✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Courage, My Children, and Love and trust. Let Me guide you, Precious Ones. It is like a whisper, the catalyst, and it happens soon where one storm begins and before it is finished, another shall come, and another and another. Thus, it is why I say to you, My Belovéd Children, do not rely on yourselves but in Me, your Lord God and Father who Loves each of you like precious gems, but more. Nothing can be compared to you, as you are the delight and Love of My Eternal Heart. I Am Love. Thus, I say to you, be courageous and trust only in Me. Trust in Me and ensure that you remain in My Grace by attending to confession and receiving the Most Blesséd Sacrament, the Christ Jesus, My Belovéd Son, in the Eucharist. It is the holiest of all Holies, and it is only through My Son that you are saved.
It will be difficult and your trust will be tested hardily. You will be forced to forego your faith in order to survive and thrive in this World, but do not deny Me. I am the Lord God, your Most Blesséd Father, and I look after those who trust Me totally.
Oh, My Children, I weep to know what you shall endure. The Angels themselves turn their eyes away in grief. Think that these times will be so difficult as to make the very Heavens weep.
Harsh words, I know, My Loves, but I am the Lord God and I cannot lie. I will forewarn you because you are My Loves and I want you to turn to Me when you are fearful, when your faith is weak, when you are confused, and when you are bereaved with tragedies. You cannot prepare but by constant devotion and prayer. It is especially in Adoration when My Heart is deeply pleased by your Loving devotions.
Children, I am Love, and your lack of attention wounds My Heart. The lukewarm of Heart confound Me. Their indifference strikes Me like a burning whip, and your Holy Lord is hurt and dissatisfied.
My Children, think not of what is temporal but set your eyes and your Hearts on Eternity. I have such wonderful gifts for you, if you will only trust in Me. Your Father gives you good gifts and nothing in this fleeting World can compare. Whatever desires that are in your Heart now, leave them. Trust that whatever disappoints you will be rectified by Me a hundredfold. You cannot fathom the joy and goodness of Eternity with your Lord God.
Thus, remove your desires for what is cheap and temporal from this World and set your trust in Me, your Doting Parent. Trust in Me.
My Children, this storm has just begun, and the winds shall blow stronger, and the rains will devastate much of this World. Pray, and I protect you. Pray, and any pain or tragedies or disappointments you must face in My Name will be like sweet nectar in your Hearts.
Oh, My Children, pray for My Belovéd Servant, the priests who purport to serve Me. So many are lost now and march towards perdition without thought or concern for their precious Souls. So many are at risk of damnation for betraying their Lord God and most especially for leading My Children astray. The detriment that one causes My Belovéd Children results in horrible recompense. Thus, pray for My Servants, that they may see their utter sinfulness and be made aware of the truths of Eternity.
I wish all of My Children to be with Me, but Divine Justice must be served. Oh, Children of My Heart, do not wait. Do not linger in your inattentiveness to Me. Do not concern yourselves with this World. Trust in Me. I give you My Enduring Peace. Peace.