✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Brothers and sisters,
Receive a fraternal greeting. During these last weeks, our beloved Lord Jesus Christ and our Most Holy Mother, when they mercifully talk to me, have constantly mentioned the almost inexistent initiative, motivation, and faith in humankind to get away from the mundane and come close to what leads man to remain close to Heaven: THE CROSS.
But I do not mean the cross as an ornament hanging on the chest of a great many brothers like one more accessory; I refer to the true meaning of THE CROSS. The one of the CHRISTIAN WHO GIVES UP EVERYTHING AND, IN THE MAJORITY OF THE CASES, CARRIES THE CROSS HIDDEN IN HIS HEARTbecause he does not need to show it.
I mean the Cross that does not need big degrees from prestigious universities, or financial millionaires, or social positions, or positions in countries, or great strategies, or earthly power, or the control of the brothers; the one that does not judge others who disagree with the ideas of some successful individuals in the environment in which each develops; the Cross that does not need big enlightened individuals or eloquent speeches.
I mean the Cross on which Our Lord Jesus Christ showed His Glory and Majesty. That Cross which is Love and does not abandon the sinner; instead It calls him to meditate; that Cross which does not ask for titles of nobility or great lineages; the Cross that is not interested in positions or wealth or appearances or human respect. The Cross that speaks for Itself of Donation, of Love, of Patience, of Understanding, of Charity, of the giving of oneself; the Cross that not only Redeems but alsoUNIFIES and gives shelter to all men.
At this instant of progress, the Cross is a scandal of pain for some, and for others It is a mystery; but for us, Its People, Its Church… It calls us to look into the Mystery so that, with determination and faith, with humility and knowledge, we will delve in the path the nonbelievers despise, the arrogant criticize, the seemingly wise call It a lie, and the powerful hide out of fear.
Christ talks to me about this, about His Donation and the ignorance of humankind that see It with disdain, disrespect, and hatred. WHY?
Maybe because it confronts man with himself, and leads him to choose between two paths: The one of the good thief who recognized Christ as his Lord and Savior, or the path of the thief who lost Eternal Life.
The Crucifixion is seen as a thing of the past. He who sees it this way is so mistaken! Because it is in present state, and, at this instant, more than at other instants… when the Gift of Life is snatched with violence and disdain by those who do not recognize Christ and His Victory over death, by those who do not want the innocence of small children to remain on the Earth, by those who hate Christians and persecute them, by those who have made incorrect use of science, by those who, because of their political power, with a single word cause the suffering of an entire country and even of humankind, by those who do not make the decision to go calm the hunger of millions of children that die from lack of food and, instead, they stock up with weapons in order to win by force…, by those who keep the Divine Word to themselves to remain undisturbed within their communities—when the ignorance of the people is the best ally of those who either usurp power or do not want to announce the instant in which we live and do not alert God’s children out of fear that they might change their ways and save their souls.
We live with a frightening reality, in the midst of crucified boys and continually raped girls. But this reality has not yet knocked on the door of most of those who read these calls from Heaven and ignore—because Christ has told me so—that the same terrorism, which at this instant is far away, will soon emerge like a sunken boat that later unexpectedly comes up to the surface, to persecute especially Christians from within the nations.
So many look at the Cross and freeze! Because nobody taught Christ’s People to live in the security of the Cross; instead, they have been allowed to look at the Cross from a distance and ignore Its Value, and feel shame –Christ tells me—for having been Christians and, at this instant, they give themselves to the adoration of satan.
On so many occasions the Hierarchy of Christ’s Church does not recognize the Mother’s Call for more souls to be saved and arrive at the knowledge of the true Faith.
The more ignorant God’s People are, the greater the benefits will be for those who hand humankind over to the power of darkness.
Our Mother tells me about Her Pain for so many human mistakes which, instant to instant, place brothers against brothers, parents against sons, and make sons rebel against their parents… The Mother aches for the millions of daily deaths while those who must defend God’s People do it only half way, without facing the reality of those who suffer, to dedicate themselves to political efforts that are not entirely reprehensible but prevent them from fulfilling the urgent needs of the instant.
Christ came to be constant news of news, but not for His Law to be transformed; otherwise each generation would have their own Moses, their own Commandments, their own Sacraments… But precisely CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW, AND ALWAYS.
And in this constant news of Divine Love, Christ reaffirms His Love for His People, sending His Most Holy Mother to alert us, so that whatever His Mother reveals to us will not be forgotten but will constantly remind mankind of the Divine Word God gave His People in the Law.
Nobody is saved with the acts and works of others; this is why our Mother asks that I call you to awaken from the nightmare that evil gives to lukewarm souls, because of their lack of interest in delving within to examine themselves, so they can be in communion with God. Why? BECAUSE THE DAILY ACTIVITY OF THIS INSTANT HAS NULLIFIED IN MAN THE ABILITY TO ACHIEVE INTERIOR SILENCE.
Our Mother tells me She suffers because of the ignorance in which Her Son’s People remain, and because, when facing the unknown, their reaction is negative. When man acts this way, he limits himself and limits the Divine Power.
Denying the undeniable, stubbornness oppresses the heart, totally fogs up the reason, and paralyzes the intelligence; and the creature does not wake up and is unable to live in peace, and hurls himself against his brothers in a ruthless and cruel, inhuman and unknown way.
It is violence that generates a reaction—that is followed by unsustainable acts on the part of man—which man’s enemy uses to own what is Divine property: Humankind.
Brothers, Christ shares with me events that our Most Holy Mother has announced and that are already happening, like the infiltration of the freemasonry within the bosom of our Church, and the persecution of Christians, events that will eventually create chaos.
Christ has told me how He suffers because of those who are consecrated to Him but do not believe in the Transubstantiation, and because of those who do not pray; and He has told me that the Wound of His Divine Shoulder is the most painful one and it is currently increased by His children, those who, defeated by worldliness, despise the priesthood.
Brothers, each one of us contribute to Christ’s present pain through the acts and works contrary to the Divine Will. This causes division, and division gives evil the power to get into those brothers who stay on the periphery so as not to commit to Christ.
When They announce to me Nature’s reaction, They allow visions in which I see what is happening and will happen sometimes: Painful events magnetized by man’s wrongdoing which leads the Creation not to recognize man. For example, I have seen Mexico in the middle of a terrible earthquake which not only shakes the earth but also causes the Popocatepetl and the Colima volcanoes to erupt at the same time. They have told me about the awakening of great volcanoes like the Yellowstone. If an eruption like this were to occur—and most scientists believe it will—we would face an apocalyptic scenario. The event would wipe out the surrounding areas with a radius of hundreds of kilometers; it would cover the rest of the country and Canada with several inches of volcanic ash; it would destroy the agriculture and would provoke a global lowering of the temperature for at least a decade.
They have shown me the famine that will be generalized throughout the Earth, and how men will reach unprecedented extremes.
I have seen lands emerge from the bottom of the sea and others sink in the water. I have also seen an increase without measure of hurricanes, earthquakes, climatic change, and drastic changes in the sun causing the fall of satellites, and. making mankind return to live as in the past.
The economy, lost in the hands of the powerful, concretizes the general chaos, increasing friction between the powers, and thus triggering the dreaded Third World War.
I have seen the asteroid that is monitored by NASA, fall into the sea and cause powerful tsunamis that will reach nearby lands to cleanse them. There will be purification, not for another generation but for this one.
Science wants to advance exceeding the limits allowed; for example, with the Hadron Collider. To penetrate what is not known to exist beyond is the risk the scientist is eager to take in order to achieve success. The thing is he carries this out without God, and so he penetrates what God keeps away from man because it can hurt us. It seems that this is the challenge the same man has imposed on himself:SURPASS GOD.
Brothers, I have seen how each human creature can defeat evil through PRAYER, SACRIFICE, AND RESIGNATION, IF HE IS WILLING TO DO IT, and to be willing is to decide to go back and humbly retake Christ without whom we can do nothing.
Humankind will end up exterminating itself because of sin.
This can be minimized by clamoring for Divine Mercy
By recognizing God…
By loving the Cross…
By loving the fellow human beings…
What was revealed by Heaven will not be minimized if it is not done the way Christ showed us: The way of the Cross of Glory and Majesty.
Let’s reconsider and be certain that each one has a reality with himself, WE ARE GOD’S CHILDREN AND OUR COMMITMENT IS TO RETURN EARTH TO THE CREATOR.
Brothers, these are not instants to be distracted with acts that can make us fall; each one must accept the responsibility of either complying with the Divine Will, or not…
Let us pray for all that happens in the world; let us pray for one another so the need to be united with the Creator will increase in each human being and will take man to understand that we are nothing without God.
Let’s forget about the world, the worries, the falls; let’s hide in the depths of our being and, there, pray to the Father; let’s look for Him, we will find Him for sure, but peace is necessary.
We have the need to live in peace; every resignation must be anointed with the oil of love; only this way we will not be invaded by fatigue, or loneliness or negativity.
Only Peace makes sorrows sweet; the impossible, possible;
Changes what is heavy to soft, and makes sweet what is bitter.
Today I call the Good Lord to help me,
To rehabilitate me continuously
in the flow of the life with peace and joy.
I ask the Good Jesus to keep depression away,
To make discouragement leave me and let the yearning for my Loved One
Fill me with that mysterious energy that gives the spirit the true union
So I will never tire of fighting.
Lord, You tell me that the state of grace
Gives me that continuous spiritual regeneration
And brings me closer to Your Divine Love.
I am alive for You, help me be dead to sin,
I am open to resignation and purification,
I clamor to You, give me Your Strength to live
In the perfection of Your Love.
My beloved, I need Your Peace,
Order, My King, that every tether leave me.
Here I am, take me, graft me in Your Life,
Your mysteries are so infinite that I am very far from understanding them;
I know the Truth is grasped only in its essence
With my mind totally purified.
You call me to be pure in heart so that I will be fused to You,
You want me wise because the wise are humble,
Charitable, loving, patient and, above all,
Full of Your Peace.
My love, give me Your Will so You will
Unify everything inside me and lift it all up to You,
And so I will not lose the peace,
And everything I want will be satiated in You.