✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
May 2, 2024
St. Charbel came to us during Holy Mass when the priest said “Blessed are You for ever and ever” and prayed the prayers in silence to the left of the priest. After receiving Holy Communion, St. Charbel stood directly in front of me, showed me his face and opened his eyes. He said: “Be strong like the cedars of Lebanon. Celebrate the Holy Mysteries, that is the Holy Mass. You need the power of the body and blood of Jesus Christ and the power of prayer. All this opens heaven to you. You also need the strength of the saints, because many who are called will wander in the desert and die because they have lost their faith. My love for the Lord is a living fire.
I saw how the angels of the Lord on the cross brought the Precious Blood of Christ to the earth with golden chalices.