✞ What victim means.
July 29, 2023
Dear Friends, thank you for emailing me during these quiet times. There is a new stirring in my soul, and there are two new messages posted. Because there are so few, I have consolidated them on to one page (pending more, if God graces us with His words!). There is a third message that will be posted at the end of September. It is a matter of logistics and me having left the document out of town (as I roll my eyes - so much for being a good secretary!). In addition, I owe many of you responses to your emails. Rest assured, I am reading them and will get back to you as soon as I am able. God bless you and yours. Linda
Tuesday, April 8, 2023
Pray for our priests and the children in the wombs of all mothers. Their deaths are an affront to My Eyes and you cannot live when you clothe yourselves in death.
Belovéd Children, hear Me. Do not become complacent. It is easy for My Belovéd Children to fall asleep when danger is just at the door. Do not rest in your efforts. Pray! Always pray, for I hear your prayers, and they are like songs to Me. I hear your prayers and act upon them readily. Oh, Faith, My Children. Have faith and believe in My Love and plans for you. What parent does not wish to see His Belovéd Children healthy, happy, and safe? I am the Perfect Father and My Entire universe is kept up in you. Thus, I thirst for your Love and attention. Yet, My Belovéd Children abandon Me. I am abandoned in My Love and I wish to extend it and fill each of your Hearts with My Light. My Love gives you new life. Do not doubt Me, My Loves.
Dearest Loves who deny Me, come to Me. Return to your Loving Creator who has made you from Love, with Love, and for Love. You are My Purpose. You are in Me as I am in you.
Children, you cannot afford to wait. I seek your attention. I seek your attention minutely. I call to you. I then send messages for you. I provide great glories for you, but I am denied, ignored, or receive lukewarm and uncertain Love. Oh Children, I wish for each of you to understand and know Me. My Love is not a chore, nor is it something that brings shame. I am a worrying and doting Father who calls His Children to Him.
Children, I have whispered and I have murmured you names. You did not hear. I called out to you, louder still, and you would not hear. Now shall I roar, but will you still be deaf to My Please? Will I be abandoned still?
What man can see a crying baby and not pick it up to take it to safety, nurture it, protect it, and see to its health and happiness. And if it is your own child, how much more attentive will you be? And I, your Lord God, Am the perfect parent! I know your every breath, for I have counted them even before you came to be. I know every fleck of color in your eyes and every vein that runs through your bodies.
My Belovéds, Life can be a boundless joy, even in tragedy. You can withstand anything if your faith and belief in Me (are) full. Children, your faith will move mountains and you will perform other miracles to Glorify My Name. You will be Lights in this World of Death. You will guide the lost and light darkness. Know, therefore, what I Love and do not Love, what I accept and do not accept.
Children, this world’s apostasy far exceeds that from any other time in Man’s existence. You murder innocents by countless numbers and do not feel any blight on your Souls because of this action. Your Hearts have grown accustomed to Death and sin so that you no longer recognize it when you are faced by even the darkest sins.
Children, I say to you, do not become complacent in your prayers. You cannot know when your Master returns. So I say, pray. Pray for My Servants whose indifference puts their Souls in peril.
Servants of Mine, My Belovéd Disciples, you must not lead My Belovéd Children astray. Your Souls, My Servants, carry a heavy burden and your responsibilities are grave. Do not be dismissive of your work. Replenish your Spirits with My Love. Build up your strength with constant prayer. You will rediscover the energy of your first Love. You will reexperience your zest for the Holy Spirit. Come to Me with open Hearts, and I will give you new Life. My Servants, you must not lead My Children astray. Doing so puts your own Soul in peril and the consequences are severe.
Children of My Heart, it comes in Spring when the skies are quiet and the leaves grow back on My trees and flowers. And in this Spring, you will know peace before a storm. Do not become decadent or overindulgent because you have plenty. One day you will not have, and that which you considered garbage today will be a feast in your eyes tomorrow.
[This did not imply which spring, just “during springtime.”]
Children, I have Blessed you countless times. I have looked with favor upon the Lady of the World. I have let you prosper and bear fruit. Yours has been a singular moment of light and glory. I Blessed you, but you turn your Loving faces away from your Lord God and Father, and instead fill your arms with death and evil. You have become comfortable with sin, such that you will excuse it to save yourself from ridicule. You excuse sin for fear of the times and the consequences of truth. You compromise with sin in all its evil because you are worldly and do not contemplate with prayer your life after death. You can only know true Life and Love through My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. When you do not know Him, when you do not adore Him, I do not recognize strangers and will turn you away. Do not compromise with sin. Do not deny your Love for Me. You will be tested in fearful ways, My Children. I do not tell you this to frighten you but to prepare you. To show how your enduring prayer gives you strength to endure even that which you dread most.
This World cannot continue on this destructive road. My Greatest desire is to have every Soul, every Belovéd Child with Me. I crave your Love and long for your notice. You cannot live in darkness. If you insist on shutting out My Light, you will be blinded when your eyes are un-shuttered. By then, you will not recognize Me nor My Love and goodness.
Children, pray. I lose so many Souls each day to Satan. My Children do not realize that there are repercussions for sin, and if you deny My Love and Mercy, how can I save you then? Children, you would not reject a pound of gold and yet, you reject My Love which is ineffably more precious. Belovéds, I call to you again and again. Know Me. Do not wait. Do not wait. I give you My Peace. Peace.
Friday, July 28, 2023 3:30 pm – 3:56 pm Adoration
All at once, Your eyes looked at me so patiently but so sadly….
Pray, My Adorable Child, and do not wander. Now, more than ever, you must remain close to Me. Do not wander. Do not let the calmness or peace of what takes place now make you become lax in your prayers. It is the calm before the storm, My Child.
You ask why I have been so distant, but it is you yourself who has locked her Belovéd Jesus out of her heart. Belovéd Child, I give you such great graces and gifts. Do not believe in Me with a worldly Heart. My Love and attention do not cease, nor do I withdraw My Love from you. My Love is gentle, unconditional, and filled with compassion. I do not hide from you. I do not ignore My Precious Child. Trust in My Love. Trust in Me.
I do not play games with My Belovéd Children. If you are bad today or sinful, do not believe that I will withdraw My Love. Trust in Me, for I forgive! I cannot withdraw My Love from those I Love who I have made for Love and with Love.
I do not draw My Precious Children to Me only to trick you by withdrawing My Peace from you. Belovéd Children, you stray.
I am so very joyful at the recent penitence shown and conversions to My Belovéd Father. New Children are introduced to Me and their Hearts fall in Love with Me, the Christ Jesus, because they have seen and felt and know the depths of My Love and joy in their Salvation.
Those closer to Me still understand My Great pain and grief for what I see in this World.
I have said, to whom much is given, much is expected. Thus, Children, if I have called you to Me, and you stray again after knowing My Touch, how does that betray your Loving Savior. Do not stray, My Children. Even if your Heart feels dry and your prayer seems barren, do not cease your prayers. Trust in Me that I am always with you. This does not and will not change. I am ever with you in your grief and sorrow, in your joy and Love and while you eat and sleep. I am your attentive Lord Jesus. Be still and quiet. Open your Hearts to Me and I whisper your name.
My raucous Children, I call out to you as well, and I accommodate My Children, for I speak loudly to draw you near to Me! My Creatures are varied and wondrous!
[This is said so affectionately. He loves us as we are, whether shy or loud.]
Belovéd Children, I am staggered by Man’s love of death. I see such terrible evils surrounding My Children. The propensities of the sinful bring My Angels to despair. My Heart breaks for My Children. Your precious Souls are so lost in gluttony and sin. How you have strayed from your Lord God. You do not know the damage you cause to your Souls. Prayerful Children, pray for the conversion of these Souls. Know what I accept and do not accept, and preach My Words to the lost in Spirit. I do not wish to lose even one of Precious Soul!
Thus, pray for those who stray and who are lost. (How, Jesus?) With your words and prayers and behavior. Trust in Me and the Spirit will fill your tongues with the most powerful words. Do not rely on your intellects. Pray and I shall give you strength and courage and faith.
Love others, forgive, and make your Love for your Lord God clear. Do not be ashamed of your Love for Me. I shall welcome you into My Kingdom for your devotion and Love and joy in worshipping Me.
Belovéds, time goes faster. Today you are untroubled, but this World shall be tested. Soon, the anti-Christs shall show their hand and My Children’s eyes shall be opened to the appalling evil that has lived before them all this time. My Children will be bewildered by their [own] ignorance. And My Prayerful Children shall guide each of them gently back to Me.
[I believe that anyone or anything that is evil and set against God is an anti-Christ. There’s more than one – like minions of the big one. That is the best that I can describe it.]
My Children, I hold each of you affectionately and protectively to My Heart. You are My Belovéds. Pray. Pray the Rosary and pray for My Servants. Pray against this desire for death that all My Belovéd Little Flowers be saved from death by evil’s hands. The blood of My Precious Little Flowers rushes like an ocean across this World, and there will be justice for these Children.
Belovéd Children of Mine, go in peace. Share My Word. Love your Lord God, Jesus, the Christ, for your ardent prayers and trust assuage My Broken Heart.
He is so sad…