✞ The work of Love.
A large golden ball of light floats above us in the sky, which is accompanied by a smaller golden ball of light. The large golden ball of light opens and St. Michael the Archangel, dressed like a Roman soldier in white and gold, comes down to us. He is surrounded by a wonderful light in which we are all bathed. St. Michael the Archangel is wearing the crown of a prince and a wonderful ruby is attached to the front of the crown. His sword now points up to heaven. “Quis ut Deus” [Who is like God?] is written on this sword. On the hilt of the sword I see a golden cord and two golden tassels attached to it.
St. Michael the Archangel says:
“Dear friends, pray for peace. Quis ut Deus! I am St. Michael the Archangel. I am the warrior of the Precious Blood. Remain steadfast in faith! You have still not yet understood how important it is to pray for peace. Fall on your knees and pray for peace! You reject God’s Laws, which is why Satan has such great power in the world. You people, who are ensouled, who have a soul, have received the excellent grace from the Father of receiving His Laws. Man is the only being that has been allowed to receive laws from God. You are therefore children of the Eternal Father, children of God. The Father loves you so much; the King of Mercy, the Lord, loves you so much, and this is not a new teaching. You can read it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Do not reject these Laws of the Father! Do not reject this fatherly instruction! Your situation is serious, dear children of God—you have the privilege of calling yourselves children of God! The Lord, the King of Mercy, is the fulfillment of the Law. I exhort you to keep His Commandments!”
Now I see the Vulgate (Holy Scripture) above the sword of St. Michael the Archangel in the sky with the Bible passage Matthew 28:19-20:
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the world.”
The smaller golden ball of light opens, and St. Joan of Arc emerges from a wonderful light. She is dressed in noble armor, carries a red lily in her hands, and says to us:
“Dear friends, it is important that the Word of the Lord is carried to people, into your society! It is your mission, and the mission of the Church until the end of time, to proclaim the Word of the Lord. Remain in God! Respect the Lord’s Commandments, the paternal instruction! God’s command applies to the whole Church until the end of time, and to all peoples. Remain in the Lord, even if the Church is shaken by the tempter in this time of tribulation. Remain faithful to the Church, for She dispenses the Lord in the Holy Sacraments! The Lord lives in the sacraments of the Holy Church. Even if people go astray, the Lord cares for His sheep. Make sacrifices, do penance, pray, fast, offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for peace! Peace is in great danger, so fall on your knees and pray! Understand that the time in which you are living is serious. We pray for your requests by the throne of God.”
Now St. Joan of Arc looks to St. Michael the Archangel. St. Michael the Archangel looks at us and says: “Quis ut Deus.” Then he blesses us: “May God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit bless you.”