✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
*This message was a very visual one, especially regarding the devastation and the miracles.*
Belovéd Children, do not wait. Do not wait like those who disbelieve. Do not wait for the winds to stir. Prepare now, My Children. Prepare that you may become My Belovéd Staffs for those who do not know Me. Your prayerful Hearts please Me, and All of My Love goes out to embrace you in the Light of My Joy.
Children, I am a compassionate and Merciful Father, and I dote upon My Belovéd Children. Yet, despite My Great Love, so many have gone astray. My willful Children believe that their blessings are the fruits of their own labor, never thinking to bring their appreciation for these blessings to Me. My Children, I allow you to be born into riches or poverty. I allow you to be born on the lands I deem proper. I place you in those areas that shall benefit by your Souls. Thus, if you are born to a land of wealth, comfort, and safety, give Me oblations all the more, because you have been Blessed so HUGELY. Those born into the struggles of poverty are also Blessed. Man does not understand how poverty and aloneness and the feeding upon scraps without dignity can be a Blessing.
Yes, the impoverished are truly Blessed, for what they suffer here will be multiplied a thousandfold in the gifts they shall receive in Heaven in answer to their poverty and all that they endured. They shave the best seats at My Table and they will be honored by all the Souls and Saints of Heaven. Angels shall look upon them with Love and affection.
Yes, Blessed are the lowly. Their wealth is to come and will be glorious in My Love for them. [I saw children eating slop in their hands with dirty little faces and there was a helplessness and dignity about them that was sad but also beautiful.]
Children of My Heart, tamp your pride down and obey My Laws. Do not compromise with sin! What will you say to your Lord God and Father if you were to die at this very second? Will you fear My Judgement or take comfort in My Pity? Children, be ever vigilant. You cannot cease in your prayers. Your prayers are the mitigators of the pains that must come. And truly, I Love to hear the prayers of My Belovéd Children.
Belovéd Children, there comes a Time when the world will suffer greatly for its sins. It shall rain fire and stones will fall from the sky like stars blazing in heat. Animals shall scatter and you will see many a bird to bring you solace.
Belovéd Children, I treat you as a Loving Father treats his children. I long for each of you and so want you to accept My Good Gifts. Yet, I am betrayed and insulted and ignored and hurt again and again. If I wanted to, I would create a list of Man’s vices and sins, but the Times that open Man’s eyes is to come. Know that it is the sin of death that brings Me such pain. Man has been sinful and raped and murdered all of His Life, but only now is the earth awash in the blood of My Little Flowers. If you knew the detriment tis causes on your Souls – if you understood what you do – you would cringe and crawl away in terror. Not one drop of blood would be shed if you knew the Nature of this Sin of Death. When the life of a Child is snuffed out like a candle or broken like sticks of wood near water, when children are consumed by the sting of fire, the whole of Heaven cries out for Justice. Justice for the blood spilt by just one Child. Now the world stands indifferent to its sins. [This vision was terrible, especially with the knowledge of what an aborted child endures during the abortion. I saw hills and valleys covered in a layer of blood, as far as the eye could see, and the impact or conclusion (for lack of a better word) was the sheer amount of deaths required to cover the entire land.]
Children of My Heart, what comes will stun many and take them by surprise. Prayerful ones, you shall be the staff that guides those who find their Hearts to Me.
Children of My Divine and Merciful Heart, do not wait. All that you know today will disappear when what comes fulfills the need for Man’s punishments. Children, if you have remained prayerful and vigilant, do not fear but prepare. Continue praying, for prayer makes you strong. Prayer will give you the strength to speak and the words to say will come from the Holy Spirit Himself. Pray, and I shall give strength to those who are martyred. [I saw people who were about to be hanged as a sort of metaphor and other forms of martyrdom – those who are ostracized, marginalized by society, disbelieved – in other words, there are different forms.]
Belovéds, do not shy away from Me when hearing of these difficult truths. Keep constant in your faith. And why shall you worry, Prayerful Ones, when I hold you so closely? Trust in Me, My Belovéd Children. You shall become lions before the enemy. You will become giants of My Light, and your work for Me shall chase darkness away every time you pray. I shall work wondrous miracles through My Faithful Ones.
[Here, I heard the roar of lions in the voices of those who defend Him and who preach to others. He will definitely give you strength. Then, I saw Lazarus, and these “wondrous miracles” include bringing the dead to life to glorify God. It will be a very powerful time where God’s BIGNESS will become clear to everyone.]
You will see rivers change their course and lands fall into oceans. What comes will show Man the Nature of My Love and Power and the nature of Man’s flawed will. Let My Will rule over your Hearts and you will know nothing but the joy of re-reciprocated Love (it seemed to imply something like bouncing love?).
Children, you are One with Me and should not be afraid thus. I am ALL and everything that is and was and will be. Trust in My Eternal Love and revel in My Peace. [Here, I had a very small sense of just how truly BIG He is in the realm of size, time, space, all-encompassing and how truly small we are compared to Him, and the feeling was one of safety – like, I am so small, why am I worrying about things. He’s bigger and able to take care of anything. It is hard to describe.]
Belovéd Children, soon, one day, cities will topple. Institutions – great institutions – will be brought down. The vacuum left by them shall be filled with the One who lies. He is against Me and thus is the anti-Christ. My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, is Most Blesséd and is the Holiest of All Holies. The anti-Christ fights to take Souls away from Me. He will force My Belovéd Servants into hiding. My Belovéd Children will suffer like withering flowers for the loss of the Sacrament. My Servants must be extra conscientious in (their) prayers, for that is how you will garner strength in the midst of chaos and confusion. It is how you will be enabled to discern, for even the most knowledgeable theologian amongst you will be fooled if their prayer lives are wanting.
Precious Servants of My Heart, the work you do is immensely important. Grasp this! You cannot afford to lead My Children astray. You have been granted a precious and astoundingly august job of bringing all Souls to Me. Think of the damage done and the plenary refinement you shall endure for that one Soul. [Refinement, as in metal; a stripping down or cleaning.]
My Belovéd Servants, I have placed a great responsibility into your hands, and in these critical days, it is indescribably important that you weed out the doubts within your Hearts and believe fully to the very ends of your minds and Souls in My Absolute Love of you. Your faith is of essence because I do not fool My Faithful Children. I shed My Light on you and give you spiritual vision that you shall recognize when you face a path of darkness and will guide you to turn away and seek out another, safe path for you to guide My Children upon.
Yours is a heavy job, My Belovéds. As Servants of the Lord God, you cannot stray. Do not stray. The punishments for denying Me are great, and any loss of Souls you cause shall make the punishment and tarnish that much greater [when compared to a regular person leading another to sin, although that is almost as bad and terrible].
Yet, in these grim warnings, I say to you, do not be afraid. If you are martyred, know that your pain serves as reparation – great reparation! – for the sins of Mankind. You shall endure very difficult times, My Precious Servants. I have called you especially in the knowledge that your Hearts will open themselves to My Will and shall comfort and have gladness for everything I permit, do not permit, or ask of you.
Pray, My Children. Pray for peace and for Humanity. Pray for those who are sick and ill. Pray for those ensnared in the lies of the anti-Christ. Pray for My Servants. Pray and give praise to the Resurrected Christ, for it is He whose blood was spilt and who saved you from everlasting darkness.
Belovéd Children, you ask of Me when, when? Children, do you doubt My Reason when I say to you, pray! Be vigilant in your prayers! Make yourself strong by praying constantly. Your faith needs endurance. I say “do not wait.” You are not told to prepare for a great storm ten years before it occurs. Once warned, you prepare immediately, knowing that in only hours, the storm comes. Your homes are at the ready and you have gathered those you Love into the safety of your Love.
Thus, do not ask when, but know that already you are on the very edges of the storm and you are only now beginning to feel the winds. [That is to say, people are slowly beginning to sense something is going on.]
Belovéd Children, do not be curious and do not treat your Lord God as a puzzle to be solved. My Mystery is glorious and BIG and you are but little things, My Precious Creations that I Love so dearly. [Such affection!!]
Pray, My Children. Pray constantly in your vigilance and know I do not leave you ever.
Peace, My Belovéds. Wrap yourself in the rest you find in My Peace.