sacrifice. Oh, Children, how Man treats this staggering gift so lightly. So many of you do not care. Others still do not believe at all.
What does a Father do when His Belovéd Children are blind to His Love and deaf to His Calls? How does the Father gain the attention of His Children? He does so by astonishing their eyes with great Light and shocking their ears with great sound. So shall it be with My Children.
All that I do and all that I permit is done so for the sake of Love. You are My Treasured and Precious Children. I cannot bear to lose one more Soul to the dark one. Many are falling even now for their lack of Love for the Christ Jesus. Many more are cast into the fires for their worship of lust-filled things. The lukewarm also pierce the Heart of the Lamb most painfully. You shall see what it is to see your Soul(s) and the damage wrought upon it because of sin.
Children, I have said to you, know what I accept and what I do not accept. Know what pleases Me and what displeases Me. These things are many, and this World is imbued in all of them. Adultery, hatred, murder, all these things that I abhor. Above all, there is rampant hatred in this World and it is due to sin. Children, you must Love your brothers, regardless of their treatment of you. Evangelize and bring them to Me.
Belovéd Children, too many of you deny what is Spiritual and ineffable. You no longer believe in the supremacy of the One True God. My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, is abandoned, neglected, denigrated, and ignored. His Sacrifice is disregarded, and no one seeks to provide solace to Him in His Misery.
Children, this World is in a severe state of sin which shall soon bring it to its knees. The amount and caliber of sins sucks dry the health of this World, and the earth cries out daily. Children, hear the distant rumblings. Stand watch, for soon they shall draw closer. Soon you shall recognize the signs of the Great Storm that comes. Those who have heeded the warnings of the Christ Jesus and the Blesséd Mother of Heaven will be aided by Love. Those whose Hearts have been prepared shall also suffer, but because your Hearts are deeply ensconced in Mine by your constant prayers, you shall bear all things with great peace and contentment.
Belovéd Children, take advantage of what Time is left. Do not reject the Love and Mercy I offer today, for soon these will be gone to you. Children, open your Hearts to Me that I will make a dwelling place there.
Children, in all that you see and all that you do, seek out the blessings and Love I am perpetually bestowing upon you. I am intensely in Love with you, My Children, and want you with Me. Thus, I say, all that shall occur will take place to move My Children to see Love and hear Love.
Children, it will be a difficult time for you. You will be further tested. The well of Life shall run dry and finding the water to slake your thirst will be almost impossible to find. However, if you are prayerful and firmly attached to Me, you will not grow hungry or thirst. You will not become lost in the forest of iniquity nor will you fail the tests put before you. These tests are meant to make My Children betray Me. Your ardent prayers prevent this. Thus, involve yourselves deeply in the rosary prayers. There is no prayer so powerful as this.
Belovéd Children, the World is bound for peril. You cannot weaken the land without consequence. You cannot denigrate the Lord God and expect grace. You must Love Me and My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, who has suffered for you that you may have Eternal Life.
Children, do not be so short-sighted. Do not disbelieve that I can and shall do what you believe to be impossible. Trust in your Lord God and do not doubt.
Belovéd Children, I request that you spend more time in prayer. Do not become lax. Do not mistake silence for peace. What comes must come to shake this World of its sins and lethargy.
Children, I say to you, prepare! Prepare that you shall not be caught off guard like so many of your brothers shall be. Pray for My Servants who are tested and who fail. The number of loyal Children diminishes rapidly.
Children, do not turn My Love away. It is yours. Keep your prayer always in your minds. Pray constantly, and I hear your every prayer. I answer your prayers, and My Divine Will for you is perfect and good. You must trust in your Lord God. You must pay homage and adore the Christ Jesus. You cannot come to the Father but through the Son. Revere one and you shall revere the other. Offend one and you offend the other.
Children, you are so very Loved. Thus, it is with trepidation and sadness that I allow what comes. I do this from Love. Hold on to this belief. Love is motivated by Love, and I am all Love. Belovéd Children, rest in the knowledge that I flood you with My Peace.