✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
“My Touch” (Luke 6:12-19)
My little Mary, today’s Gospel says that a miraculous “force came out of Him,” so that numerous crowds flocked from many villages in order to be able to touch Me and be healed. The sick, the possessed, the frightened and the distressed cried out for My help, they sought My touch in every way. Where did this miraculous force that healed everyone come from? Not only from My divine power, but also from My deep union with My Father and with the Holy Spirit, Who supported My mission, strengthening My work. I spent nights in prayer to seek further strength and help for My humanity.
Today there is a huge array of these multitudes of people who are sick in body and spirit, occupied by the evil one: poor sinners at the mercy of their evil. But unlike My times, in which many set out to seek My Person, the help that only I could offer, today the majority do not seek Me, they do not cry out to Me anymore; their words have fallen silent, they do not have breath rising in their souls. They do not seek My touch that heals, because they no longer believe.
How does My touch come about? It comes about through dialogue, the relationship that needs to be established with God through deep and constant prayer. A few weak and sporadic invocations are not enough, the village procession done out of tradition is not enough, nor is a Eucharist whose participation is cold and superficial. Prayer must become a concrete experience, a one-to-one dialogue that becomes intimate and loving, that brings you closer and spreads the divine attributes; the more you live and immerse yourselves in them, the more they descend upon you, bringing their effects in every form of healing and deliverance.
The relationship with the Eucharist is not only about taking Communion as an act of habit, a prescribed rite, but about becoming acquainted, a shared encounter, becoming the touch of My Heart in which Its resonance enters yours. It is only in the touch of the heart that you receive and are infused with My love, which can give you every form of rebirth and grace.
What happens instead? I tell you that the mass of Christians receive Me in a distracted, passive, and absent way. They take Me and immediately forget what they have received, Who I am, what I can do for them, and they do not come into contact with Me. They do not pour themselves out to My Heart, and it is only in this touch that loves, that merges with and kisses My divine creative Heart, that It can act on your humanity and give you every kind of regeneration. If this is not the case, if this fusion does not occur, if your soul does not participate, how can there be healing, deliverance, and continuous conversion?
I spent nights in prayer, and from them came the strength of My actions and My works. My own apostles continued My journey in the mission given to them by praying—a prayer that became the life and touch of God among the people. They, like My saints, like My loving souls, communicated with the impetus of a love in which they found and perceived My renewed Presence, praying and living the Eucharist. It was in this touch that they completed their earthly mission.
How can all those who are called to follow Me in the particular mandate of the consecration of the priesthood do so? How can they carry on with evangelization, with the work of healing among people, if they do not experience My touch, if they do not touch My Person with their heart? It is only through the infusion of My flesh [in the Eucharist] within them, only in My Spirit that reaches out to them and breathes vital breath into them, that they touch Me and are fortified by the miraculous strength of God, being able to heal infirmities, bringing freedom to the [demonically] oppressed, converting consciences.
I bless you.