✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
“The struggle for truth” (Luke 12:49-53)
My little Mary, behold, the Gospel says: “I have not come to bring peace on earth, since my peace is not like that which the world gives,” that is, the peace of well-being, of a quiet life that revels in its possessions and is not subject to disturbances and annoyances. My peace is a peace of conscience, in the honesty of one’s inner being, that lives by the truth: truth which, if it is expressed and lived out, becomes uncomfortable and is not welcomed, which is fought against, and which will require struggles and divisions to defend it.
The dark forces will always try to hinder the heralds of truth through lies, and this will involve personal sacrifice, the challenge to self, the giving of oneself, the loss of convenience, comforts and compromises for the victory of good—a battle that will also and above all take place within the family, your relatives and acquaintances, as the Gospel states, so that in a home, two family members will be against the other three, three other people will be against two others. [Those linked by] the dearest of affections, the closest blood ties, will come to oppose one another and be divided—something that will happen with greater difficulty regarding bonds of the spirit, with brothers and sisters united in the same principle of faith and shared truth. These unions become superior to those of blood and surpass them, since they become eternal.
Living out unity, in terms of belief and divine teaching, involves a choice, taking a stance that cannot ally itself with those who live in lies and evil, that cannot live in false adhesion to those who deny the truth of God, becoming mixed with those who are against the Holy Word. There can be no complying with their erroneous behavior or sharing in their unhealthy ideas in order to please them. It will be necessary to fight, with this being a battle of love, to enlighten and to bring these brothers and sisters in error to the right path, to the way of redemption that leads them to the Lord.
In the world there will, therefore, always be a split, a part that fights against the other, that will not be able to live in total unity and in a dimension of complete peace; there will rather be a division that will lead to its full revelation in the universal judgment, when it will be made manifest before all, when the split due to the choice made by men and its consequences will be evident. Humanity will be divided forever.
Now, however, you are called to live together in such a way that one person tries to lead the other to good and to be sanctified, to work for the salvation of the soul of others who may be lost, while the opponents will try to deform and pollute the bearers of the truth.
My children, each person must plough their own furrow of soil for the truth. I give you all the means with which to work. I do not abandon you, giving you my support and help to ensure that, furrow after furrow, the path to the Kingdom is marked out.
The truth will be victorious, even if this will involve losses, defeats, sacrifice. The blood cost in the martyrdom offered will bring that peace which will be fixed, stable and eternal, with all the children of God: the children of truth.
I bless you.