✞ Sufferings impress the Sanctity of Jesus in the soul.
I see a beautiful ball of light come into the room. Now I see St. Padre Pio visiting me.
He comes to me and asks me:
“Do you want to pray the rosary with me?”
M.: “Yes. Which one do we pray, Padre?”
Father: “We are praying the Sorrowful Rosary together today. Grace sometimes costs something. Do you want to do everything for Jesus?”
M.: “Yes.”
Father: “Good, then let's put everything into this rosary prayer: everything you do for Him and all those who are dear to you. Shall we also pray for your enemies?”
M.: “Yes.”
The padre: “Let's pray for their conversion.
Remain steadfast in the faith. Holy Confession is dangerous because it is the conversion of hearts to Jesus. So it is dangerous for the devil. Through Holy Confession you can go to heaven if your repentance is honest and genuine. Souls are taken away from the devil. It was not unusual for people to wait 14 days for a Holy Confession with me. They would stand outside my church early in the morning. They were people who were in relationships, love relationships that were not holy. They wanted to repent. But how? So I spoke to them.
After a sincere confession, they left me as new people. They had found the strength in Jesus to give up their relationships for Him and begin a sanctified life. Also, the Lord showed me and I pointed out to them that they would meet people who would now stand by them on their way to Jesus. This is why Christian friendships and prayer groups are so important. In them you will find Christian support for your life, they are great pillars of prayer. Hold on to the Catholic faith and whatever else is published, just leave it where it is. Live your faith, it sanctifies you! Whatever you were before your confession...sincerely repented...you will be a different person afterwards. Now come on, let's pray for souls!”