✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Beloved children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ; I come to you in the name of the Holy Trinity. I come to call you to pray, to enter within yourself, and to remain alone with God (cf. mt. 6:6). I come to call you to repent of your evil deeds so that, in a proper state of amendment, you may be God’s sons and daughters worthy to receive Him in the most Holy Eucharist.
The life of prayer is continuous in your works and in your actions. That prayer leads you to remain united to your neighbor, to those in need, to those hungry for God and for our Queen and Mother, to those hungry and thirsty for remaining far from the land which flows with milk and honey (cf. Ex 3:17-19).
Children of our King and Lord, Jesus Christ; what are you doing at this critical time for mankind? You move about the earth without God, debased by the ego you have exalted beyond measure. How many children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ dare to forget Him, living bound to the rags of the exalted ego! How many children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ have deserted at this crucial time of salvation history, aborting the Divine Will and forgetting our Queen and Mother in their daily walk! How many of God’s children, turning back and retreating, have left adrift the Treasure they received by Divine Commission! [the Eucharist].
There are so many people consumed by anger. The devil, with his horror and fear, drives them to extremes, delighting in the madness of human beings without God. Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, when you see what part of humanity is experiencing, you do not look at yourselves in the mirror. What you look at with indifference is happening all over the Earth in various places; the elements scourge the earth with enormous force, as enormous as the offenses done to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.
Who suffers from the unexpected changes in nature? You suffer. How much death, how much pain! Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you are the ones who suffer the unexpected and extreme arrival of the force of nature. In some cases, it acts with greater intensity, dominated by man, and in other cases, it acts by itself in a natural way.
I call you to stay on spiritual alert, to be more like God, to seek Him, to worship Him. hold on to the divine power, to the divine omnipotence so that you may resist what is upon you and what is going to happen.
Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for all mankind so that faith does not decline.
Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray. Mankind suffers. Europe continues what the water in Valencia already began; that same lament follows, spreading throughout Europe.
Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. They suffer because of the water that arrives, astonishes, and alarms the children of our King. Brazil suffers from the fire.
Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray. The United States is suffering again from another hurricane. The disease is rushing with great contagion. The wind appears with force as a harbinger of the storm in which this power will live.
Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Pray, children, pray, pray; the plague is spreading rapidly through the land without you noticing it.
Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. You must convert and not be people who watch and despise what the Father’s House warns you about.
Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Pray, Cuba is surprised and suffers again. The Dominican Republic must pray.
Pray, children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for Central America. The water continues to carry lamentation, the ground shakes. Costa Rica suffers from an earthquake, and Mexico shakes strongly.
Children of our Queen and Mother, when people pray, they are heard (cf. Lk. 11:2-4) and their suffering is minimized. Instead, they do not believe, they do not pray, they are not humble. On the contrary, the human being is proud, and pride leads him to act, and act as Satan desires. Events come unexpectedly and surprise human beings, unprepared due to disobedience. Hasten your steps, children of our Queen and Mother. Hasten your steps and act. Later, you will not be able to, even if you desire it!
Mankind must cling to our King and Lord Jesus Christ. It must be lovers of our Queen and Mother as more countries join the war, and it proliferates. My celestial legions are protecting those who ask for protection. My legions stand ready to protect you all. Ask for protection, ask for protection! “Ask and it will be given to you” (mt. 7:7). You are the beloved of the Holy Trinity. Repent now and allow our Queen and Mother to lead you by her hand. We protect you. Who is like God? No one is like God!
Saint Michael the Archangel
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Brothers and sisters, St. Michael the Archangel warns us of new, natural or man-made events which are coming against mankind. He calls us to pray for the countries that are going to suffer again because of nature and man himself. Brothers and sisters, it is not too late to repent of what we have done or ways we have acted wrongly. Our Lord Jesus Christ always holds out His Divine Mercy before each one of us. This is the time to approach with humility and request His forgiveness with true repentance and firm purpose of amendment.
It is hard to face adversity. It comes suddenly into the life of every human being. Let us stop, brothers and sisters, to look within ourselves. Let us unload our burdens, and everything we are facing at this time, before Almighty God. Let us trust that the Divine Mercy, when looking at a human being who is repentant of his faults, helps him and forgives him. Each one of us takes the good that the Divine Will offers or takes the bad that the devil offers us.
Brothers and sisters, let us walk towards the Holy Trinity, towards our Queen and Mother, with the help of the angels of the Lord. Let us see with new eyes, let us live with a new and a clean heart, having been forgiven of our faults. From now on, let us be free, but truly free. Let us be grateful for the gift of life and continue living it in Christ, Who strengthens us, preparing us for what is to come. Our Blessed Mother teaches us that from her hand everything changes, when we respond by respecting the Divine Will and by praying. Brothers and sisters, it is our response to what is presented to us in life that makes everything change for the better and brings a new dawn without ties.
Brothers and sisters, let us go upwards with firmness and with a heart reborn by the love of Christ. Now we see with new eyes, let us hasten to fulfill the Divine Will.