✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
“Knowledge of the Holy Word” (Gospel: Luke 11:47-54)
My little Mary, in today’s Gospel, the Pharisees continually attack me. They seek disputes in order to catch me, but I say to them: “Woe to you, doctors of the law, because you have taken away the key of knowledge. You have not entered, and you have prevented those who wanted from entering.” Thinking that they are the holders of divine wisdom, they reject Me, Who am the incarnate Word. They are neither able to recognize Me, nor to see nor understand Me for what I am, because they are blinded by pride, by the desire to submit the very Word of God to their schematic thinking [ai loro schemi], transforming the Holy Law into a grim, harsh, hard, merciless one, which strikes others severely, but whereby they justify themselves, absolving themselves from all guilt. They do not encounter God’s humanity [i.e. in Jesus, the incarnate Word]. The door of their heart is spiked, fenced off, and barbed, so that they place themselves as a wall in front of their brothers and sisters, preventing many of them from penetrating within in order to have access to revealed truth.
I have come to attest to the reality of the incarnate Word, which becomes the expression of the supreme love given in My passion, death and resurrection, which manifests the essence of God, His mercy. A God made man who dies and gives His life for His creatures, a living Word that rises up in self-giving, sacrificing Itself, and which the doctors of the law cannot understand, neither Its meaning nor Its value, given that they only want to possess the Word in order to have human power over It.
Such alleged doctors, scholars of divine things, continually reappear over the centuries, bringing with them many conflicts, many divisions that always seek to alter the Holy Word in order to split the Church of Christ and Its true Spirit, trying to pollute Her with heresies of every kind, so that the true knowledge of God becomes accessible only through a narrow door, and only those who faithfully welcome the teaching of the Divine Master are able to do so.
Even today, how many make themselves doctors of my Word among priests, religious, catechists, theologians; they are indeed bearers of My voice, but many of them come to deform It with personal ideas, with their own theories, or behind false philosophical teachings that do not reflect what I have said and am. It is a door—that of knowing Me, which does not open to them because they do not possess the keys of humility and obedience. They acquiesce to modern ideologies in order to please and to be esteemed by the world, and how many fall into their traps. By polluting and corrupting the Word, they do not give truth, and without truth, the behavior and actions of man become corrupted. Even when charity is given, it is not the reflection of divine transparency, but is spoilt by following an unhealthy line of thinking.
What should you do, children? Always remain united to the Holy Scriptures, as they are. Follow the Gospel to the letter regarding what I have said: this is a direct and clear way, a light that directs you to the right path to follow.
If you have doubts, uncertainties, and do not understand, pray, invoke the Holy Spirit, Who will give you light. Faced with sincere intent, with true desire, God always comes to give His answer. And if that is still not enough, and you need to talk, seek a spiritual father who can give you enlightened advice. Observe carefully what his life is like, whether he adheres to the divine commandments, whether the words expressed [by him] are grafted onto and very faithful to the Gospel, because these are times of great confusion and division. If you follow these three rules, you will see that you will receive the key that opens the door to meeting Me, to the path that leads you and becomes a direct [route]. Behind the open door, you will find Me waiting for you.
I bless you.