✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
24.10.2023 Holy Mass
I attended the Holy Mass of Father Ä. When he began the Holy Mass with the Sign of the Cross, I saw large flames of beautiful light floating in the air to the right and left of the altar, each in three rows below the other, similar to a candelabrum. In these flames, like very large candle flames, knelt angels dressed in white, facing the altar. I wanted to count the angels and got to 10, then they disappeared.
During the consecration of the oil by the Father, who used a Latin rite for this, I suddenly saw a beautiful light. In this light, during the Latin rite spoken, the Holy Archangel Michael showed himself holding his sword over this oil.
Visit of Saint Joan of Arc on 10/25/2023, 11:50 a.m.
For weeks I have been asking Heaven for a prayer to St. Joan of Arc.
Today, Saint Joan is visiting me. She wears shining armor and gives us the following prayer:
Praise, honor and glory be to the Most Holy Trinity for ever and ever!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Saint Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc, you fighter for God in your life, our supplicant before the throne of God, do us the honor to ask God, the Eternal Father, for the protection of your and our Holy Roman Catholic Church. May God, the Eternal Father accept our petitions through the shed Precious Blood of His Son Jesus Christ on the Cross and have mercy on us!
May the Lord have mercy on our countries and keep disaster away from them!
We ask the Lord to look upon our lands with a kind gaze and we ask for the friendship of His Messenger, St. Michael the Archangel, of all the angels and saints.
Dear Saint Joan of Arc, you champion of God's love, open the hearts of people to God's love and His plan of salvation. Once you fought for the Word of God in France. We know that your love was for France in your life. But now you want to save souls from all countries of the earth for the Lord, so that they may carry their heavenly home, our Lord, in their hearts and win heaven for eternity. With Jesus Christ, Our Lord, with Mary, Mother of God, and St. Michael the Archangel, you enter into this time of tribulation to awaken the hearts of all people to
God's love, from a deep sleep of remoteness from God into which humanity has fallen. Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us, our families, priests and religious, for our Holy Church, which you loved and love so much. You gave up everything for God and forgave everyone. With your great holy love, inflame our hearts for God! Amen.
Apparition of the King of Mercy of 25.10.2023
Above us floats a large golden ball of light in the sky, accompanied by two smaller golden balls of light. A beautiful light comes down from them to us. The large sphere of light opens and the King of Mercy with a large golden crown and dark blue cloak and robe, both embroidered with golden lilies, comes down to us. In His right hand the heavenly King carries a great golden scepter. He has large blue eyes and dark brown short curly hair. This time the Heavenly King is standing on the Vulgate (Holy Scripture).
His left hand is free. Now the other two balls of light open and two angels come out of this beautiful light. They are dressed in simple, radiant white robes. The angels spread over us the dark blue mantle of the merciful King of Heaven. As they do so, the angels kneel reverently and hover in the air. Like a great tent, this mantle is spread over us, even over the house of Jerusalem. We are all sheltered in it. There, where the King of Mercy otherwise has His heart, I see a white host that stands out very much against His dark blue robe. On this host is engraved in golden letters the monogram of the Lord: IHS. Above the first H-stroke is a golden cross, just as the heavenly King showed it to me before. The King of Mercy blesses and speaks to us:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Then the Heavenly King points to the white Host that is on His chest and speaks:
Dear friends, do you know what this is? That is Me! I myself come to you in every Holy Mass. In this form. Do you joyfully accept Me? Do you daily offer the Holy Mass, which is My sacrifice, for the errors in the world and for peace?
Do you really know that it is I who come to you? Then why do you not come to Me? I gave My word to the wise. I instructed the apostles. But look, the wise and powerful have led you into tribulation! That is why I reveal Myself to the little ones. The little ones accept My word in humility. The wise call it foolish. Wake up from your sleep of godlessness! Live in the sacraments, in which I am whole and which the Church gives you. For (at this, the King of Mercy points again to the Host on His chest) this is I and this is My Heart! The Holy Church comes from My heart wound and so I give her My whole heart, Myself, because I am in her. In spite of all errors and human failures. Dear friends, wake up from your sleep! Let the churches be open to the people of God, so that people can pray for peace, ask for reparation before the Eternal Father. Open your heart, so I can pour My grace into your heart! Strive for purity of heart and pray hard! I wish you to consecrate your lands to My messenger, because if you honor him, you honor Me and the Father in Heaven. It will be he who executes judgment for the Father. Let the prayer groups come there with their banners.
M.: Lord, do you mean the Gargano and your messenger is the Holy Archangel Michael?
The King of Mercy answers, "Yes!"
M.: Yes, Lord, this is what we will do. That is, the prayer groups of all countries?
The Heavenly King answers: "Yes!
By your sacrifice, life in the sacraments, penance and fasting, you can mitigate what may come and sanctify yourselves."
In the Host on the chest of the Heavenly King, I now see a heart with a flame and a cross on it. Then the Lord floats up a little above the Vulgate (Holy Scripture) and I see the Bible passage opened up where the King of Mercy stood: Jesus Sirach, chapters 1 and 2.
The Heavenly King speaks:
"When you read it, you will see that God's commandments are for eternity and are not subject to any spirit of time."
The King of Mercy looks upon us and speaks:
"I love you! You are sheltered in My heart. In it I have all your concerns. In My heart."
Then the King of Mercy takes His scepter to His heart and it becomes the aspergillum of His Precious Blood and sprinkles us with His Precious Blood.
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I have chosen the blue robe in honor of My Most Holy Mother Mary. She is not only the Queen of all the countries of the earth. She is also the Queen of Heaven! Whoever honors My Mother honors Me and honors the Eternal Father in Heaven! Look, today She weeps for Israel, Palestine, Ukraine. She weeps for the people in the war zones. Ask for peace! Ask for reparation! Sacrifice, repent! Let My grace inflame your hearts, especially in this time of tribulation this is so important! So you can banish error and war!
M.: "You my Lord and my God!"
The King of Mercy takes his leave with an "Adieu!" and blesses us in conclusion. Then the King of Heaven goes back into the light and so do the two angels. The King of Mercy and the angels disappear.
For the message, please see the Bible passage Jesus Sirach, chapters 1 and 2.