✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear and beloved little children, I thank you because you have answered my call and are gathered in prayer around me, around your Mother who loves you so much.
Children, I have seen and am still seeing many of my children being lost, that is why I have come and am coming insistently in your midst in order to show you the true way to bring you all to Jesus.
Children, I see many of my children who live as if God did not exist; they get up in the morning and go to bed in the evening without even raising a thought to God their Creator. I see many of my children living their days absorbed in their tasks and their affairs without ever raising a thought to God. I see many of my children wasting their time in vices and entertainment without recognizing that time and life are God's gift. I see many of my children far away from the Gospel, who are not interested, not only in loving God, but not even in loving the brother whom they meet. My heart suffers, suffers tremendously, for this humanity!
Beloved children, do not let the flame of the faith that is in you go out, do not allow my message, given here, to be in vain and unheard... Courage, my children, I am with you! There is little time left, the enemy will advance with his falsehood and will cause great spiritual harm in the lives of those who live in doubt, in uncertainty and in sin.
I beseech you, children, pray for the whole world. Sins are multiplying, they are already too many ... and you are distracted by the goods of this world ... children, return to God!
I clasp you to me and bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
Children, return to God! Goodbye, my children.