✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Come together with Me, oh Children of My Divine Will. I entreat thee to come to Me and bear witness to My Love. My Comforts, pray and be faithful to your doting Jesus who is filled with Love and pity for Mankind.
I seek to hold each of you close to My Heart that we may always be fused together. I long to walk with you daily, speak with you, dine with you, and hold your hands as we work in togetherness.
Children of My Divine Heart, I impress upon you the grave nature of Man’s sins. So do I impress upon you the consolation your Love and prayers bring to the very center of My Sacred Heart.
Oh, Lost Souls of all I Love! Come back to Me, I cry. Over and over I hope in vain for many to turn back to Love and Mercy. I wish for all Souls to embrace Me heartily and to know the Divinity and peace and joy within My Love.
Oh, Children, do not supine yourselves before this World of death and sin. The blood of all My Blessed Little Flowers is spilt like My Own, and it covers this land that has been give so very much. I have blessed you with My (Graces) and good gifts, yet all of you in such great numbers have dismissed their Lord and Savior. How can this be, My Loves? My Heart aches, and I do not fathom the recklessness of your Souls!
Belovéd Man in your sins, you condemn yourselves. Your Souls are lost, but then, My Yearning Heart receives a prayer from My Belovéds, and each prayer touches the Heart of a Soul whose Heart has become embittered or angry or cold. Your prayers come to Me as consolation and peace within My Aching Heart. Then, one Heart is softened towards My Love, and I can rejoice and feel joy again.
Children of My Heart, I am all Love. I am gentle, sweet, affectionate, and attentive to each of you. Please, My Belovéds, be attentive and affectionate to your Good and Belovéd Jesus. You bring Me such joy when you attend Me, My Loves.
Recall My Passion, Sweet Children. Recall My agonies and pain. Recall My Suffering, your Divine and Loving God made as if reprobate to die on the Cross. My Cross is one of sorrow and glory. I have defeated death for the Love of all Souls. I endured humilities and ridicule and such suffering to show you and to soften justice that My Love conquers all.
Yet, Belovéds, in your willfulness and dismissiveness, My Passion is forgotten or more evil still, denied by many. Such gross sin! I am Love and My Passion was Love itself.
Belovéd Children, My Heart is filled with pity and dread. Love is such a simple thing, and yet Love is denied over and over again. Love does not hurt or draw anger or pronounce conditions. Love waits patiently, longingly, and with great and joyful anticipation for reciprocity. Take My Love, Children of My Divine Heart. Accept the kisses and blessings I give to you. Pray, and you feel Me with you. Pray, My Belovéds.
Justice comes, and without an intimate and Loving relationship with Me, your Loving Jesus, you will not survive but surrender to deceit. Prayer keeps you close and the prayer of the Rosary closer still. My Children, it is so very crucial that you pray steadfastly. Pray and attend to Me. Pray and attend to Me. Come to My Supper and stay in a state of Grace within My Loving heart.
I weep because you shall long for Me, but know it is only for a little while. It will seem a lifetime to you. You will bear many, many difficulties, but trust I am always with you and your acceptance of these difficulties sweetens the wounds I suffer and soothes the pain of My Heart. Your acceptance of all hardships serves as the sweetest and Most Belovéd of reparations for Man’s sins. Know this to be true. Even as you suffer, the Angels in Heaven sigh with reverence at the calibre of your Love for Me.
The peace of this once good kingdom shall end now. You were blessed from the beginning but darknesses and vices have been invited into the Hearts of Man, and the apostasy is too great for even My Angels to witness. Belovéds, you cannot compromise with sin, and surely Man has grown past this into full acceptance. Indeed, the nature of Man’s sins is so dark as to appall the whole of Heaven. My Heart is broken, for Man is now more determined and inventive in His sins.
The deceiver has taken hold, but I will dispel this darkness and give to you My Light of understanding. Soon you shall see as I see and know as I know and feel as I feel. It is for the benefit of all Souls, and I wish to keep each of you close to My Heart, My Belovéds. [*not as equals but to see how bad sin is.*]
Do not doubt My Love for you, especially in Times of trial, for there will be many for some and many more for others. Have confidence in My Sweet and Loving Will, and My Graces shall make what is bitter, sweet and what is difficult easier. I bring peace into the suffer Hearts who turn to Me with all their Hearts.
Trust in Me, My Belovéds. Always trust in Me, for I give you good gifts and My Will for you is all Love and Mercy.
Know this to be true. You will endure new and physically ugly (?) diseases. They shall be evident on your bodies and many will be in pain. Many of you will be separated from society, but do not despair. Suffer with Me in My Passion. [I envisioned boils or bad rashes.]
You will endure ridicule and severe punishments for your Love of Me. Do not fear but trust in your Lord God, the Lord of the impossible, and the King of Love. I do not abandon you. *** Soon, this World will crumble in itself as money becomes worthless and My Children grow more divided still. Look to Me, My Belovéds. Turn to Me.
Belovéds of My Mother’s Love, you shall be a force to reckon with, blessed as you are by her enduring Love. I look with such great favor on those who adore and Love My Beautiful and Beatific Mother [such affection!]. She is the Queen of Heaven and the bride of the Church. Attend to her as you would to Me, giving her all reverence and Love. Her constant intercessions for Man have been so very powerful and effective. My Good Mother’s requests cannot be denied by her Most Loving Son. She is the Mother of your Lord God and the Queen of Peace. She will guide you and teach you to Love her Son as she Loves Me.
Belovéd Children, rest now, as the days will grow as turbulent as the storm draws closer. Now, the winds blow and the branches on trees moan. The waters of the oceans are growing waves that reach the sky. Draw shelter now by constant prayer. This storm will be a violent one, but after it has had its way, the earth will be left anew, as it always is after torrents and pain
Belovéd Children, I am Love. Trust in Me as a child trusts in a parent. I do not fail My Loving and attentive Children. My gaze on you is all tenderness and affection. With this truth, enfold yourself and know My Peace. Peace, My Children. Peace