✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Apparition of the King of Mercy on 26.12.2024
A large golden ball of light and two smaller balls of light open and the King of Mercy, dressed in an alb, and two angels dressed in plain white emerge from this light. The angels accompany the King of Mercy. The King of Mercy and the two angels are surrounded by a golden light. The King of Mercy carries His great golden sceptre in His right hand. He speaks:
“In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is Me - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Beloved friends, beloved family, Satan's plan is to deprive you of salvation. To lead you away from the way of the Holy Church, which gives you the sacraments in which I am complete. You should live without consolation and hope, because this will make it easier for you to go astray. Remember that I love you infinitely, that the Church is My bride! Go where I am proclaimed. Hold fast to the tradition, that is the instructions I gave to My apostles, hold fast to the Holy Scriptures. Observe the Holy Sacraments, for in them I live, in them I am.”
The heavenly King comes closer to me and speaks:
“Events will come for which I will prepare you so that they will not shake you. I give you the grace, My mercy, to be allowed to mitigate them: Through your prayer, through your sacrifice, through your repentance. All facades will fall, evil will reveal itself, but all the more will My mercy be revealed to you, for I will not leave you alone! Hold on to what I have given you. I have bought you with My Precious Blood and so you are free from the shackles of Satan if you want to be. Have repentance in your hearts. Live in simplicity and humility, for pride is a terrible evil! Bear your sonship of God with dignity and know that all grace comes from the Father and from Me. If you look to the Father as needy children of God and ask, the Father and I will be the source of all grace for you! The graces will overflow if you show this attitude, for I love you with all My heart! Pursue peace! Remember, if you are humbled for My sake, you will receive graces. Now then, be blessed and remember that I love you infinitely!
In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is Me - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Farewell!”
M.: “Thank you Lord. Farewell!”
The King of Mercy goes back into the light. So do the holy angels.