✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Sunday, MAY 23, 2021 (Pentecost Solemnity)
during the prayer of the 4th sunday of the month in Paratico (Brescia)
My dear and beloved children, I am with you in prayer and with you I have called for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon you and on the whole world... My children, open your hearts. I will never be tired of telling this to you, open your hearts to the infinite love of God.
My children, kneel often and pray for the descent of the Holy Spirit, of His gifts, upon you, your life, your family and the whole world. Ask the Holy Spirit to transform and shape you as is pleasing to God. My children, if you ask the Holy Spirit with faith for this, He will enter your heart with His grace, the grace of God, and you will be new creatures.
My children, the fruit of prayer and faith are the works that you can carry out towards your brothers and sisters, but if you do not ask God for the grace, your life will not have the power of witness and your works will not flourish.
The Holy Spirit blows on you... welcome His grace, welcome His strength and bring love into the world. Children, the world needs true witnesses of God's love.
My children, allow your Mother who loves you so much, to tell you: Children, less words... yes, less words and more witness, more love through the fruit of your works of love and mercy towards those who suffer.
I warmly welcome you all and welcome you under my mantle. I bless you in the name of God who is the Father, of God who is the Son, of God who is spirit of Love. Amen.
I kiss you all... Good bye, my children.