✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear and beloved little children, I have been staying in prayer with you. Beloved children, I rejoice when you strive to live out the Word of Jesus in your lives; I rejoice when you welcome His love and take it to your brothers and sisters who, even if they are distant from Him, thirst for His Word, they thirst for His infinite love. Beloved children, I rejoice when you strive to do His will, becoming witnesses of faith and love. Thank you, children: I rejoice and bless you… May the Most Holy Trinity illumine the whole world, and may your hearts live in peace. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I kiss you one by one… Goodbye, my children
My dear and beloved little children, I have been praying with you and I always pray with you. Beloved children, in this time of grace, in this time when I urge you to prayer, to penance and charity, I invite you to empty your hearts of the things of the world in order to let them be filled with God’s love. My children, the devil is enraged at souls. Pray! This is a time of grace and purification, my children; empty your lives of everything that does not give you joy, peace, hope and grace. I am with you, I walk with you, I bless you and caress you one by one. I bless you, my children: I am close to you every time you make an effort to walk, often with difficulty, loving God and loving your brother or sister who is close to you. I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. Thank you for your presence and your prayers. Goodbye, my children.
My dear children, I have been praying with you on this day of grace. Children, love one another, hold one another’s hands, remain united and walk towards holiness in these times of darkness and confusion. Darkness reigns in so many hearts: only God can transform, with His light, the darkness that there is in hearts; but to do this He needs you to open your hearts to His love, in order to build a world of peace, a world where division turns into unity, darkness turns into light, hate turns into love. Children, open your hearts! Children, abundant graces now descend in this place… they descend upon you and from this place they will reach the whole world. Always pray! I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Holy Spirit. Amen. Goodbye, my children.
My dear and beloved little children, thank you for your presence, I am here with you and I bless you all. God has chosen this place and has called each one of you here for a plan of love. Respond to His plan, my children, respond with generosity! Many have been called, many are called every day, but few respond to Him with faith and generosity. My children, during these years we have been walking together: I have called you many times to prayer, to love, to charity; oh, children, today I urge you again to return to God, to return to living the Gospel. Children, do not fear, never lose hope, always help your brothers and sisters with prayer and with concrete works of love and charity, as did the Good Samaritan. Children, I have come and I am coming to this place under the name of “the Mother of Love”, because I want love, peace and charity to reign in your hearts, in your families and in the whole world. Children, the Devil is sowing so much anguish and suffering, but you should pray and remain in My Heart! As I invite you to abandon yourselves to God’s love, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. I clasp you to Me … I kiss you … I give you my caress … Goodbye, my children.