✞ What victim means.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Adoration 1:31 pm – 2:07 pm (36)
Papa, I’ve been so anxious and troubled for the last several days. I know confusion and fear are not of You, but like my pens, I can’t seem to work at life and keep My Heart focused. I feel troubled and know my pride is getting in the way. I’m sorry.
Dear Child, I have said Trust in Me, for I am your Loving Father and I do not abandon you to chaos and confusion. I am your Loving Father, and all that I do is for you. Child(ren), you were made by Me, by Love itself and with Love within you as a part of you. How can you believe that Love will abandon Love? I do not create My Treasures to throw them into fire. I have created My Most Belovéd Children for Love and from Love.
It is you, My Dear Children, who abandon Me, and I weep for your lack of attention. I desire your praise and Adoration. I desire your Love and attention. How can you know the Father if your Hearts are lukewarm or ignorant of the Son who saves and brings Light to this World?
Children, you must not stray. It is always singularly important that you attach your Hearts to Mine. When you Love your Lord God and Father, chaos and worry and a troubled Heart do not darken your Souls. Children, you must never stray. Were I to take you today, quite suddenly, would I recognize your Love for Me? Is your Heart consumed with passion for My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus?
Do not be lukewarm with your Love of the Christ. A lukewarm Heart is indifferent and does not commit itself wholly to Love. You cannot Love Me halfway, just like you cannot be somewhat dead or somewhat alive. You cannot serve two masters. You must choose to Love Me with the entirety of your Hearts and leave off the temporal waste of this disheartened World. You give Me such joy and your Souls are within the safety of My Love.
Children, I am your Most Merciful and Loving Father. My Son, the Holy One, the Most High, Christ Jesus, is your sole redemption. Whomever He Loves, I Love, and whomever despises Him despises the Father. Whomever My Son forgives, so shall I forgive. Know that His pain is My Own. Do not pierce the Heart of the Christ Jesus with your indifference.
Already, this World is boundlessly irreverent and the whole of Mankind celebrates in its sin or celebrates its sin. This cannot last without compunction. My Children, do not believe there is no recompense for Loving Me and for negating My Love. How will you accept the Light of Love and forgiveness when you ignore My Calls of Longing?
Children, there are consequences for sin. I am a Loving Father and a righteous one as well. I do not abide by sin, and you shall know what I accept and do not accept when you spend time in prayer, conciliation, and before the Holiest of all Holies.
Children, do not let darkness strip you of what is rightly yours. I am for you as you are for Me, but first you must approach your Loving Father with open Hearts and ready Love.
My Compassion and Mercy are yours, and I wait with great anticipation and anxiety for each of you to proclaim your Love for me, internally within the sacred bastions of your Hearts and externally, amongst the hearing of your brothers, thus teaching them to give to Me their Hearts too.
Children, you are well aware how sin abounds in this World, and the calibre of sin stuns the whole of Heaven. Daily, My Angels cry out for justice, but I stay My Hand from Love.My Love for you is timeless, unbounding, growing, unfettered, and BIG. How can you live Life when you are dead? How can you see when you have no Light? How will you hear My Voice when you will not listen? Children, I call out to you daily, minutely. Come to Me with all your transgressions and I shall clean your Souls and make you whole with Love.
Children, a Time comes when persecution shall increase a thousandfold, and My Most Prayerful Belovéds will be tested. Some will be martyrs for their Love of Me and their rewards for their Love will exceed any you can suppose in this World. Do not be afraid when the time for martyrdom comes. I shall embrace you, and your Loving Hearts shall be made peaceful. My Children, others of you shall be ridiculed and pushed out from your community. You will be betrayed, just as My Belovéd Son was betrayed. Father shall turn against Son and Son against Father. Mothers shall mourn and it shall be a time of great weeping. Still, trust in My Love for you. Fuse your Hearts to Mine, because all of you will be tested. Prayer gives you fortitude and constancy. You do not deny the Christ when your Hearts are prayerful, and you have an intimate knowledge of your Lord God and Father. The betrayal of your sons and daughters shall not bend you, because your Love of Me is strong. I shall protect those you have prayed for adamantly, because you have been My Faithful Children.
Belovéds, do not mistake silence and inactivity for peace. Soon, the days of persecution will increase and spread. All My Belovéd Children will be forced to choose between the World and the temporal welfare it can provide you and your Eternal Father who knows your pains and shall fulfill My Promises in the Glory of My Kingdom. Do not be fooled by this World, Children. The sophists are clever and have submitted themselves to the liar of all time. When your Heart is fused to My Own, you discern and cannot be fooled. You will see that black, when cloaked in white, is black. You shall witness its worms and smell the stench of lies. You shall not be panged by the cruelties and persecutions put forth by this World. These attacks, while painful and terrible, will be sweet while bitter because of your Love for Me.
Trust in Me, Children, and do not fear. I am for you and you are for Me. All that I do and all that I allow is for My GREAT Love for Man. Many shall not believe this yet, but a Loving Father will not abandon His Belovéd Children to death.
Know this to be true. You are My Most Belovéds and the Treasures within Heaven. Love Me, your Heavenly Father. I do not weigh you down like the burdens of this World do. I am Light and My Love gives you need Life.
Children, be amazed and reverent of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. He has sacrificed His own Blood, His Own Precious Blood that you may be saved. Thus, show Him the Love and reverence and adoration and awe that He most sweetly deserves.
Know I am ever with you, My Children. I extend My Peace to you. Be confident in My Love and Mercy, for they are ever yours. Peace.