✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dearly beloved little children, I rejoice at finding you here in prayer; today I have been staying with you in prayer and will present all your intentions to the Most Holy Trinity. Beloved children, my motherly heart wishes to tell you again to accept and live out the Holy Gospel in your lives, taking it into the world. My children, if I repeat this to you again today it is because many have not yet accepted the Word of Jesus in their lives. My children, remember that the pillars of your spiritual life, as well as those of the Work that I have wished for here, are: prayer and charity. May your lives be rich with the love of God and of your brothers and sisters. May your faith be pure and authentic in order to serve God in the brothers and sisters whom you meet. I bless you all from my heart, especially those who suffer… I bless you in the name of God who is Father, God who is Son, God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. My children, in saying goodbye, let us say with faith to Jesus: “Beloved Jesus, may Your Merciful Heart beat in my heart and Your Most Precious Blood flow in my body! Amen.” Take my blessing to your homes. Goodbye, my children.
My dearly beloved little children, I rejoice at finding you here in prayer. Beloved children, My Motherly Heart rejoices if you listen to my message and go back to reading, meditating and above all to living the Word of Jesus, to living the Holy Gospel! My presence among you is grace; I am here to call you back to the true faith, children: often thank God who allows me to stand among you. My children, I am here to exhort you to love the Divine Heart of Jesus — yes, children, to love Jesus; remember that from His Heart comes forth the Most Precious Blood that washes you, heals you, blesses you and purifies you. My children, the world is in darkness and confusion, but you should seek light in His Heart!
I welcome you all under my mantle and bless you in the name of God who is Father, God who is Son, God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen. My children, in saying goodbye, let us faithfully tell Jesus of our love: “Jesus, I love you! Jesus, I love you! Jesus, I love you!” I kiss you and caress you. Goodbye, my children.