✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
There is a large golden ball of light floating in the sky, as well as a smaller golden ball of light above us. A beautiful light is coming down to us. The large golden ball of light opens. Saint Michael the Archangel comes out of the golden light. He is dressed in white and gold armor and carries a shield and sword in his hands. He wears a radiant crown of princes on his head. Saint Michael the Archangel comes closer to us and speaks:
"Bless you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Quis ut Deus? Stand firm in the faith! Remain faithful to the teachings of your fathers of faith! I come to you in friendship. That I come to you, as well as the appearance of the Lord, are gifts of God. Once again I say to you: The countries of the earth shall ask for my friendship! My sword will strike the earth.
Diabolos is the confounder and will not make himself clear. He tries to scatter doubts in your heart. Just as he did with Eve: did God really say ...? Is this really a commandment from God? Doesn't God only look at love?
Dear friends, God is love and also carries order. For there is a heaven and, unfortunately, also an abyss. Love itself, the Eternal One, He does not change. So I come to you in the name of my Lord. In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ! In the name of His Precious Blood.
If you knew how precious the blood of Christ is! Do not be confused. You will be led to believe that you are free, but this is the way to the abyss. God's love, however, sets you free and leads you to heaven! Heaven wants you to reject sin! Therefore, I come to you to protect you, the beloved people of the Lord. So that you will not be lost!"
Now the smaller sphere opens and I see St. Joan of Arc coming out from a beautiful light. Saint Joan is wearing a radiant suit of armor. She looks up lovingly at St. Michael the Archangel and stands to his right. Her appearance is smaller. On her hands she carries a large cushion of red lily flowers. On these red lily flowers lies the Vulgate (Holy Scripture) open. I see the Bible passage Jeremiah 12:7 - 13:
"God's lament.
I have left my house, abandoned my property. Into enemy hands I gave my heart's darling. My property stands against me like a lion in the forest. It raises a roar against me; therefore it is repugnant to me. A colorful feathered bird is my property. Birds of prey flock around it. Gather, all the beasts of the field! Come to be eaten! Many shepherds make my vineyard desolate, trample on my property, make my graceful heritage a desolate wilderness. They make it a wasteland. Before me the desert mourns. Devastated is the whole land. No one takes it to heart. Over all the heights of the steppe the desolators break in. For the Lord has a sword that rages from one end to the other. No creature is spared. They sow wheat and reap thorns; they toil, yet they accomplish nothing. They have been put to shame with their harvests because of the Lord's fury of wrath."
Saint Joan speaks:
"Have courage! This is the word of God, which has its validity in eternity! I have fought for it. The people shall keep courage and faith! I come to strengthen you. God has given me to you. The Diabolos wants to destroy many things and harden the hearts of the people. They shall be God to themselves and pass off their own thoughts as God's thoughts and commandment. But the world is the world and not God. The time of confusion is a short time for you, consider this! Whoever is faithful, heaven belongs to him for eternity!"
Saint Joan looks with loving gaze to Saint Michael the Archangel. Saint Michael the Archangel looks at all of us for a long time and then directs his gaze up to heaven. Then he raises his sword up to heaven and speaks:
"Deus semper vincit! Do good, pray, sacrifice! In this time the great purification takes place. Quis ut Deus?
Bless you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Amen."
St. Michael the Archangel slowly goes back into the light and wishes us to conclude with the prayer of St. Michael the Archangel. Saint Joan of Arc likewise slowly goes back into the light.
We pray:
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and the devil's persecutions. "God command him," we implore. But thou, leader of the heavenly hosts, cast down Satan and the other evil spirits that roam in the world to corrupt souls, in the power of God, into the abyss of hell. Amen."
Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Joan of Arc disappear.