✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
During the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month in Paratico (Brescia)
My dear and beloved children, I bring you the King of Peace, I bring you the Lord of Lords, I bring you Jesus who was born for you!
My children, pray for peace, first of all peace in your hearts, in the hearts of those around you, in the hearts of every person. My children, open your hearts to God's plans. Often your hearts are closed, sealed to His Love and chained by the things of the world.
My children, if you welcome Jesus, it will be He who will transform your hearts and your lives, it will be He who will guide you through the ways of the world.
My children, to welcome Jesus today means to welcome His Word, to welcome the Gospel, to welcome the plan that He has for you to bring Him to those who have not yet accepted and recognized Him. My children, welcome Jesus!
I cordially bless you today. In a special way, I bless every family and I bless my oases which are the sign of God's love that passes through small gestures of true love and charity reaching out to those who suffer.
I bless you in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
I kiss you, I give you peace... welcome Jesus into your heart. Goodbye, my children.