Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael

By Manuela Strack

January 21, 2025

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Apparition of the Holy Archangel Michael

I see a large golden radiant ball of light and a smaller golden ball of light floating in the sky to the right of it. A beautiful light comes down to us. I see St. Michael the Archangel emerging from the large ball of light. He is dressed in white and gold (like a Roman soldier) and holds his golden sword up to the sky with his right hand. On this sword is written: “Deus Semper Vincit”. He wears a red general's cloak around his shoulders. In his left hand, he carries a golden shield, on which the lily cane can be seen, which I have always described before. St. Michael the Archangel wears a princely crown with an oval ruby set into the front of his crown. St. Michael the Archangel wears golden sandals that look like Roman sandals.

St. Michael the Archangel speaks and blesses us:

“Bless you God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! Quis ut Deus!”

Now St. Michael the Archangel wishes the following prayer from us:

“Sancte Michael Archángele, defénde nos in práelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diáboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, Princeps militiae caeléstis, sátanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in mundo, divina virtúte inférnum detrúde. Amen.”

St. Michael the Archangel asks if he can come closer and I would like this very much. He speaks to us:

“Beloved of the Lord, I am the Holy Archangel Michael and I come to you from the throne of the Lord, just as the King of Mercy wishes. I do not appear just like that. My words are meant for the people of God. Drench your countries with the Precious Blood of our Lord: the Sacrifice, His Sacrifice, which is the Holy Mass! Pray for peace in your countries. Let prayer also saturate your countries! Your penance, your contrition is so important! You have everything in your prayerful hands and you will be granted a time of mercy so that you can mitigate the great judgment. Dear souls, you can do this, be aware of your responsibility! This is the year of mercy and if you turn your hearts back to the Lord, you will be able to mitigate the chastisements of God, for it is time to ask for reparation and to love God with all your heart so that He may extend His arm of mercy over you.”

St. Michael the Archangel looks at his right foot and looks at me. Then he says to me:

“It will come as I have told you. Do not be in a hurry!”

The smaller golden ball of light opens and Saint Joan of Arc comes to us from a beautiful light, wearing golden armor. She carries her banner in her hand. An IHS sign and two golden lilies are embroidered on her flag.

St. Joan of Arc comes a little closer to me and says that she has already seen the sick for whom we are praying. I thank her very much. Then she instructs me to touch her relic with my red pilgrim's shawl so that it becomes a relic to touch. She speaks to us:

“Beloved friends of the cross, of our Lord Jesus Christ, of Mary the Mother of God: I have come to you with St. Michael the Archangel to bring conversion to God to all the lands of the earth. The history of this country bears witness to the conversion of the rulers (own note: King Clovis I and the battle of the Alemanni in front of nearby Zülpich) and God wanted us to appear here with this message, with these words of God addressed to you. May God grant you the grace that my veneration may cause holiness to blossom again in your hearts. Take me by your side, I pray for you at the throne of God for the countries and the hearts of the people who call out to me.”

St. Joan of Arc now looks at St. Michael the Archangel and kneels before him. Then St. Michael the Archangel comes closer to us and speaks:

“I am the Warrior of the Precious Blood of Christ, this you well know! And you know that this land has been a land of repentance throughout history. There will be an adversary of God, but there will also be a man who will restore God's order. He will be without office or title. The anointing oil is ready for him.”

I ask: “What do you mean by that, dear Holy Archangel Michael?”

St. Michael the Archangel points out to me that the man in question comes from the nobility and that he doesn't even know what task he will one day take on. The restoration of God's order through him will not only affect Germany, but also other countries.

Then St. Michael the Archangel speaks:

“You are experiencing a time of mercy: pray hard, for the triumphal procession of evil will soon come to an end and Mary's gate will open. It will herald the triumphal procession of the King of Mercy. In everything you are experiencing now, remember that you are never left alone! You will experience another time and I announce this to you in the name of the Lord, in the name of the Eternal Father, who says of himself: I am who I am!”

Then the Vulgate, the Holy Scriptures, hovers above his sword, shining beautifully. In the Holy Scriptures I see an open passage, the letter of Jude (brother of James), verses 3 to 25, and first of all I ask myself whether this letter even exists, because I don't know it:

“Dear brethren, since I am very much urged to write to you about our common salvation, I consider it necessary to exhort you with this letter: Fight for the faith which has been handed down, entrusted once for all to the saints. For some people have crept in who have long been marked for judgment: ungodly people who misuse the grace of our God to lead a licentious life and who deny Jesus Christ, our only Ruler and Lord. Although you know everything once and for all, let me remind you that although the Lord saved the people from Egypt, he later destroyed all those who did not believe. The angels who disregarded their high rank and left their abode, he shut up with everlasting chains in darkness to judge them on the great day. Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring cities are also an example: In a similar way to those, they committed fornication and wanted to consort with beings of another kind; therefore, they will be punished with eternal fire. Dreamers also defile themselves in the same way, they disregard the power of the Lord and blaspheme the supernatural powers.  

When the archangel Michael argued with the devil and fought over the body of Moses, he did not dare to blaspheme and condemn the devil, but said, “The Lord put you in your place. These, however, blaspheme everything they do not know; but what they understand by nature, like unreasoning animals, they perish. Woe to them! They have gone the way of Cain, out of greed they have fallen into the error of Balaam, the rebellion of Korah has brought them to ruin. These people are a stain on your banquet of love, in which they partake unashamedly and enjoy themselves; they are shepherds seeking pasture for themselves. They are waterless clouds, driven by the winds; trees that bear no fruit in the fall, twice withered and uprooted; wild sea waves that wash their own shame ashore; stars that have no fixed course; they are eternally destined for the darkest darkness. What Enoch, the seventh after Adam, prophesied also applies to them: “Behold, the Lord is coming with his holy ten thousands to execute judgment on all and to condemn all the wicked for all their wicked deeds that they have committed and for all the impudent words that wicked sinners have spoken against him.” 

They are grumblers, always discontented with their lot; they are led by their lusts; they mouth great words and flatter people out of self-interest. But you, dear brothers, remember the words proclaimed in advance by the apostles of Jesus Christ our Lord when they said to you, 'At the end of time there will be mockers who will be led by their ungodly desires. They will destroy unity, for they are earthly-minded people who do not possess the Spirit. But you, dear brothers, base yourselves on your most holy faith and continue to build on it, praying in the power of the Holy Spirit, holding fast to the love of God and waiting for the mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord, who gives you eternal life. Have mercy on those who doubt; save them, snatch them from the fire! But have mercy on others with fear; detest even the garment of a man who has fallen into sin. But to the one God, who has the power to keep you from every transgression and to present you faultless and full of joy before his glory, to him who saves us through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power and authority before all time and now and for all time. Amen.”

The Holy Archangel Michael speaks:

“Have courage! Have the courage to live your faith and always remember: you should obey God rather than men. Keep your faith in your hearts. I have come from the throne of the Father to bring repentance to your hearts and to sanctify them.”

At these words, the eyes of St. Michael the Archangel light up with love.

I say to St. Michael the Archangel: “All that you have told me today. I am amazed.”

The Holy Archangel Michael speaks:

“Have no fear! Seek your refuge in the Precious Blood of Christ!”

St. Michael the Archangel points out to me that our political situation will not remain as we know it. We are entering a new time.

Then he speaks:

“Remain faithful to Jesus and He will leave you wanting for nothing!”

Then the Holy Archangel Michael extends his hand to me as a sign that God is reliable, he tells me. I am very happy about this.

A personal message follows.

I thank Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Joan of Arc with all my heart. St. Michael the Archangel blesses us as we say goodbye:

“May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you! Go with the peace of God! I am with you and protect you! Amen.

I say goodbye:

“Goodbye, dear St. Michael the Archangel, dear St. Joan of Arc!”

Now they both go back into the light and disappear.



The coming great monarch

By Dr. Hesemann

Sievernich and the end-time king

In his message of January 21, 2025, the archangel Michael spoke of an adversary of God who will appear in these days, but also of a “friend of God” who will restore order. He was said to want “no titles and dignities”, to come “from the nobility without knowing it” and to have “the anointing oil” ready for him.

The last phrase in particular makes us sit up and take notice. Kings have been anointed with oil since biblical times. So we are talking about a future king. However, he is no ordinary monarch, but a figure that we find again in numerous prophecies, which may help us to better understand the message of the archangel Michael.

Messages about future events are always particularly impressive if they correspond in content to the prophecies of past seers and saints, especially if it can be assumed that these were unknown to Manuela. Jesuit priest and mysticism expert Father Calage explained: “When God communicates his intentions to several people, he wants to give us a guarantee of their authenticity.”

There are not only numerous prophecies about the future end-time king; he is also mentioned in the Marian message of La Salette from 1846. However, we only learn in Sievernich that he is a humble man who gladly renounces any title and that he does not (yet) know his noble origins. Of course, such details show us that a message does not originate from the seer's subconscious, but is completely new and exclusive - not a copy of something familiar, but another piece in a large mosaic, like so much in Sievernich.

Twenty-five years ago, nobody had any idea why “Mary the Immaculate” chose the village in the Voreifel; it was thought to be solely about the Fatima statue in the village church, which was brought from Portugal by a pilgrim from a neighboring parish, but then came to Sievernich “purely by chance”, where there had already been Marian apparitions during the Second World War.

It was only the apparitions of the Infant Jesus in Prague since 2018 that made people sit up and take notice. Was it a coincidence that the image of grace from the imperial city of Prague is the figure in which Our Lord appears near the coronation city of Aachen?  That even the coronation route of the German emperors from Frankfurt, where they were elected, to Aachen, a road whose eastern axis led to Nuremberg and Prague, ran through Sievernich? When I published the first collection of Sievernich messages in 2021 under the title “In the Name of Precious Blood”, I was also reminded of the Battle of Zülpich, which took place in 496 between the Franks and the Alemanni. At that time, the pagan king of the Franks, Clovis, swore to have himself and his people baptized if he was victorious; he actually defeated the Alemanni and was baptized a year later by Bishop Remigius in the cathedral of Reims. He thus founded the Christian Frankish Empire, which was initially ruled by his own dynasty, the Merovingians, until their “household emperors” seized power in the 8th century and founded the Carolingian dynasty. Finally, in 800, the Carolingian Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope in Rome as the first Roman emperor in three and a half centuries, which ultimately established the “Holy Roman Empire” of the Middle Ages. Charlemagne's empire was the forerunner state of modern-day France and Germany, since he had defeated the Saxons, but also Austria; the former Avar territory was Christianized from 798 with the founding of the Archbishopric of Salzburg.   It is therefore fair to say that the cradle of Christian Central Europe was in Zülpich, just a few kilometers from Sievernich. I also came across the words of St. Edith Stein, one of the patron saints of Christian Europe, who as a Carmelite nun was a great admirer of the Infant Jesus of Prague and wrote on February 2, 1942, half a year before her death in Auschwitz: “Yesterday, in front of the little picture of the Infant Jesus of Prague, the thought occurred to me that it bears the imperial coronation state and that it was certainly no coincidence that it came to light with its efficacy in Prague. After all, Prague was the seat of the old German or 'Roman' emperors for centuries and makes such a majestic impression that no other city I know can compete with it, not even Paris or Vienna. The Jesulein arrived just as the political imperial rule was coming to an end. Is it not the 'secret emperor' who will one day put an end to all hardship? He has the reins in his hands after all, even if people think they rule...”

Finally, in 2023, a new piece of the puzzle was added when St. Michael the Archangel, in an apparition in Sievernich, called on the peoples of Europe to “seek his friendship”, which we understood as a wish for a consecration in the traditional St. Michael's Grotto in Monte Sant'Angelo on the Italian Gargano. The pilgrimage then took place in February 2024. It was only when I was preparing it that I remembered that 2024 was the 1000th anniversary of the death of the Holy Emperor Henry II, who himself made a pilgrimage to the Gargano in 1022 and spent the night praying in St. Michael's Cave when the holy archangel appeared to him. Henry entrusted the German people to him at that time and the archangel promised to protect them “as long as they deserve it”. Our pilgrimage also took us via Heroldsbach, founded by Henry II, whose parish church is dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel and where the Mother of God, the Child Jesus and the archangels appeared to nine seer children in 1949-1952; in the first three years of the newly founded Federal Republic of Germany, at the beginning of the Cold War.

The next piece of the puzzle was the appearance of St. Joan of Arc on August 15, 2023. It was easy to understand that the patron saint of the Germans, St. Michael the Archangel, appeared in Sievernich, but why did St. Joan of Arc, the patron saint of France, appear with him? The answer can only be: Because Christian France was also born in Zülpich. This was followed by Manuela's pilgrimage to Champagne, her vision of St. Remigius in Reims and her visit to the birthplace of St. Joan of Arc in Domremy. We realized how important Joan of Arc was not only for France, but for the whole of Christian Europe. Without her presence, France would have been conquered by England during the Hundred Years' War and would have become Anglican a century later, as it did. The great spiritual impulses that God gave to this country - the devotion to the Sacred Heart, the Miraculous Medal, the first Marian apparitions in the Rue du Bac, in La Salette and Lourdes, the great saints from the Curé of Ars to Grignon de Monfort and Therese of Lisieux - and which also reached us in Germany, would have fallen on barren ground and died out.

With the message of January 21, 2025, however, a new, important piece of the mosaic was added. A picture became clearer that had been drawn since 1846, when Our Lady announced in La Salette for the time after the tribulation: “Then there will be peace, the reconciliation of God with mankind. People will serve Jesus Christ, worship him and glorify him. Charity will blossom everywhere. The new king will be the right arm of the holy Church, which will be strong, humble, pious, poor, zealous and an imitator of the virtues of Jesus Christ.”

In fact, there have been prophecies of this end-time king in Germany and France for centuries, as the Bohemian theologian and priest Prof. Alfons Konzionator (actually: Franz Spirago) from Prague (!) impressively documented in his book “Der kommende große Monarch und die unter ihm bevorstehende Friedenszeit” (The coming great monarch and the time of peace under him), published in 1920. 

As sources he names the saintly priest and seer Bartholomäus Holzhauser, the church teacher Hildegard von Bingen, the Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerich, the stigmatized Virgin Maria von Mörl, the farmer's daughter Helene Wallraff, the Mother Superior Maria Alfonsa Eppinger, the seer and monastery messenger Bernhard Rembord (Spielbähn), St. Francis of Paula, the Blessed Amadeo de Silva, the saintly Jesuit general Fr. Amadeo de Silva, the canonized Jesuit general Fr. Laurentius Ricci, the mystic Anna Maria Taigi, the Dominican Rosa Columba Asdente, St. Caspar del Bufalo, founder of the spirituality of the Precious Blood of Jesus, from Italy as well as St. Louis Maria Grignon de Montfort, the stigmatized seer of La Salette, Melanie Calvat, the canonized priest Abbé Souffrand and many others from France.

“In France, on the basis of alleged revelations, it is claimed that the great ruler will be a French king and will fly a white war flag adorned with lilies, in the center of which will be the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” writes Konzionator, ”Pope Pius XI, who knew the secret of Maximin, the seer of La Salette, referring to the Great Monarch, is said to have told the cardinals that the future great ruler of France would be a descendant of the guillotined French King Louis XVI.” The latter's son, the Dauphin Louis XVII, at least according to Konzionator, was brought to the Rhineland incognito, lived first in Dormagen, then in Zülpich (!), where he married Maria von Hall and died in 1859. He strictly forbade his children from ever speaking about their royal origins. Through his mother, Maria Antoinette, he was descended not only from the Bourbons (a collateral line of the Capetians), but also from the Habsburgs. It is not known whether any of his descendants are still alive. In any case, the seer Helene of Bruges also declared: “An unappreciated prince, whose house has suffered much from the disfavor of time, will give peace to the world after a great struggle.”  

St. Francis de Paula knew of him: “The Almighty will raise up a very poor but high-born man... and he will have the sign of the cross on his chest.” Holzhauser claimed that the Great Monarch would belong to a lineage that is considered extinct, which applies to the Merovingians as well as the Capetians. Under him, the Catholic Church was to celebrate a great triumph after a period of war, revolution and persecution. The Pope, who had previously been forced to flee Rome, would come to Cologne and crown him there.

One visionary who saw many details about the future monarch was the stigmatized mystic and Franciscan tertiary Marie Julie Jahenny (1850-1941) from La Fraudais near Blain (Loire-Inferieur) in France. In 1873, at the age of 23, she received the five stigmata of Christ and also the wounds of the crown of thorns and the left shoulder caused to the Savior while carrying the cross. On her chest she had a large cross with inscriptions engraved on her flesh, from which she bled every Friday, just like from the stigmata. Since wearing the stigmata, she is said not to have slept, eaten or drunk anything. 

 Pope Pius IX appeared to her in a vision and declared that “a zealous and pious king would come to make France happy. The country must go through severe battles... The conflict will take place over France and over Rome. The storm will triumphantly bring a chosen king, whom the people will refuse to recognize, but who is loved by heaven. I love this king who will come to the aid of my successor. He has promised and pledged to heaven. He will shed his blood to save his life. He will go, but remain unharmed. His protection is recorded in heaven.”

Jahenny repeatedly had visions of the great crisis, the suffering of the Church, a war in Europe to which Paris would eventually fall victim, but also of a holy Pope and the Great Monarch who would ensure the salvation and triumph of the Church and France until the end of time. This future king would be a descendant of the martyred royal couple Louis XVI and Maria Antoinette. Heaven repeatedly called him a “hidden king”; God did not want us to know who he was because otherwise the Freemasons and their allies would assassinate him. He was an orphan and had also lived abroad for a long time.  His symbol would be a white banner with the lilies of the Capetians, as worn by St. Joan of Arc in Manuela's visions. After his coronation, he would call himself “Henri de la Croix” - in reference to St. Emperor Henry II?

In May 1875, Jahenny had this vision:

“To the left of the throne (of the Pope, author's note) sat the King. He too ascended, but not quite as high as the Pope, and he too received the divine promises. He is the beloved son of the Virgin Mary and will reign with her flag, the symbol of purity and glory. In the meantime, all the great saints who protect France hovered around him. In the front row, St. Michael in his armor seemed to be proudly awaiting the hour of battle against evil... After a while, the scene changes and everything is completed. France follows his legitimate head, rests on the heart of the Virgin and his little crown turns into a diadem of victory. The Sacred Heart joins Mary to assure her of its love and to announce once again that it would defeat its enemies with unprecedented triumph.”

In another vision, she saw further details about the time of redemption. “When all seems lost... then the time of victory will come. It will be the time when all crimes and impieties will fall back on those who have committed them... Our Lord turns to France: 'I will send St. Michael, the Prince of Victory, to bring the lily and adorn your head'.”

The fact that German and French seers saw him can only mean that he will reign in both countries after the tribulation, perhaps in a united Europe, which would be nothing other than the rebirth of the Carolingian Frankish empire that began in Zülpich near Sievernich.