✞ What victim means.
Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, receive my maternal blessing. As Queen and Mother of humanity, it is my duty to keep you attentive to the commands of my Divine Son. You know that conversion is urgent, and yet my children do not want to convert. Humanity’s interest lies in sinful things that continually present you with experiences that are unknown and totally outside of what a true child of God would do.
Children of my Divine Son, you are about to begin Lent. Consider whether you will have another time like the present for the doors of divine love to open as they do now. Afterwards it will be difficult. Children, the period of Lent is the time to repent for all works and deeds that have not been done in accordance with the Commandments of God’s Law, the sacraments, works of mercy and other pious ends to which my Divine Son has called you. This Lent, in particular, you should be people devoted to praying with the heart.B You must be new people, creatures of good. Become aware of your bad habits and your failings towards your brothers and sisters. Free yourselves from the snares of the devil (cf. Eph. 6:11-18), and you will see yourselves as you are. This Lent, in particular, you must be clear that the love of God and neighbour are not two different things, but one law (Mt. 22:37-40), and whoever fails to comply with this law is in serious sin.
Pray, children; pray for those who live with resentment in their hearts, for those who take the lives of their brothers, for those who defame their brothers, for those who kill the innocent. These children of mine are in danger of being trapped by the demons lying in wait for humanity.
Pray, children; pray for the youth so that young people would regain their sanity and so that hearts of stone would become flesh again. The evil one wants to exterminate youth.
Pray, children, pray for the leaders of the nations; the arrogance of those who possess nuclear weapons will make them use them, destroying part of humanity.
Pray, children; pray as the Mystical Body of the Church, and thereby continue the teachings of my Divine Son, remaining faithful to the teachings of the true Magisterium.
Pray and repent, children of my Divine Son; pray for those who will suffer due to serious natural events.
Pray for those who will cause attacks.
Pray for those who do not respect the Birth, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of my Divine Son, Jesus Christ.
Beloved children, this Lent, those who can fast from food should do so; otherwise, offer another fast. Be charitable to those who need it. “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Gal. 5:14). Beloved children, live spiritually prepared, as if each day were your last. Prepare yourselves and nourish your faith! Start this Ash Wednesday with complete faith, living in divine love, being new creatures. The earth will continue shaking, and nature will wreak havoc. The human race will cause great pain. Be people who pray and make reparation for those who do not love and who cause my Divine Son pain.
I bless you in a special way at the start of this special Lent. My love protects each one of you.
Mother Mary
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Brothers and sisters, faced with this forceful message from Our Mother to begin Lent, let us say: “Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Amen.