✞ What victim means.
After praying the 13th Hour of the Passion and reading verses of violence from Judith, I had to ask what I was supposed to learn, as You have asked me to be a blanket and not a sword? And so, sweet Jesus, You say to me, your Heart is so Loving and sweet. Yet, your inclination to fight will draw you to sin. I choose those who are repelled by violence to fight, knowing that they are repelled by it and constrain themselves before and while in it. You are called to pray for the misguided. I call you to pray always in reparation for all Souls, and this is a worthy task. You chafed at My Call to be peaceful, Child, rather than a warrior. Do you see how your desire might lead you to sin? If you were to strike in error, how much worse would it be for you knowing you should have stayed your hand. So I give to you a task I know you and others will benefit.
My Lord and my God.
You have prayed the Passion of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, and for reparation. Just as His suffering, His Great Suffering, (made reparations) for the sins of all Souls, so shall your prayers be bound. Your prayers will be for Souls who sin without a semblance of regret or apology. There are many whose Souls suffer in this state. They do not know what they do nor do they understand the dangers in which they place their Souls.
Your prayers of reparation bring light to Souls and open their eyes and allow them to hear My Calls of Love. I hear your prayers and I am moved by your worry or preoccupation with the state of all Souls. My Child, this World sins so terribly, and I weep. Day after day, I long for Man to see His errors and repent and come to Me for Love, Compassion, and purification. Not one Soul can afford to die outside the state of My Graces. Oh, and so many of My Belovéd Children, their Souls, are lost in the dark abyss.
My Children, pray and embrace any suffering you may experience. Give to Me your pains and agonies in union with My Own Son’s sufferings in reparation for the terrible sins of Man, for they are so great. My Heart aches for Man. I am so desperate in My Love for you and worry with the frenzy of a parent torn apart from His Belovéd Children.
Know this to be true. Even now, as the World seems restful and at peace, a fight foments above and below, and it shall devastate so many. My Belovéds who are aware should not desire to experience what comes but to pray against it. Pray for its mitigation, but do not desire it in your curiosity.
Oh, My Children, My Loving and Divine Mystery is not a puzzle to be solved. Do not treat your Loving God so unkindly.
I am ALL LOVE and do you need to know or understand more than Love? Does Love in all its Nature answer for all? Oh My Children, how My Heart aches for you. Man walks to destruction so quickly and even with a sense of glee. The evil one has no more time and so his efforts to destroy Souls is a frenzy so great as to draw many in. You are only strong when you are in My Grace. By your own efforts, you are too little to guard against such great evil, but I am the One True God and evil shrinks before Me. Thus, call on Me always. Fuse your Hearts, minds, actions, and will to My Own. Let Me guide you in all things. Submit yourselves to My Holy Will and evil will flee from us. You shall be where you must be by My Will. Trust in My Divine Will for you. I do not give you vipers or vinegar or stale bread when you say to Me, I am hungry. No. Your Loving Father provides sweetness and purity always. Thus, trust in My Divine Will for you. Trust Me absolutely in all things. If you feel a disappointment, it is because you are not aligned with My Will. Your Love for Me and your acquiescence to live within My Will means a peaceful and joyful acceptance of all things, of all situations, and more than this, a prayerful thank you to Me because your trust in Me is so great. Anticipate that My Divine Will seeks only goodness for you.
My Belovéd Children, as I have said to My Belovéd Daughter time and again and have chastised her with sadness and Love, do not be inattentive to Me! Come to Me always. Join Me in My Last Supper in the room above. Reconcile yourselves to Me often. And above all, take part of the Greatest Blessings I give to you by My Body and Blood. How much more can I emphasize the import of your consuming the Divine Host, the Holiest of all Holies, your Lord God in the Eucharist that saves? Do you doubt the great blessings I bestow upon you when we are fused together by such astounding and patient Love?
My Children, the World shall suffer much. I do not annihilate what I Love, but the actions of Man will destroy Man himself. In the whole of Nature, I Love and do not hurt the Creations I have made for Love and from Love and with Love.
Understand, My Children, Man’s will in its evil and obstinance creates the destruction that will overcome this World. I do not touch the will of Man with My Own until Man turns to Me with Love and Repentance of His own volition. I am not an intrusive Lord, and Love cannot be forced. My Eyes will cry tears of regret and My Heart shall ache as you suffer, but in the end, this great destruction will bring many, many Souls to Me. Thus, Children, this is cause for rejoice. Throughout this nameless trial, be patient and attentive and trusting of your Loving Lord, Christ Jesus. Whose suffering will you share most with but My Belovéd Son crucified?
Oh, My Children, do not be impatient for signs or answers or descriptions of this devastation. It is a chastisement, and when a fearsome thing must be faced, do you race to it with anticipation or do you shy away from it with dread? Yes, it shall come, My Children, but do not wish for it.
Even in your Love for Me and in your devastation as to the treatment this World disposes upon Me, do not wish it. I see your Loving Hearts, My Children, and I bless you and increase My Love for you in knowing you despise, not only the evil, but the pain and agony it causes your Belovéd Lord. My Children, such Love you show for Me touches My Sacred Heart and I feel such Love and affection for you!
Belovéd Children, pray for My Servants. They will need spiritual strength to stand firmly for Me. Pray for those who have strayed, for these are many and they will have to account for much. Pray in reparation for every false and sacrilegious consecration, for this is but spittle against My Devoted and Loving Heart.
Pray for My Belovéd Little Flowers; the gifts I sent to Man and woman that are discarded like trash. Pray for those who promote such death upon My Children. Pray for those Little Flowers who grown in ignorance of My Love.
Oh, My Children, pray for this World that seeks darkness and death so readily while rejecting Light, Graces, and Eternal Life.
Pray, My Children, and I hear your prayers and send you an exchange of GREAT LOVE. Be attentive to Me, My Children. Do not stray. I say this to you withal strength of emphasis, do not stray from your Lord God. Instead, come to Me in all things, and in constancy, extend your worship and Love for Me.
Peace, My Children. I grant you My Peace