✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Sunday, October 31, 2021 2:10 – 2:41 pm (31m) At Church
When I make a mess of things, You comfort Me. Please, Lord, speak loudly. What do You want me to do?
Oh, Belovéd Children, I long for your Love. I long for your attention. You are most precious to Me as you are My Belovéd Children. Trust in My Love for you. I do not betray you but give you good gifts and stay always beside you as a Loving and Protective Parent.
Children of Christ’s Heart, hear Me. You do not know what comes. You do not understand the capacity of sin and evil. You do not fathom the true depths of Man’s sinfulness and in the (this) ignorance, you shall learn a bitter lesson. I do not long for your suffering but cringe and weep that you must face it. I will mitigate it for My Prayerful Children. I will give to you My Peace and guidance. I will give you Life-giving succor and provide for you.
My Beauteous Children, pray. Even now you witness the changes around you. When your eyes are open, you see the darkness that looms above this earth. When you are blind, you cannot be warned of what comes. Thus, so many of My Blind Children will be astonished most gravely because they refused to hear and they refused to see and they did not believe.
I weep, My Children. I do not want you to suffer, but Man runs to detriment freely, almost gleefully.
My Beauteous Children, reject Satan and all the lies he is telling this World! He confounds My Children, and in your weakness, you are easily led astray. My Children, I have made you in My Image. Your Lord God and Father is All Holiness, Grace, and All Mighty. I am the Maker of all that you see and do not see. I have made all things known and unknown to Man. I have given to you, My Belovéd Children, My Constant Blessings and Graces, and to save you, I sent My Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that you may live in Eternity with Me.
My Belovéd Children, this storm you experience grows worse and worse. You will face sicknesses that shall take millions of people away. It will become detrimental and more powerful, not because your Loving Lord God deemed it as such, but because Man himself has thought he can surpass his Maker. He cannot, and this sad effort has become the stain of death on this World. Do not doubt, My Children, but pray. Pray that the eyes of My Belovéd Children are opened to My Mercy and Love.
Oh, Children, Man will do more to bring detriment to this World. Man will cause millions to starve. The imbalance Man creates in this World will cause abnormal storms and lands to shift violently and animals to die or ravage the lands where food grows. Children, the World as you see it today will be vastly changed tomorrow.
Oh, Children, believe Me when I say to you, pray! Pray, My Children and stay very close to your Loving Father. Let My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, fuse His Divine Heart to your own by means of constant prayer and unfaltering Love.
Satan and his minions attack this World wholly and individually. There exists an air of death for Mankind. Men lose their minds daily and are blood-thirsty for the death of innocents. Families are broken and the bonds of marriage which I have Blessed with My Divinity are broken and broken again. Children are kept away from Me and the World seeks wealth and riches and esteem instead of holy wisdom and devotion to Christ.
And this World of Death shuns My Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and so more darkness abounds throughout the earth and the earth spews forth its dismay.
Oh, Children, how unbalanced and fragile this World has become. If you would forsake all that is temporal and unholy, Divine Justice would be staid. My Belovéd Children do not believe. You do not believe in My Love which is all Mercy, Holy, and Good. My Love for you is profound and you will not understand or fathom its fabric until you part from this World.
Belovéd Children, the means by which you live will change. Lands will be altered. People will be overcome and fooled by Death. The World will fall into a bitter chaos, so bitter that My Belovéd Children will seek refuge and rest wherever they first find it. Do not be fooled by the fake peace that will demand everything from you in order that you may enjoy the fruits of its efforts.
Your Lord God instills a Loving Peace within your Hearts – a peace that is not altered by what occurs within this World. My Love surrounds you with graces and the patience to endure suffering. Do not be afraid and trust in your Most Loving Father. It will be an astounding and terrible time, but you will weather this storm by Loving and trusting in Me with constancy.
Belovéd Children, pray for My Belovéd Servants who stray from Me. Pray for their Souls and pray that they allow their eyes to be reopened by My Grace.
Belovéd Children, trust and find Peace within My Sacred Heart. Call out to Me and My Heart is instantly fused to your own.
Trust as a child trusts in his father. I do not fail My Belovéd Children. Trust, My Children, and pray. I give you My Peace. Peace, Children. Peace.