✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: As Prince of the heavenly legions and by divine mandate, I share with you and command of you obedience and peace. I call you to be fraternal so that you would help one another. Put the Divine calls into practice. Do not only read them, but internalize and bring each call to life; in this way, you will be prepared for the unexpected actions that may present themselves to humanity. Nature continues to advance: man continues to suffer from the elements, which are growing stronger and are becoming more unexpected all the time.
Grow through spiritual nourishment — the Holy Eucharist. Be creatures of immovable faith: do not despair at the slightest piece of news. Strengthen yourselves with the love of the Most Holy Trinity and of our Queen and Mother of the End Times. The spiritual battle is fierce: it is spread throughout the earth and over all humanity. As your protectors, we deliver you from so many misfortunes, from so many falls, as long as you allow us to do so.
The tentacles of the Antichrist [1] are moving hastily, inflaming the minds of the leaders of the powers. The core of the war is not what is being presented to you, but rather the economy of the country of the North [2] and the bear’s desire for power [3]. Do not look on the surface, go deeper. [4]
(At this moment St. Michael the Archangel gives me the vision of a giant bear watching everything that is happening next to it. I look at it and it makes an impression: nothing escapes its notice, it anticipates everything. I also see the eagle that represents the country of the North, going from one place to another; it comes and goes insistently in search of support, but the bear does not need support: it has in its hands a totally unknown weapon, which will help it neutralize its adversaries). St. Michael the Archangel says to me:
As the people of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ you should have prepared yourselves!
And St. Michael the Archangel waves his arms forcefully, saying to me:
This generation pays no heed!… Our King and Lord Jesus Christ has been insistent in asking you to prepare yourselves spiritually, to prepare yourselves with food and everything that is absolutely essential, and at the same time to keep personal and other medicines that will be useful for the plague that the Devil has prepared.
You must have the medicines that Heaven has given you [5] in order to overcome the illnesses that will come. Only faith in what the Father’s House has revealed to you will heal you, together with the use of the sacramentals. [6] Do not speculate concerning the sacramentals: they all depend on your Faith. Use the Oil of the Good Samaritan, [7] the Oil of St. Michael the Archangel, [8] calendula for hemorrhagic diseases. It is important that you strengthen your immune system. Daughter, explain to them what I will show you. (St. Michael the Archangel shows me the way in which evil will attack us in the midst of the war. First will come spiritual, then material attack on food, clothing, medicines that are essential for some people, together with the restriction of individual freedoms as a result of the new disease).
St. Michael the Archangel continues:
People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, terrorist attacks will arise again. Do not travel, do not hurry — wait: it will be extremely dangerous. Disease will be sent through human beings and international means of transport. Be careful. People of God: Persevere, be creatures of faith, continue without wavering. “If God is with you, who is against you ?” (cf. Rom. 8:31) Our Queen and Mother of the End Times keeps you under Her mantle; she protects you if you obey. I bless you with the Love of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Brothers and sisters:
St. Michael the Archangel showed me a Dantesque scene…. The arms that the world powers possess are unimaginable, and particularly one that is in the possession of the country represented symbolically by a bear. As humanity, we [ie. the current generation] have no notion of what war is on a global scale, although it has begun in some countries and will then expand to the world…. Let us persevere in faith, let us receive Jesus in the Eucharist, let us pray with faith; let us pray, believing in the power of prayer. Let us first prepare ourselves in faith; let us not disregard what St. Michael the Archangel has told us. Let us be the people who walk in the footsteps of their Lord. Amen.
↑1 | cf. Tentacles of the Antichrist |
↑2 | The country of the north: the United States of America |
↑3 | The bear represents Russia |
↑4 | Note: Vladimir Putin is also one of the Youth Global Leaders out of the World Economic Forum, which is driving the “Great Reset”. |
↑5 | cf. Medicinal Plants |
↑6 | Several mystics in the Church have spoken of God’s remedies built into nature itself. However, some today wrongly condemn God’s creation as “new age”. Read The Real Witchcraft. |
↑7 | cf. Combatting Viruses and Diseases |
↑8 | Geranium, whose scientific name is Geranium of the Geraniaceae family, is a medicinal plant that Heaven has recommended because it has antimicrobial properties and favors the treatment of skin diseases. In fact, a new study has found that “geranium and lemon essential oils and their derivative compounds are valuable natural anti-viral agents that may contribute to the prevention of the invasion of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 into the human body. (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
It should be applied to the affected areas with moderation. It can be used once a day or more depending on the case, but without excess so as not to irritate the skin. Recipe for the preparation of the Oil of St. Michael the Archangel. |