This land was and is holy

By Manuela Strack

October 7, 2024

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Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael
On the Feast of the Rosary, in Kufstein, Maria Hilf Monastery

I follow the beautiful golden ball of light that leads me into the monastery garden. The golden ball of light hovers in front of a large fir tree and opens. St. Michael the Archangel emerges from this ball of light. He is dressed in white and gold armor like a Roman soldier with a red cloak and carries a golden princely crown, sword and shield.

St. Michael the Archangel speaks:

"Quis ut Deus! Today I have come to you to bless you and to set my foot on the shrine. I will protect this place because it is the will of my Lord. I ask you very much to pray for peace! The land and this house are under the protection of the King of Mercy. I am the warrior of the Precious Blood."

St. Michael the Archangel now floats in the air with a 180 degree turn, places his left foot on the ground and floats back again.

M.: “This is where you want to be worshipped?”

St. Michael the Archangel speaks:

“Here I give you the graces of my Lord.”

Now St. Michael the Archangel instructs me to clearly mark the place of the footprint. I do this by plucking out the grass along the foot and placing stones there. Because where his foot was on the ground, the footprint can be seen in the light. Then the sun shines on the footprint alone for 20 minutes. There was shadow everywhere else. Everyone present notices that the area of the footprint is warm. Even the next day.

St. Michael the Archangel says:

"Be aware of the grace that I set my foot on this land (the monastery and the area of the monastery is meant). This land was and is holy and so I come to you to remind you of this! You are my friends and are also under my protection in this time of tribulation and in all the turmoil. I will give people comfort and protection when they visit me here, because I want to lead them to my Lord. The Lord is the one who arranges everything and I am his faithful servant. I look (at the Holy Archangel looks intently at us) and greet my friends! Quis ut Deus!"

St. Michael the Archangel tells me that he also appeared to St. Joan of Arc in the wild.

M.: “I know, yes, that's exactly what you did with St. Joan of Arc.”

The Holy Archangel speaks and blesses us:

"God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you! It is not I who give, God gives! I come in His name."

Then St. Michael the Archangel disappears into the light.