✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear and beloved children, receive the love of God! Children, His love is without measure and is given to each of you. Welcome His love and bring him into the world, take him everywhere to every brother and sister of yours. I sincerely bless you!
I bless your families. I bless all the families of the world in the name of God who is the Father, in the name of God who is the Son, in the name of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.
My children, welcome love and bring it into the world! Goodbye, my children.
The prayer of the fourth Sunday of the month, following the latest government provisions, was broadcast via social media. The pilgrims were thus able to witness the public appearance that took place during the recitation of the Holy Rosary. Marco was in Paratico for prayer, the apparition took place at 3.30 pm and lasted a few minutes. Marco told us that Mary was smiling and wore the white dress with a golden profile.