✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
“Our Lady of Fatima” (Gospel: Mark 10:17-30)
My little Mary, today you remember Our Lady [la Madonna] of Fatima in her final apparition with the miracle of the sun. She came down from heaven to call people to return to God through prayer, conversion and also penance in order to make reparation for so much evil committed. Man is going against himself and is destroying himself. Only in his return to God will he be able to find his salvation, returning to the Most Holy Father who is good, merciful, patient, but who looks with pain at what His creatures are doing and who will have to intervene for their good so that they would not be completely lost.
God always works for the good of His children and the sun which was seen on that October 13th almost crashing down [precipitare] on the crowd is the same sun that makes you glad, that gives you warmth and light, but which has also given you a sign that it can come down with its fire on the earth for its purification and with the associated pain. It is the same created element that can give assistance and joy, but also cause suffering through its action, always according to divine thought [purpose], for the purpose of salvation.
It is the Father Creator, for whom nothing is impossible, who holds in His hands the motion of everything in the universe, but who uses it perpetually for your benefit. The sun was a sign from God of the fire of the Holy Spirit that will descend on humanity to make all things new, linked to the mystery of the secret of Fatima that has not yet been realized in its fullness. It will be fulfilled when you see a new humanity arise, resurrected: this will be the time when the prophecy of the Marian victory will be fulfilled.
Our Lady of Fatima invites you to consecrate yourself to her Immaculate Heart, she urges you to consecrate to her as much as you can: yourself, your family, your work, your missions, your parish, because everything that is consecrated to her acquires, under her protection, a power faced with which the devil only knows defeat.
Why do most people not accept the message? Because they do not want to change their lives, and they do not want to because they crave possessions. They are gripped by the desire to have – chiefly money, because it allows them to possess things, people, power, and this happens to the masses to the detriment of the commandments, which are all trampled underfoot.
Today’s Gospel highlights this: a rich young man comes to Me to know how to have eternal life and explains to Me his good conduct and faithfulness to the divine commandments, but at My invitation to give his possessions to the poor and to follow Me, his heart is revealed. In truth, he loves his wealth above God and His Will. His soul is bound up with the possession of his goods, so that I say: “How difficult it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”, because even if he were someone who is observant in practicing the Holy Law, if his wealth is not shared with those who need it, if his abundance remains restricted to himself, he remains highly responsible for the sufferings of his brothers and sisters, for their tears and needs that he could have met. He makes himself guilty by his indifference, and how will he be able to enter the Kingdom if he does not strip [deny] himself for the good of others?
Equally, however, even the so-called poor, those who nonetheless have what is necessary in order to live, whose earnings are sufficient for their needs, still crave and are envious and are corroded by the thought of being able to have the possessions of the rich, the luxury and opulence of those who have more than them, and many are prepared to commit all sorts of abuse in order to obtain them [such possessions]. Others, even if they do not engage in theft and offenses against others, carry the dark imprint of their greed in their hearts. How will they be able to meet the Lord if they do not free themselves from their inner darkness?
This is why Our Lady comes to tell you: “Children, do not attach yourselves to earthly things that are temporary. You will lose them all and they will go to others, and what will be the use of that for which you have toiled? Do not put down roots that mingle with the soil and solidify, because they will be pulled up. Look to Heaven, desire heavenly treasures. True wealth is possessing God. Live on what suffices for living, since true wisdom is the possession of God. This will be the authentic good that will never fade.”
I bless you.