✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
I see a large golden ball of light hovering in the sky above us, accompanied by a smaller golden ball of light. A beautiful light streams down to us. The large golden ball of light opens and St. Michael the Archangel emerges from this golden light. He is dressed in white and gold, like a Roman soldier, and wears a red general's cloak. I can see his shield in his left hand. On the shield you can see the lily stick that I have described so often. He carries his sword in his right hand, which he now raises to the sky and this sword becomes a flaming sword. St. Michael the Archangel is wearing the prince's crown, which is adorned with a ruby at the front. I look at his feet and see that he is wearing golden Roman sandals. St. Michael the Archangel speaks:
“May God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit bless you! Amen. Quis ut Deus! I am the Holy Archangel Michael and I come to you from the throne of the Lord. I appear to share with you the grace and love of the Lord. I am the Warrior of the Precious Blood of Christ. Seek your refuge in His Precious Blood! Pray hard for peace! Pray very much! Satan wants to seduce you ... into a great war. The time of tribulation still prevails, but you will enter into a new time. I appear so that you may understand that this war is not about the division of countries, but about the values of the Christian faith. In the new age, the commandments of the Lord will be respected and man will realize that sin always culminates in war. Life is respected and no longer despised, because God is a God of life and not of death. Man will realize that the laws that allow the unborn to be killed have led them to destruction. Now look!”
St. Michael the Archangel shows me the place of his apparition, how it should be shaped.
He says: “Now look well!”
St. Michael the Archangel shows me the globe and a new Christian Europe, which is much larger and different from the present Europe.
He says to me: “This is how it will be in the new age.”
I react in amazement.
He also shows me that the celestial body that will fall from the sky, as Our Lady had already shown me on October 7, 2002, will fall into the North Atlantic in the north of South America. I was not told or shown a time.
St. Michael the Archangel speaks:
“Remember that the time of tribulation is limited; in all that you suffer! Pray very much for mitigation of the judgment. Remember that you have it in your praying hands; you can ask anything from God: Fall on your knees and ask for the Lord's mercy!”
Now the smaller ball of light opens and St. Joan of Arc emerges from this light. She is wearing golden armor and a banner with the sign IHS and two lilies on the banner. She speaks to us:
“Beloved of the Cross, pray much and pray with your heart! The King of Mercy gives you His grace.”
Now I see that she is holding the flag in her right hand and her left hand is surrounded by a light. Now I see the Valencia chalice (the agate bowl with which Jesus celebrated the Last Supper) hovering above her left hand, completely bathed in light.
St. Joan of Arc speaks:
“You can read to whom this chalice belongs!”
I ask: “Yes, who does it belong to?”
St. Joan of Arc says:
“It belongs to the merciful one! It belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ, who appears as the King of Mercy. Become vessels of mercy too! This is the Lord's wish. Have courage and live the Catholic faith. Do not get lost in the spirit of the times. I have given myself for Christianity. In a new age, in which man accepts the love of God and lives from the heart, a Christian Europe will emerge. Pray hard for this. Pray for your country as the spirit of the age rages. I pray for you and your country at the throne of the Lord!”
St. Joan of Arc now lowers the flag towards her relic. I tell her I know it is her relic.
Now I see above the sword of St. Michael the Archangel, this time it is a flaming sword, what he is carrying, the Vulgate, the Holy Scriptures. I see the biblical passage opened by an invisible hand: Romans 9:14 - 29:
“Now does this mean that God acts unjustly? Not at all! For he says to Moses: 'I show mercy to whom I will, and show grace to whom I will. So it does not depend on the will and striving of man, but on the mercy of God. Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I have appointed you for this very purpose, that I may show my power in you and that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth. So he has mercy on whom he wills and makes hardened whom he wills. Now you will object: How can he still accuse if no one is able to resist his will? Who are you, then, that you as a human being want to be right with God? Does the work say to the one who created it? Why have you made me like this? Is not the potter master of the clay? Can he not from the same mass make one vessel for a clean thing and another for an unclean thing? God, who would show his wrath and demonstrate his power, has endured with great longsuffering the vessels of wrath that are destined for destruction; and to show the riches of his glory in the vessels of mercy, which he has predestined to glory, he has called us, not only from among the Jews, but also from among the Gentiles. Thus he also says in Hosea: “I will call as my people those who were not my people, and as beloved those who were not beloved. And where they were told: You are not my people, there they will be called sons of the living God. And Isaiah proclaims about Israel: Though the Israelites were as numerous as the sand of the sea - only the remnant will be saved. For the Lord will act by fulfilling and enforcing his word on earth. Likewise, Isaiah predicted: “If the Lord of the heavenly armies had not left us descendants, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah.”
St. Michael the Archangel speaks to us:
“Once again I say to you: Pray very much! Pray very much for peace and for your countries! God will give His mercy and His love, His salvation. He will give it to those who love Him with all their hearts and live in the Holy Sacraments! It is important that you sanctify yourselves in this time and live in sanctifying grace! He comes to you with the sceptre of His mercy, understand this well. The hardened souls will follow the path of His righteousness. Pray for these souls! Your prayer will not be lost. But to you I say: Let your hearts become vessels of mercy; vessels of the King of Mercy! I have looked upon the sick and suffering and bless them.
St. Michael the Archangel blesses and says:
“Remember that this year is the year of great decision.”
I ask: For peace?
St. Michael the Archangel tells me that it is not only a decisive year for peace, but also for the Church. He wishes the following prayer:
Sancte Michael Archángele, defénde nos in próelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diáboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, Princeps militiae caeléstis, sátanam aliósque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in mundo, divina virtúte in inférnum detrúde. Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel speaks:
“Remember, whatever happens, the gates of hell will not destroy the Catholic Church! When all seems lost, the victory of Christ will come! Amen.”
St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joan of Arc bid me farewell and go back into the light and vanish.
During the apparition of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joan of Arc on February 18, 2025, Manuela saw the holy chalice of Valencia shining like fire and learned that it was written that this chalice belonged to “the Merciful One”, i.e. the “Lord of Mercy”. For Manuela, this statement had no further meaning other than that it confirmed that the “Santo Caiiz” was indeed Jesus' communion chalice. For me, on the other hand, this statement was a direct hit - because it was actually to be taken literally!
Manuela had only seen the Santo Caliz once before, when she and her husband visited Valencia Cathedral during a vacation in Spain in the 1990s. There, the traditional communion chalice of Jesus is venerated in its own chapel, behind bulletproof glass high above the altar. She was unable to see any details at the time.
However, the base of the Santo Caliz, which is made of onyx, is actually engraved with a mysterious inscription, which experts cannot quite agree on whether it is Kufic (early Arabic), Aramaic or a variation of Hebrew. As all three scripts have the same origin, there are fierce discussions among experts about the respective interpretation.
In the Middle Ages, they appear to have been interpreted as Kufic and transcribed as A-L-B-S-T-S-L-J-S, as the Arabist Hans-Wilhelm Schäfer has shown. With the addition of the vowels, which are not written in Semitic languages, it was read as Al-labsit as-silis, which Wolfram von Eschenbach at least turned into lapsit exillis or lapis ex stellis, “stone from the stars”, probably because he thought that the shining stone, actually agate, was a meteorite or “star rock”.
The most recent interpretation by Prof. Gabriel Songel from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, on the other hand, reads the characters as a variation of Hebrew and interprets them as “Yoshua Yahweh”, “Jesus is God”.
But perhaps both are wrong. Because the Dominican priest Lemoine O.P. from the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem, a renowned expert in oriental languages, read the inscription as early as 1972 as the Arabic “al-Rahim”, which means nothing less than “The Merciful”.
For this reason, the Archdiocese of Valencia called for a pilgrimage to the “Cáliz de la Misericordia”, the “Chalice of Mercy”, in 2015/16, to coincide with the Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy. Of course, there is only one justification for giving the Santo Caliz this title: it was indeed the “Chalice of the Merciful”, the King of Mercy, just as it is engraved on its foot.
Michael Hesemann