✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
Beloved people of our King and Lord Jesus Christ: I am sent by the Most Holy Trinity to reach the heart of all humanity who, as God’s people, must save their souls. In commemorating the birth of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, every human being may place their whole physical and spiritual being before this Divine Child, so that with a person’s fervent desire, they would be transformed by love, truth, goodness, charity, and all the gifts and virtues with which the Infant Jesus adorns His children.
Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, humanity continues living in a chaos of unstoppable violence that spreads from one person to another, sometimes consenting to it without knowing why, but merely in order to imitate their brothers’ behavior. This is the intention of the powerful: to see to it that the human race would self-destruct in terms of morality, society, spirituality, food, and economics, so that, due to such a weight of inappropriate acts, human beings would renounce the Most Holy Trinity, Our Queen and Mother, and despise everything that reminds them of the divine, blaming God for everything that happens.
As we commemorate the Nativity of the Infant Jesus, evil is assaulting humanity more forcefully at this time than in the past, in view of the proximity of what our Queen and Mother has been warning you about for so long. It is human beings who have given free rein to their human will, going down various wrong paths that have led them to this moment.
People of our King and Lord Jesus Christ: As we commemorate the Nativity, the affairs of men do not stop: conflicts continue, persecutions increase, and the unexpected will occur due to constant warfare on the part of evil, which humanity is allowing to undermine its life.
Pray, pray for Mexico: it will suffer due to nature.
Pray, pray, pray for Brazil without ceasing: your brothers and sisters need your prayers.
Pray, pray for strength for the whole of humanity.
Pray, pray for Europe: you urgently need to pray for Europe – it will suffer due to nature and man himself.
You have a rocky road ahead of you. . . A single religion will impose itself on humanity, which easily surrenders to innovations. Human creatures forget that the Cross of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ is impregnated with the salvation of every human being, and that it is only on the path of truth and repentance that you can find salvation.
You forget that our Queen and Mother drives away the Devil: he fears her, and our Queen and Mother is attentive to her Son’s people.
You are on a path filled with every temptation, with the snares of evil, with the insinuations of evil, and evil knows that this is the time for it to take its spoils of souls. You must be strong and firm so as not to fall.
Children of God, remain attentive and do not be careless, because from one moment to the next, there may be a conflict, planned in advance. Without exposing yourselves in the midst of the strife, each one of you should keep calm and stay where you are until you find a safe opportunity to leave, if you must do so. My legions are attentively awaiting your calls to come in haste, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ.
A great sign from on high is coming. Each one of you knows that divine protection is over humanity. Divine Mercy is infinite: ask our King and Lord Jesus Christ for it to penetrate within you, and give Him permission to make of each one of you a new creature, so that you would succeed in overcoming the many trials that humanity has brought upon itself. Adore the Infant Jesus in the manger, in every home, in every place where He is correctly represented. My legions are caring for each one of you. I bless and protect you with my sword held high.
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Brothers and sisters: By Divine Mercy we have received this message from St. Michael the Archangel, calling us to spiritual transformation that will lead us to conversion for our good, as we will need to be firm in faith and maintain our spiritual strength in order to know that we are not alone and that we will not be abandoned by the Most Holy Trinity, nor by the Blessed Mother. This is indispensable for us to stand firm and resist the onslaughts of evil.
Whether we like it or not, we are immersed in the violence that has managed to penetrate the spheres of society in all its strata – violence not only of weapons, but also in our thinking, on the level of tranquillity and threats by misused science, threats in the political and religious spheres… The human race is being tested in all areas. We must be clear that we do not need a new Sacred Scripture, nor do we need the Commandments to be changed, because just as there was only one Cross on which Christ redeemed us from sins, so there is only one Sacred Scripture that cannot accept innovations.
Being firm in the faith is a condition without which we cannot call ourselves Christians. We are invited to bend our knees before Jesus the Divine Child so that, facing Him, we may ask Him to lead us to be better and to be firm and strong so as not to stumble in the face of evil. Praying and making reparation, working and acting practically in the likeness of Christ is how we testify that, like the shepherds of Bethlehem, without thinking about it, we go before our Divine Child in order to give Him what He expects: the “ego” that prevents us from giving ourselves to Him.