✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
During the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month
on the hill of apparitions in Paratico (Brescia)
My dear and beloved children, I come among you to embrace you all with love and to invite you to prayer in these dark times when the evil one sows weeds among souls.
My children, I invite you to love Jesus, to welcome Jesus into your life. Yes, my children, you must love him not only with words, with beautiful formulas or prayers. You must love him by living his Gospel to the full.
My children, I invite you to love Jesus, to welcome Jesus, to follow Jesus into the world. Children, the world needs courageous witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus, the world urgently needs witnesses of charity and love. I heartily and joyfully bless today the statue image (*) that depicts me as MOTHER OF LOVE. Just in this way and with this title I have presented myself for years to my docile and beloved instrument. I bless those who have made it - I have blessed and guided his hands and his heart - and I thank him. I bless all those who before this statue will support me with faith in prayer by asking me to intercede before the Most Holy Trinity. I bless with all my heart and as a mother I intercede for all! I welcome everything and everyone in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. My children, I accompany you to your homes and kiss you one by one. Goodbye, my children.
(*) Our Lady blessed the statue, made and given to Mark by the sculptor Martin (of Bolzano) and used words of tenderness for him and for all those who before this statue will pray.