✞ Earthquakes in Sicily and Calabria.
Dear and beloved children, I see so much suffering in your hearts...
Children, confusion, indifference, hatred, injustice... are bringing too much evil into the hearts of those who want to follow the gospel of Jesus.
Children, the world is distracted, the world lives in a fog that does not allow it to follow the light coming out of the heart of Jesus.
Children, pray, pray, pray!
Children, follow his word and bring it to the world.
Children, stay under my cloak and become apostles of His love through witness and good deeds.
I bless you in the name of God who is the Father, in the name of God who is the Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of love. Amen.
I caress you and kiss you one by one. Goodbye, my children.
Dear and beloved children, I love you all and I receive you in my motherly heart...
In my heart there is room for all my children, from the youngest, from children, and by and by, babes and, to the most elderly...
I welcome all with love and I bring all to Jesus who sends me among you.
My children, I invite you today to pray for those who are far from God, for those who do not believe, for those who have no faith and for those who do not know his love.
My children, pray... Pray... Pray more, children. I urge you to prepare with faith for the next meeting that we will have in this place. It will be for many of you an occasion of grace. I invite you then to prepare yourselves with prayer to welcome the grace of God in your hearts and become every day more authentic apostles of his love.
I bless you all in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of love. Amen.
I caress and kiss you, children. Goodbye, my children.
Dear and beloved Children, I rejoice in finding you here in prayer in big number today. Thank you, children, you have made the Heart of the Holy Trinity happy.
My Children, I urge you to take the Gospel of Jesus with courage in today's world. You yourselves live with courage His Word remembering, if you are struggling to do it, that He loves you immensely!
My Children, I urge you to announce and witness the Gospel even in the midst of the struggles of the world and the indifference of Hearts. Those who love the Gospel fear nothing and live in view of eternal life in heaven with God.
My Children, I urge you not to adapt to the fashions of the world, I invite you, with the Gospel in your heart to go against the tide and be instruments of His love.
My Children, let us thank the Holy Trinity for this long journey together. Pray, love and live my message. My Children, let your faith flourish like nature that surrounds you.
I bless you all with all my heart in the name of God who is the Father, in the name of God who is the Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I kiss you all with love.
Goodbye, my children.
Dear and beloved children, rejoice and be glad in the Risen Lord!
Jesus lives. Jesus is alive and he is with us. He floods you with his Divine Mercy. The world needs His Mercy.
Children, Jesus is victorious over death and he has destroyed the darkness with his Passion, Death and Resurrection. He has destroyed hatred and invites you to enter his heart to be also transformed by His love.
Children, many persons undergo persecution because of their faith in Jesus. I am close to those who suffer, close to you near or far, and I would remind the world that God is love, mercy, peace and light... Those who live in God walk the path of love. Those who instead oppose the love of God and spread hatred and death, are victims in the hands of Satan who seeks only division, confusion, death and terror. Pray, pray, and invoke His Divine Mercy. You can drive away the black clouds that have thickened above you and defeat them only by prayer, penance and works of charity and Love.
I am with you and as the mother of the Risen Lord. I invite you to rise from the darkness that lurks in the path of your faith and slows down your sanctification.
I bless you with love in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
I caress and welcome you to shelter under my cloak. Good bye, my children.
My dear and beloved children, with you I prayed even today, with you I pray and with you I will always pray...
Children, love the Divine Heart of Jesus. Let him be the center of your life and of your earthly journey. Children, love the Divine Heart of Jesus and draw love, peace and light from him.
Children, love the Divine Heart of Jesus, and learn from him mercy and forgiveness.
Children, let us tell him with faith and love: Jesus, I love you! Jesus, I love you! Jesus, I love you! Jesus!
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I caress you and embrace you with love.
Goodbye, my children