✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Oh, My Children, you are in My Sacred Heart and continuously My Concern. I am ever over you, watching, waiting, and thirsting for your notice and Love.
Little Children of My Divine Will, you please Me so with your adoration and intent. Teach others to Love Me. Show them the glory of My Love and Compassion. Let them call out to Me and I shall reveal My Passion to their aching and lost Hearts.
My Children, I have spoken to you ever urgently about the state of Man. The apostasies of this World surpass any of the kind before. Man is brutal, unkind, defiant, and murdering. You defy Me and cajole others until they blaspheme. Oh, My Children, your Souls! Your Souls are in such grave danger. I call many, especially in these days of ignorance and sinfulness. I call to you. Woe to those who hear My Calls and choose to ignore them.
My Children, suffering comes. It is unlike anything Man has ever endured. The messages of prophets have foretold disasters and you ignore My Servants or ridicule and discredit them. My Children, you have been forewarned. And while time differs between Eternal and your own, you are now at the precipice of all that was told.
Do not fear, Prayerful Ones. Your prayers have made you elect and you each will be blessed by My Glory. You each have been assigned tasks by Me and so I say, trust in your Loving and Beatific God. I am the Lord of Mercy and Compassion. I do not turn the repentant Heart away.
Belovéd Mothers of My Heart, learn from My Own Cherished and Holy Mother. She is your example and as you entrust yourself to Her, She will teach you to Love Me and Love your brethren as you should and as I wish you to. You please Me with your Love and Honor of the Mother of Peace. How soft and warm is Her Heart when My Children heed Her words and fulfill her requests!
My Children, Love Her as you would your own mother, for She is your Heavenly Mother and cherishes each of you and your Souls as I do. Her intercessions for Man are incalculable. Know this. When She is humiliated by Man through abuse, words, doubt, My Heart breaks and Justice raises its head in rebuke.
My Belovéds, the whole of Heaven waits with dread as you continue to ignore My Pleas and those of the Divine Queen. You have played Judge when it is only I who can rightfully judge. You have murdered My Belovéd Little Flowers without thought. You have perverted what I have created by encouraging immoralities. The litany [as in, repetition] of Man’s sins (is) countless, and your Souls are in such danger.
These offenses are what shall make you suffer. But your sufferings, while great and terrible, will save many Souls as you turn to Me for reconciliation. I am the One True God and I Love you more than you can comprehend. You are My Belovéd Priorities, and so (I) do not and cannot ignore your sinfulness. You cannot live an Eternal Life of joy and Heavenly bliss if you are against Me.
When you face difficulties, call out to Me for aid, and I answer, but do not curse and rail at Me as you suffer. I am not a Lord of confusion, hatred, or destruction. It is Man who confuses and who is confused. Who hates and destroys. Thus, I say to you, prepare, for great suffering comes in the form of diseases you cannot escape, from Nature’s heaving from your sinfulness, and from the evilness of those who will lead you. Do not succumb to their words and lies. The sophists who seek to destroy your precious Souls are now actively leading many of My Children away from Me. Hold tight to My Heart that you can discern lies from truth and what I accept and do not accept. Know that I do not accept sin. This is a truism that has always been and will always be. You cannot have two masters, as I have said this before. You cannot divide yourself and live.
My Children, My Words and Warnings are serious and stern. I am forthright and clear, because gentleness has not been heard enough. I called you gently, with Love and warmth, and few came. I called with a voice like the wind, and few answered Me. I called like a trumpet, and so very few responded. Now My Children shall hear thunder and no one can ignore your Holy and Mighty Lord.
Some will doubt in their fury or fear. Do not doubt. Do not doubt Me or My Love for you. Do not doubt that Man has prepared his own sufferings and tragedy by turning away from Me and Holy guidance.
Oh, Papa. What about the vaccines??
You must not be afraid to warn My Children. If you fail to act, how much worse is your shame and retribution? You who are blessed cannot fear what responses you receive. Live with your Belovéd Christ on His Cross of suffering. The whole of His Sacrifice was made that Man would be saved. Are you to allow words and ridicule and anger fill you with the fear of action, My Child?
No…I have a big mouth anyway.
Teach and guide gently, Daughter. I know your temperament, and it does no good as Belovéd Messenger. You are to say to those who ask, these vaccines are destined to do more damage than aid. These vaccines are wrenching the Will of God and subverting Love into horrible acts. Children, I made all things and in making you in My Own image, Man sins in implying that I created each of you wrongly. Every piece of you, your hair, your eyes, the intricacies of your bodies, your very taste buds! I created all in your single form and with the Love of an Almighty God. What I create, whether Man or beast, is good in My Eyes. Who is Man to alter My Creations in his arrogance and pride? No, My Child. Do not encourage My Belovéd Children in this. You will be met with derision and anger, but to do so in My Name is a blessing in itself. Trust in Me, Daughter. I do not leave you to guide My Belovéd Children to err. I Love each of you and you are each My Singular Joys.
Thus, I say to you, when in your Heart there is doubt? Pray. I am the giver of clarity and Love. I do not mislead My Children.
My Belovéds, you must pray even more. Beyond your fears of disease, you are facing additional grave disasters. It is important that you be in constant prayer. When you wake, as you carry on the duties of your day, as you eat, and as you go to sleep. Think always upon Me and My Love and pray. Know that this World and your lives are a wink within Eternity. What you may endure and be afflicted by for twenty years on earth will be only a second of your Eternal existence with Me. And it is only until you join your Loving father in Eternity that you will understand this. Put all of your faith in Me. Your Lord Jesus will guide you and hold you in your afflictions.
Pray, My Children, and I protect you from erring and…ways that might drive you towards sin.
It is even more crucial now more than ever tat you cling to your Lord God. Cling to Me and I shall embrace your Heart and impress it into My Ow. My Belovéds, look to Me in your sufferings. Do not be afraid as each affliction comes. They will accelerate and you will be bewildered but for your constant prayerfulness.
It is crucial that you Reconcile yourselves and partake of the Eucharist daily if you can. Take every opportunity to obtain these Great Graces through Christ Jesus. His Love within you in Communion brings you strength, discernment, and Love. It gives you the strength to Love in your anger and to forgive in your hurt. You must lead a Life that is pleasing to Me to enter into My Kingdom. The first step is to Love and trust in Me completely.
My Beauteous Children, I gaze upon you so anxiously. Do not let My Sacrifice for you be in vain. That is more painful still than any tortures of the flesh endured by Me. Love and trust in Me always. Your faith is so very important.
My Belovéds, I have shared with you unpleasant truths. You cannot hide from the knowledge ow what comes. Do not become bewildered, My Children. When you trust Me fully, you know will all confidence that you are safely ensconced in the Divinity of My Sacred Heart.
Belovéd Children, turn to Me always and for any reason. All of your concerns, worries, fears, hopes, and joys are of extreme interest to your Loving Lord God and every thing you share with Me is held in the utmost importance. Know that each of you is precious and a delight to My Heart. Come to Me for My Eternal Love and Mercy and enjoy the peace I give to you. Peace, My Children. Peace.