✞ What victim means.
Papa, I am worried about our priests.
Belovéd Children of My Sacred Heart, do you not know and believe in the depths of My Love? Do you not believe in the Salvation I give to you? For Man through My Divinity and Sacrifice? Oh, Children of My Divine Love, come to Me and pray for this divided World. Do you not see the storm that is building around you? Pray, My children, and I will answer your prayers according to My Divine Will which is all Love and Mercy.
Belovéd Children of My Bleeding Heart, your sins bring Me such agony. I want each of you with Me always and in Eternal Love, but so many have wandered and strayed, and My Sacred Heart breaks.
I weep. My Children, I weep daily for this World. All of the chaos you sense and feel and face is wrought by sin and culminated by Satan himself who reigns so freely in this World.
My Children, please pray diligently for My Belovéd Servants. As they stray, they grow blinder and blinder. They grow lax with My Warnings and lead My Belovéd Children astray as well, because they do not teach them My Will as they should. Know, My Children, that your ardent prayers for My Belovéd Servants save many and bring them back into the folds of My Love and Mystery.
Pray, My Children, for I call and called every Servant and hoped they would always serve Me with devotion, adoration, and constancy. They are My very Apostles in this World and their tasks and roles, while Holy and Blesséd, are difficult and demanding. They must not submit to this menacing World. They must hold firmly to Me and guide My Children rightly.
My Belovéd Children, so many of you pray with such frightened Hearts and with such doubt. Do not be afraid, My Delights. You are in My Loving Hands and I do not hurt what I have created with Love and from Love and for Love. Children, but you must faithfully obey My Laws and at all times shun sin. It is sin that brings down Man. The sinfulness of this World is grossly evil and is put forth by those who follow evil. They relish the designs of it and believe the hollow treasures evil brings them are permanent. They revel in the power they believe they own, but what shall My Children do when the evil raises its head and shows his true face? They will then see his lies but it shall be too late. When My Children embrace darkness, they cannot see the Light of My Love. When My Children steep themselves in evil ways and sinfulness, they cannot recognize My Love which dotes on humility, the humble, the Loving and charitable. When My Children sin, sin takes them away from Me, and sins unrepented lead to more sins and more dastardly sins. Thus, Man has come to this where death is much preferred to Life. When Man prefers death to Life, how can they see Me?
Oh, My Children of My Sacred Heart, it (stings) Me and My Love for you to see what you bring upon yourselves. I am a God of Love and Mercy. I do not abide by sin and I see how much Man has compromised with evil. Your sins are such that the darkness of previous generations pales by comparison. Your sins are far graver than those of your forefathers and by many, many times over.
Oh, Children of My Loving and Merciful Heart, you must repent of your sins and sin no more. I offer to you GREATEST Love and Mercy, but no one comes to request My Mercy and Forgiveness. Your Hearts are withered dry and My Children lack devotion and reverence for My Son’s Sacrifice. He suffered so cruelly unto death for each of you. He would do so again and again, if Divine Justice would permit it, but Justice does not and will not. Thus, I say to you, Man will crush Man and families will separate and be divided amongst themselves. Many nations will crumble and the East shall topple the West in its weakness. I have granted you such generous gifts, but you have turned your faces away from your Creator and Lord who Loves you. You have, beyond all understanding, rejected Love. Children, therefore you shall endure a purification so terrible that you will wonder at your folly and come to Me in desperate hope for Love and Mercy. This is why I allow Man’s storm. This is why I shall step back and allow yourselves to face this storm that will open your eyes. You shall then know I am the Lord God whose Love sustains all.
No, My Children, I do not wish this upon you, for you are moving towards terrible times. Yet, My Prayerful Ones and Devoted Children, I say to you in your prayerfulness, do not fear. Do not fear nor worry. Why shall you worry when you sin within the Loving Hands of your Lord God. Have faith, Little Ones, and trust that I am with you in all things. If you are to face the enemy, as fearsome as he may seem, he cannot hurt you because you are Mine. Even if darkness threatens to consume you and those you Love, trust in My Love and mercy. I shall save you and many because of your ardent prayers. If you should face death and suffering for your Love of and faith in Me, I shall be with you and you shall rejoice in having faced a sacrifice for Me. And, you shall reign with Me as a gift for your Love and enduring devotion.
So, I say to you, My Children, focus on Me and do not worry. For what can you do in your Sweet and Adorable smallness? I can do the impossible and will do so to glorify Myself and open your eyes to My Glory.
Oh, My Children of My Sacred heart, I am appalled by how this World has gone astray. I am filled with grief and worry as I watch one after another walk towards perdition. Those who sin without thought or repentance go to perdition even while it is never My Loving Will to have that happen.
Children, perdition exists and the sufferings and tortures are extreme and unlike any you can possibly know within your barbaric World. As terrible as this World can be, it does not compare to the devastations and darknesses of hell.
Children, again I say, be aware and wary of sin. Do not succumb to it, and when you do, trust in My Forgiveness and come immediately to Me in reconciliation. You must always, ALWAYS remain or be in a state of grace. This is of the utmost importance. Receive the Holiest of Holies. Even though it does not seem possible, one day soon My Belovéd Son shall be scarce in the Eucharist. Good priests shall be lacking and false consecrations will abound. You will witness the evil of false masses and so many will be fooled.
Oh, Prayerful Ones, continue to be faithful and fervent in your prayers for holiness and discernment. I shall bless you constantly because of your supplications.
Children, I tell you these grave things because you cannot afford to be surprised by what comes. You must prepare by being constant to My Love and your faithfulness. My Children, come to Me and I will give you all that you need. Trust in your Lord God and know that I place My Peace upon you in My Great Love for you. Peace, My Children. Peace.