✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
My beloved children! My maternal wish is that in humble prayer and sincere repentance you would knock on the Heart of our beloved God, my Son, so that he might have mercy on you and so that you would again be able to approach the sacraments, the precious treasures of faith. Do not fill your hearts with anger and hatred, but with a prayer of love. I immerse you in the love of Jesus’s and my Hearts.
My beloved children! Approach the beloved Triune God in fear [reverence], forgiveness, and in sincere repentance. Place all your suffering in my most pure maternal hands, so that I might cleanse it and offer it to God for the conversion of the most stubborn sinners, so that they might find God and stop harming the world. I am especially asking the seriously ill for sacrifices, so that together with me they might implore mercy and salvation for the poor souls who are in bondage to evil and want to enslave the whole world. I immerse you in the love of Jesus’s and my Hearts.
My beloved children! I come among you by the grace of God so that you might flee to me under my mighty protection. Whenever you see painful events affecting my holy Catholic Church, of which I am the Mother, do not let yourselves be poisoned by the venom of hatred and anger, but turn to me with still greater love; pray, make supplication and penance. All this must come so that finally the victory of Jesus’s and my Hearts, our Sacred Hearts, would shine forth: the victory of true, pure faith. I will always help you to receive the Savior sacramentally. Only, dear children, always receive Him with as much humility and respect as possible. I immerse you in the love of Jesus’s and my Heart.
My beloved children! Look at my risen Son, who, through his suffering and glorious resurrection, has restored life to you as children of God. You are free and no one can take that freedom away from you. Only you can become slaves through a sinful and godless life. Therefore, avoid the spirit of liberalism, which is increasingly enslaving the whole world and spreading the culture of death. Woe to those who set themselves against God and life. Woe unto those who are proudly powerful, for they will be struck by God’s hand. My dear children, offer up your suffering and prayers for the salvation of immortal souls that are on the path of perdition. I pray with you that the eyes of the lost might be opened and that they would go back to living the Gospel and walking the path of God’s commandments. Do not be afraid, children! When the liberal spirit appears in all its abomination, with Divine permission for every blasphemy against God, I will descend as the Woman of living faith, mediatrix and advocate, and with my heel I will crush the head of that proud serpent. I immerse you in the love of Jesus’s and my Hearts.
My beloved children! It is the wish of my most pure Heart that you continue to pray the Holy Rosary in your families, so that you might receive from my hands all the graces that you need in this time of lies and unease. The Holy Spirit will overshadow those families in which pure love burns for me, your Holy Mother, covering them with His mighty protection, and they will not lack true light. Remain in the true faith of the Triune God. I immerse you in the love of Jesus’s and my Hearts, which are mysteriously united in the Holy Spirit.