✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My beloved people:
Receive My Sacred Heart together with My blessing. I remain with each one of you. Each human being decides whether they want to open the door of their heart to Me.
All of heaven stands before My children to help them, and you should not be afraid of what is coming, but should trust in My protection. You must believe that you are not alone. You are living within the purification that is necessary at this time in order for My children to be saved.
The “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (cf. Mt. 7:15) are engaged in carrying out the orders of the Antichrist, feeding the infernal dragon in order to make it grow by supporting immorality, the killing of the innocent and the destruction of the family through laws contrary to this beloved institution. My Mother has called you to repentance, yet you have not repented…
The banner of this generation is ignominy and immorality. Man has given his hand to the Devil, therefore the chastisements will not stop. These will be so severe that you cannot imagine them. Humanity’s suffering is not far from you, but a twinkling of an eye away. Foolishly, you will continue to reject and deny the signs and signals until famine overtakes mankind, and lamentation, together with social revolts, will be throughout the earth. This famine is necessary for the Antichrist in order for him to exert his force upon the people and oblige them to seal themselves in order to obtain food and medicines, and finally he will dominate them.
My beloved people, diseases are progressing, one after another being sent to humanity to keep you frightened and constrained. This skin disease was foreseen for you: the diseases are not coming by themselves.
Pray, come to Me: I am your God. (Jn. 8:28).
My beloved people, it is not only pain that My People will experience. In the principal sanctuaries dedicated to My Most Holy Mother in each country, a miracle of maternal love will occur for 3 hours. My Mother will alert you in advance. Children, you are not alone, keep your faith alive and firm. I Am your God.
Pray My children, pray for Italy: it will suffer severely.
Pray, My children, pray, Japan will be strongly shaken.
Pray, My children, pray, My people will not be abandoned, no matter how severe the moment may be.
Pray, My children, pray, night will come in the twinkling of an eye.
My people, My Cross is a sign of salvation and redemption: carry it with you.
I Am your God, and I will never abandon you.
I bless you with My love.
Your Jesus
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Brothers and sisters:
In this call, Our Lord Jesus Christ restates to us our need to remain in the Divine Will. In the face of so many purifications to come, which are no longer as far from humanity as before, our task is to keep ourselves on the path of conversion, continually searching for that personal encounter with Christ. Our Lord makes it clear to us that diseases are continuing and that they do not appear naturally. At the same time, He repeats that He is with us, as well as Our Mother, so that we would remain strong and firm in the faith.
My people, humanity’s suffering will be more severe for all; disease will continue and then the skin will harbor another disease.
Pray, People of God, pray without ceasing so that the human skin disease, when treated with the medicines of Heaven, might be quickly overcome.
The moment of purification is coming; disease will change its course, reappearing on the skin (*).
(*) The Most Holy Virgin Mary has indicated some plants that help with the treatment of skin diseases, namely: calendula, mugwort, nettle and geranium.
We are encouraged by the great blessing of receiving a miracle of maternal love in the main sanctuaries in honor of our Most Holy Mother in each country. Brothers and sisters, I invite you to inquire about the Marian shrines in your own country. We once again find ourselves before Divine Mercy.
May my Sacramental Jesus be forever praised.
In Heaven and on Earth, may your Name be praised.
May my Sacramental Jesus be forever praised.
In Heaven and on Earth, may your Name be praised.
May my Sacramental Jesus be forever praised.
In Heaven and on Earth, may your Name be praised.