The Devil reveals himself in the Church and the world

By Manuela Strack

October 15, 2024

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Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael in Sievernich

I see a large golden ball of light and to the right of it a smaller golden ball of light hovering in the sky. A beautiful light shines down on us. The large golden ball of light opens and St. Michael the Archangel comes down to us. He comes in white/gold armor with a large golden princely crown and a ruby in the front of his crown. His sword is in its scabbard and in his right hand he holds a large cross made of rubies with a golden corpus of the Lord on it. In his left hand he holds his shield, on which is depicted the staff of lilies that I have described so often. Above the lily pad I see the inscription: “Quis ut Deus!” Now St. Michael the Archangel comes closer to us and speaks:

"Bless you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Amen."

The Holy Archangel Michael blesses us with the cross in his right hand and continues: "Quis ut Deus! From the throne of God I come to you in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God. I am the Holy Archangel Michael and I have come to give you the consolation of the Lord. I have come to proclaim His word."

St. Michael the Archangel looks at me, comes closer to me with the cross and asks: “Do you want to accept it?” Then he hands me the ruby cross with the golden corpus of the Lord on it. I say: “Yes, dear Holy Archangel!” I take the cross. The archangel says to me: “Say Serviam!” I repeat: “Serviam!”

Then the Holy Archangel Michael says: "I have come to tell you how much the Lord loves you and wants your salvation! He loves you so much! He does not want you to be lost. Oh, if only you would listen to HIM; open your heart! Through repentance, through your conversion, through your prayer and your sacrifice, through your life in the sacraments of the Lord, all wars on earth would come to an end! Understand this! I have set my foot on this land, which is precious to the Lord, and on Austria. This land is just as precious to the Lord and the prayers of the people have reached His heart. But in this time of tribulation, the Devil reveals himself in the Church and the world. He hates the Holy Church and pursues her! The eternal Father allows this because this is the time of purification; this is the time of tribulation that has been announced so often. Germany will shine in the end when it has been purified. The Lord will not abandon you; I will not abandon you as long as you pray, do good works, remain faithful to the Lord in the teaching of the Church and keep your heart pure through the Holy Sacraments. If you do not stand firm, this will happen to you..."

St. Michael the Archangel pronounces a name that I don't understand. So I ask: “What is it called, dear Holy Archangel Michael? I think I've heard this before from the Bible, but I don't know it.”

St. Michael the Archangel repeats it, admonishes lovingly, calmly and looks at us all: "If you do not stand firm, what happened to the people of Bethsaida will happen to you. Look at the place and recognize what happened there. Read this in the Holy Scriptures!

I say: “Dear St. Michael the Archangel, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, but we'll look it up in the Holy Scriptures.” Now he draws his sword up to heaven and I see the Holy Scriptures, the Vulgate, now above his sword in the golden light. The Holy Scripture is opened and I see the biblical passage Luke 21, 8 - 19:

"He answered, 'Take heed that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, saying, 'It is I,' and the time has come: The time has come - do not run after them! When you hear of wars and unrest, do not be alarmed! For these things must come first, but the end is not yet. Then he said to them: Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.  There will be tremendous earthquakes and plagues and famines in many places, terrible things will happen and great signs will be seen in the sky. But before all this happens, they will lay hands on you and persecute you. You will be handed over to the synagogues and prisons and brought before kings and governors for my name's sake. Then you will be able to bear witness. So take it to heart not to provide for your defense in advance, for I will give you the words and the wisdom so that all your opponents will not be able to oppose you or say anything against you. Even your parents and brothers and sisters, your relatives and friends will hand you over and some of you will be killed. And you will be hated by everyone for my name's sake. And yet not a hair on your head will be harmed. If you remain steadfast, you will gain life."

St. Michael the Archangel says: "Pray very much, pray very much, so that peace may finally reign! Turn back so that peace may come into your hearts and spread! May the priests bless so that the blessing of my Lord may spread throughout the world and ignite people's hearts!"

Now the small golden ball of light opens and St. Joan of Arc emerges from this light. This time she is wearing golden armor with a ruby cross on it. In her right hand she carries the flag on which the names Jesus and Mary are written. In her left hand she carries a red lily flower. St. Joan of Arc says: "Oh praise the Lord for this grace from heaven! Praise be to Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God! Have I not already said that the saints of heaven pray for you? Be courageous and confess! Your confession is so important at this time: confession, prayer, sacrifice, repentance. How much the Lord loves you! He has not given up on you, remember that! I want to encourage you to walk inthe ways of the Lord. You cannot do this without the Holy Sacraments: see how important it is that you remain steadfast and faithful in the faith! Do not allow yourselves to be led astray. Diabolos always leads you on the easy path, on the path of false mercy; on the path of unfaithfulness and disobedience. I have remained faithful to God and I pray the same for all of you! Dear Christians, love the Lord, for the Lord loves you very much! He loves you infinitely! He is the merciful Savior!"

St. Joan of Arc now looks at St. Michael the Archangel. St. Michael the Archangel says: "You will not find this perfection in any other religion. I pray for you all at the throne of the Lord." Then he wishes the following prayer: "Sancte Michael Archángele, défende nos in praélio, contra nequitiam et insidias diáboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, súpplices dreprecámur: tuque, Princeps milititiae caeléstis, sátanam aliósque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in mundo, divina virtúte in inférnum detrúde. Amen.

St. Michael the Archangel says: "Remember that God is the Eternal, that His commandment is eternal, that His word is eternal. God does not submit to the spirit of the age! Look to the Lord, for He is love itself! I am, thus says the Lord! Quis ut Deus! Deus Semper Vincit!"

St. Michael the Archangel blesses us with his sword "May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you. Amen."

Then he goes back into the light and St. Joan of Arc does the same and the light disappears.

Please see the Bible passage for the message!


Commentary by Dr. Hesemann on the message (Situation Bethsaida)

Bethsaida, literally “fish house”, is a fishing village on the northern shore of Lake Genesareth, where the apostles Peter, Andrew and Philip were born. Until a few years ago, the 3000-year-old upper town of et-Tell was thought to be the New Testament Bethsaida, but this is unlikely because no evidence of a Christian church has been found there. However, pilgrims from the early Middle Ages explicitly described a basilica that had been built over the house where the Prince of the Apostles was born. It was not until 2017 that archaeologists discovered the remains of the Church of the Apostles in el-Araj directly on the lakeshore, 3 km from et-Tell, and traces of a settlement from the time of Jesus next to it. They were the ones who discovered the biblical Bethsaida.

Its ruins can be found under mud and soil, surrounded by reeds, as if the lake or nature had swallowed them up. In fact, Bethsaida was already abandoned during the Jewish revolt in 66 AD. The Byzantine basilica was probably destroyed during the Persian invasion in 614 AD. Earthquakes and floods caused it to disappear completely from the face of the earth and fall into oblivion for centuries.

This corresponds to Jesus' admonition, which we find most extensively in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew is known to have been a tax collector and the customs officials of the time were proficient in shorthand so that they could quickly record the taxpayer's details. The Christian tradition is therefore credible, according to which Matthew wrote down all the Lord's words during Jesus' lifetime and left us their authentic wording. The Gospel of Matthew at Bethsaida states:

“Then he (Jesus) began to reproach the towns where he had performed most of the miracles, because they had not been converted:
Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! If the miracles that happened to you had once happened in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented there in sackcloth and ashes.
Yes, I tell you, Tyre and Sidon will not fare as badly as you on the day of judgment.

And you, Capernaum, do you think you will be lifted up to heaven? No, you will be thrown down to the underworld. If the miracles that happened to you had happened in Sodom, it would still be standing today. Yes, I tell you: The region of Sodom will not fare as badly as you on the day of judgment.” (Mt 11:20-24)

Tyre and Sidon are pagan cities in Phoenicia, today's Lebanon, while Sodom was the sinful city par excellence from the time of Abraham, which was destroyed by “fire from heaven”. Archaeologists excavated its remains under Tell el-Hamman at the mouth of the Jordan River in Jordan and were able to prove that it was indeed destroyed by a cosmic catastrophe around 1800 BC: An asteroid exploded over the Dead Sea, engulfing the city in a roller of fire and destroying all life at temperatures of up to 4000 degrees and even vitrifying pottery.

So what did the archangel Michael want to tell us? We are witnesses to so many miracles. After the Second World War, Our Lady appeared in Heroldsbach and allowed 10,000 people to witness a miracle of the sun. 70,000 experienced a miracle of light, 300, as the luminous figure of the Blessed Mother slowly floated down from the sky in the middle of the night to a few meters above the earth. Here in Sievernich there was also a miracle of the sun, dozens saw the Lord in the form of Prague in the Eucharist and dozens of prophecies came true months or years later. And we continue to live as if nothing had happened, instead of boldly professing our faith. We have ears to hear and we do not hear. We have eyes to see and we do not see because we do not want to hear and see, because we are afraid of the consequences, the ridicule of our fellow human beings.

When Pope Benedict visited the German Bundestag in 2011, he quoted the wonderful prayer of King Solomon: “Lord, give me a listening heart”. And that is exactly what we should ask for every day: for a listening heart, that we recognize the miracles we witness and listen to the words and will of God. That we actually repent and live from the sacraments and courageously bear witness to our Catholic faith. If we do not do this, we will end up like Bethsaida. Then our towns and villages will also be destroyed in wars and disappear in the mud; we have experienced enough threatening flood disasters in Germany and Austria. So let us take the warning of St. Michael the Archangel seriously and pray for a listening heart, ears and eyes to recognize God's miracles in our time, to convert and to boldly bear witness to them!